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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
托运[tuō yùn, ㄊㄨㄛ ㄩㄣˋ,   /  ] to book or check through (baggage) #20,040 [Add to Longdo]
托运行李[tuō yùn xíng li, ㄊㄨㄛ ㄩㄣˋ ㄒㄧㄥˊ ㄌㄧ˙,     /    ] luggage that has been checked in (on flight) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
My delivery from 1-800-PITY.[CN] -800 -PlTY托运过来的货. The Opposite of Sex (1997)
- Sir, you'll have to check that.[CN] - 先生 你的行李要托运 Meet the Parents (2000)
- I'm not checking my bag.[CN] - 我不托运 Meet the Parents (2000)
Do you come to deliver something?[CN] 你也是来托运的吗? Zhui ma lao (2003)
Sir, what do you want to deliver?[CN] 两位先生,请问你们想托运什么? Zhui ma lao (2003)
I did that once and you lost it, and everything screwed up for me.[CN] 托运过 丢了 我什么都搞砸了 Meet the Parents (2000)
-The cityman is here.[CN] - 办行李托运的人来了 Everlasting Moments (2008)
Sir, do you need to check any luggage[CN] 先生, 您的行李需要托运 Lost on Journey (2010)
We don't handle train baggage on this side.[CN] 我们这边不办理火车托运 Union Station (1950)
And the tow company won't release our property unless we pay them a 15-dollar processing fee.[CN] 托运公司不想还给我们东西... 除非我们付给他们15元手续费 Date Night (2010)
Sir, please hurry to check in your items[CN] 先生, 麻烦您把这些东西收拾一下 赶紧下去托运 Lost on Journey (2010)
But the case, they made him check it.[CN] 不过他们一定要他 把那个箱子托运 Whatever the Case May Be (2005)
He/she bills my suitcase, Mark. I Fly 204 of TWA to Los Angeles.[CN] 能帮我托运行李箱吗 是TW204去洛杉矶的航班 The State of Things (1982)
Guy leaves. I said, "We can't take the dog." He says, "You know, he'll be right back--"[CN] 那男的把狗放这 我说 "我们这 不能托运狗" 他说他过会就回来 Valentine's Day (2010)
Routine question about your checked baggage.[CN] 只是对托运行李的例行检查 The Two Live Crew Job (2009)
Phase two, the lance corporal will then meet the secret consignment from Berlin.[CN] 第二阶段一等兵会见到从 柏林送来的秘密托运 The Night of the Generals (1967)
You can check it in with your knives[CN] 那您可以跟着你的菜刀一起下去托运 Lost on Journey (2010)
Beyond that, you have to make special customs arrangements.[CN] 超过的话 必须经海关托运 Bottle Shock (2008)
Big score coming from Air France. Bags of money coming in.[CN] 法国航空公司有大生意了 有一袋袋的钱要托运 Goodfellas (1990)
I don't wanna check my bag.[CN] 我的行李不托运 Meet the Parents (2000)
-Check any bags?[CN] - 有托运行李吗? Valentine's Day (2010)
Steve Tucker, take you, and check it to Dalton.[CN] 史蒂夫塔克带你,并把它托运到道尔顿。 Insidious (2010)
Are you gonna check that? Oh. No, I'm gonna carry it on.[CN] - 你有托运的行李吗? Knight and Day (2010)
Waaaa, I don't want to be "checked-in"![CN] 我不要托运哪 我不要托运 McDull, Kung Fu Kindergarten (2009)
-This counter for oversized items.[CN] - 此柜台受理超重物品托运 Valentine's Day (2010)
- It was in my bags, stuff I checked.[CN] - 那本书放在我托运的行李箱 Confidence Man (2004)
Is that everything from Paris?[CN] 从巴黎托运来的行李就只有这些吗 Three Colors: White (1994)
He wanted to check through for a train, Lieutenant.[CN] 他要托运到一个火车上, 队长 Union Station (1950)
"S. Larsson's Rides"[CN] "美国拉森托运公司" Everlasting Moments (2008)
Checked it.[CN] 托运行李 Walkabout (2004)
I'm not a piece of luggage you check through.[CN] 要知道,我可不是一件托运的行李 The Cassandra Crossing (1976)
We will put in the luggage compartment.[CN] 我看最好把她扔进行李箱办个托运算了. Raid on Entebbe (1976)
I don't want to go...![CN] 我不托运哪 我不托运 McDull, Kung Fu Kindergarten (2009)
No problem, I can handle it[CN] -还是托运的比较好 -没事没事, 我这有劲儿拎得动 Lost on Journey (2010)
It's checked baggage this time[CN] 又是手提呀 啊 这次是托运 McDull, Kung Fu Kindergarten (2009)
Um, i don't have any checked baggage, so... that's your name, isn't it?[CN] 等等 我没有托运行李 那么 这是你的名字 对吗 The Two Live Crew Job (2009)
- My bag will make the flight, right? - They'll run it down there.[CN] 我的行李可以托运 对吗? The Mexican (2001)
- (Typing) - Did you want to check any bags?[CN] 有行李要托运吗? Meet the Parents (2000)
I wish, but there was this bloke at the counter who made me check it in. - No.[CN] 我也很希望,柜台有个家伙 逼我一定要把吉他托运 House of the Rising Sun (2004)
- I'll ship it back as soon as I get there.[CN] - 到了洛杉矶就托运回来 Due Date (2010)
Your consignment has suffered some damage.[CN] 托运的货物有些许损伤 The World's Fastest Indian (2005)
- They'll send it down. I've laid on transport.[CN] -他们会送下来,我办理了托运 The V.I.P.s (1963)
Said it was very rare. He was afraid it'd get chipped if he sent it by freight.[CN] 他害怕如果托运的话会弄碎 The Lineup (1958)
It's too big. You got to check it. (Beep)[CN] 太大了 得托运 举起胳膊来 先生 Meet the Parents (2000)
- Checked-in luggage or carry-on? - What?[CN] 托运还是手提呀 McDull, Kung Fu Kindergarten (2009)
You are "checking me in"?[CN] 哇哇哇 你送我去托运 McDull, Kung Fu Kindergarten (2009)
- We don't handle train baggage here.[CN] - 我们这里不办理火车托运 Union Station (1950)
Hello my love, I took care of the car they'll deliver it to neice in two days, [CN] 你好 我亲爱的 我托运好车了 会在两天内送到尼斯 The Sweet Body of Deborah (1968)


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