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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
尽兴[jìn xìng, ㄐㄧㄣˋ ㄒㄧㄥˋ,   /  ] to enjoy oneself to the full; to one's heart's content #23,416 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Are you kidding me? We had some bon voyage parties on tlnat boat.[CN] 不是开玩笑的 我们在那艘船上玩得很尽兴 Commendatori (2000)
I enjoyed it thoroughly.[CN] 尽兴它。 The Mighty Ducks (1992)
We bagged our limit and we didn't even fire a shot.[CN] 我们来尽兴 我们刚刚还没开干呢 Episode #2.10 (1990)
Break out the bottles![CN] 玩得尽兴 Breaking the Waves (1996)
Are we gonna have fun tonight?[CN] 今晚我们会尽兴吗? Four Rooms (1995)
No, I've had my fun for the night.[CN] 我今晚很尽兴 Dolores Claiborne (1995)
They reassure each other that they' re having a good time.[CN] 於是两人不断确定, 彼此是否尽兴 The One with George Stephanopoulos (1994)
But tonight, I want everybody to have a wonderful time and drink up... because the champagne's on me.[CN] 今晚 我希望大家玩得尽兴 不醉无归... But tonight, I want everybody to have a wonderful time and drink up... 因为今晚的香槟算我的 because the champagne's on me. Tea with Mussolini (1999)
Well, to battle! I hope you enjoy the games.[CN] 比赛要开始了 希望阁下看得尽兴 Chariots of Fire (1981)
Therefore, let us be happy while we are happy.[CN] 那么 就且让我们在欢乐时尽兴 Fanny and Alexander (1982)
- Well, he obviously enjoyed it.[CN] - 他似乎听得很尽兴 Chariots of Fire (1981)
- ♪ Burnin' ♪ - ♪ To my surprise ♪ - Mari![CN] 尽兴吧,令我多惊诧 Little Voice (1998)
- How was it, Mom?[CN] 玩得还尽兴吗? Music of the Heart (1999)
That reminds me: We're doing a number at the party tonight.[CN] 今天晚上的晚会你不想尽兴吗? Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! (1989)
Jade, don't go too far.[CN] 小翠,别太尽兴了。 Peony Pavilion (2001)
So come down, enjoy yourself and celebrate with us.[CN] 快来和我们一起庆祝 玩个尽兴 Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo (1984)
We hope everyone has a great time[CN] 希望大家今晚能够尽兴 Devils on the Doorstep (2000)
- Dr. Bruner wants us to have fun.[CN] -我们要尽兴一番 -你说什么 他是那么说的 Rain Man (1988)
We enjoyed it thoroughly.[CN] 他们玩得非常尽兴 The Hours (2002)
Jack and I hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did.[CN] 希望你们和我们一样尽兴 The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989)
I've never seen this sort of thing, but I am enjoying it.[CN] - 我懂得不多 但非常尽兴 Chariots of Fire (1981)
Okay, bad question. I hope he enjoyed them.[CN] 算了,不该问 希望他喝得尽兴 Breaking Up (1997)
Let's go for it![CN] 我们要尽兴而归 Waterboys (2001)
So she gets in and we pull off, into this... remote location you know, that was comfortable for both she and I, and she says to me.[CN] 我们把车开到了一个没人的地方 你知道我们觉得都很尽兴 于是她对我说 Sling Blade (1996)
We hope you all enjoyed yourselves, and we'll see you all again in 1974.[CN] 希望各位尽兴 1974年再见 晚安 Almost Famous (2000)
-We don't do this enough anymore.[CN] - 今天钓得太尽兴 Buried Alive (1990)
Enjoy the party.[CN] 祝大家尽兴 The 6th Day (2000)
"They've had their pleasure."[CN] 他们曾经尽兴 The Piano Teacher (2001)
You wanna have fun tonight, don't you?[CN] 你不是想尽兴吗? Four Rooms (1995)
- If it will be as much fun, gladly.[CN] 能这么尽兴玩 我随时奉陪 Wasabi (2001)
Have some more, it's my treat[CN] 大家尽兴,我请客 Good Times, Bed Times (2003)
So everybody get out there, have a great time and enjoy this beautiful day.[CN] 大伙尽兴地玩吧 Dante's Peak (1997)
- Enjoy your...[CN] 尽兴... The Quiet Family (1998)
Maybe you're the one that should leave and let everybody else have a good time. Right?[CN] 你何不离开,让所有人尽兴 Urban Legend (1998)
Ladies and gerbils, you know the next part.[CN] 我们继续尽兴 Monkeybone (2001)
'I'm sorry, but that's your problem.'[CN] 听着,你知道那个 "没有输赢,大伙尽兴"的屁话? T-Ball (1998)
♪ Burn, baby, burn ♪[CN] 开心啦,尽兴 Little Voice (1998)
In the sweetness of passing time, this hour will soon seem like a day.[CN] 刚刚我们都很尽兴 这一小时就像一天那么久 Episode #1.2 (1990)
Everybody Wang Chung tonight, right?[CN] 每个人今晚都要尽兴,对吧? (这是1986年的一首歌的名字) 13 Going on 30 (2004)
You needn't boast about having listened to this letter. Rejoice.[CN] 别被你们听到的这封信扫兴了,继续尽兴 Quo Vadis (2001)
Let's play together.[CN] 来 玩个尽兴 来啊! The Five (1995)
Ladies and gentlebots, now coming to the stage the top bot, the big bolt who's your daddy?[CN] 一切准备就绪 都是大场面 大舞会马上就要开始 请你们一定要尽兴 Robots (2005)
You have a good time tonight?[CN] -今晚玩得尽兴吗? For All Debts Public and Private (2002)
When I make a take, I go all the way[CN] 当然要玩得尽兴 Once a Thief (1991)
I have had serious fun with these Nordic animals.[CN] 我和这些北欧野兽 玩得非常尽兴 Episode #1.6 (1990)
- Yeah. Already did the matinee. Gotta keep the tourists happy, eh?[CN] 日间表演已经完满结束了 继续令游客尽兴 Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles (2001)
Because we've pulled out all the stops for your Friday night frolickings![CN] 这才像样 因为希望你们星期五晚上能尽兴 Little Voice (1998)
That was a good night.[CN] 今晚很尽兴 Love Actually (2003)


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