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不列颠[Bù liè diān, ㄅㄨˋ ㄌㄧㄝˋ ㄉㄧㄢ,    /   ] Britain; British; Great Britain #50,779 [Add to Longdo]
不列颠[Dà Bù liè diān, ㄉㄚˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄌㄧㄝˋ ㄉㄧㄢ,     /    ] Great Britain #64,492 [Add to Longdo]
不列颠哥伦比亚[Bù liè diān Gē lún bǐ yà, ㄅㄨˋ ㄌㄧㄝˋ ㄉㄧㄢ ㄍㄜ ㄌㄨㄣˊ ㄅㄧˇ ㄧㄚˋ,        /       ] British Columbia, Pacific province of Canada [Add to Longdo]
不列颠哥伦比亚省[Bù liè diān Gē lún bǐ yà shěng, ㄅㄨˋ ㄌㄧㄝˋ ㄉㄧㄢ ㄍㄜ ㄌㄨㄣˊ ㄅㄧˇ ㄧㄚˋ ㄕㄥˇ,         /        ] British Columbia, Pacific province of Canada [Add to Longdo]
不列颠诸岛[Bù liè diān zhū dǎo, ㄅㄨˋ ㄌㄧㄝˋ ㄉㄧㄢ ㄓㄨ ㄉㄠˇ,      /     ] British Isles [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Wave the flag. You know, Britannia rules the sea, but she doesn't rule the sky, and all that sort of thing.[CN] 你要摇旗呐喊 大不列颠控制着海域 Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 hours 11 minutes (1965)
The Albion Hotel.[CN] 不列颠旅馆 The End of the Affair (1955)
Lucky it wasn't ''Rule, Britannia! ''[CN] 还好不是"统治,不列颠尼亚" Night Train to Munich (1940)
West Briton![CN] 西不列颠人! The Dead (1987)
September 13, 1940, when the battle for Britain was at its height, [CN] 1940年9月13日, 当不列颠战役正在其最高潮时, The Desert: North Africa - 1940-1943 (1973)
Rule Britannia![CN] 不列颠万岁! Boring (1982)
The Battle of Britain is about to begin."[CN] 不列颠之战马上开始 The Young Lions (1958)
The Royal Air Force had won the Battle of Britain.[CN] 皇家空军已经赢得了不列颠之战 Alone: May 1940-May 1941 (1973)
What do you mean - a West Briton?[CN] 什么叫"西不列颠人"? The Dead (1987)
Our British friends find me entertaining.[CN] 我们的不列颠朋友发现我很娱人。 Bitter Moon (1992)
All the same, Stalin seized his chance while Hitler was preoccupied with the battle for Britain to grab first the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and then, within the same month, those parts of Romania known as Bessarabia and northern Bukovina -[CN] 尽管如此, 斯大林抓住机会 趁希特勒还忙于不列颠战役 先是夺取了波罗的海三国, 爱沙尼亚, 拉脱维亚和立陶宛, Barbarossa: June-December 1941 (1973)
All you can think of doing is sending them on long, exhausting, and pointless journeys practically the whole length of British Isles.[CN] 你能想出来的只是让他们漫长旅行精疲力竭 All you can think of doing is sending them on long, exhausting, 毫无意义地穿越几乎整个不列颠群岛 and pointless journeys practically the whole length of British Isles. Lunch Hour (1963)
If you happen to be British[CN] 如果你们是大不列颠 Robert et Robert (1978)
The Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill.[CN] 有请大不列颠首相 温斯顿·丘吉尔 Part I (1988)
With the whole of Britain's police force alerted... her roads, railways, ship and air routes under constant surveillance...[CN] 整个大不列颠的警察都被惊动了 公路,铁路,水路以及空中路线都被 监视了 The Spy Who Came In from the Cold (1965)
The battle of Britain is about to begin."[CN] 不列颠之战才刚刚开始 Battle of Britain (1969)
That was the contract. The British Museum works for science, not for loot.[CN] 那是协议规定的 大不列颠博物馆为科学而存在,而非掠夺 The Mummy (1932)
- Britannia.[CN] -大不列颠 Spartacus (1960)
First to Vancouver, then by railway north through British Columbia.[CN] 首先去温哥华,然后坐火车北上穿过不列颠哥伦比亚省。 Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)
And... during two hours, he talked to us about the part two of the Battle of Britain.[CN] 在两个小时里, 他跟我们谈论了不列颠战役的第二部分 Alone: May 1940-May 1941 (1973)
This is the cohort, of which disappearance on the way from Britain to Caucasus, the head of the legion, Titrubriy, was reporting to Neron.[CN] 这个步兵队在大不列颠前往高加索的路途上消失了, 步兵队的首领 - 梯楚布尼 把此事禀告给尼禄(罗马帝国暴君) Zerograd (1988)
A tiny figure jumps over a gate. Rule Britannia![CN] 中间那个小人翻过围墙 不列颠万岁! Boring (1982)
By the end of spring 1944, the German day fighter had lost where the Spitfire and Hurricane had won.[CN] 到1944年春末, 德国日间战斗机已输掉了(英国) 喷火式和飓风式战斗机(在不列颠战役)中曾取得的胜利 Whirlwind: Bombing Germany - September 1939-April 1944 (1974)
Right. Now, whistle the first bars of "Rule Britannia."[CN] 好了 吹出「大不列颠万岁」第一节 The Living Daylights (1987)
Britannia may rule the waves, sir, but she doesn't rule the skies, not yet anyway.[CN] 不列颠统治着海域 但是她并不能统治天空 至少现在不行 Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 hours 11 minutes (1965)
"A new deal for Britain - Hacker's Grand Design. "[CN] "大不列颠的新未来 哈克的宏伟蓝图" "A new deal for Britain Hacker's Grand Design." The Grand Design (1986)
The Battle of Britain is about to begin.[CN] 不列颠之战即将开始 Alone: May 1940-May 1941 (1973)
That, Bernard, would strike at the very heart of the system that has made Britain what she is today.[CN] 那样的话 伯纳 会给整个体制致命一击 That, Bernard, would strike at the very heart of the system 直至动摇不列颠的国本 that has made Britain what she is today. The Devil You Know (1981)
Europe is ours. We can walk into Britain whenever we like.[CN] 欧洲已经是我们的了 我们随时都可以进入大不列颠 Battle of Britain (1969)
We've shownthat if we can work together we can forge a new Britain.[CN] 基本上已经体现出 只要我们齐心协力 We've shownthat if we can work together 就能打造一个新大不列颠 we can forge a new Britain. Jobs for the Boys (1980)
Well, in outline it defined the position of Great Britain towards the Triple Alliance in the event of the French fleet gaining complete ascendancy over Italy in the Mediterranean.[CN] 概括来说 它规划出了大不列颠 对于三国同盟 及当法国海军在地中海对意大利 The Naval Treaty (1984)
His arms and legs sent to the four corners of Britain as a warning.[CN] 他的手与腿 分送至不列颠四方,作为警惕 Braveheart (1995)
"If Britain is to retain the name of..."[CN] "为了维护不列颠..." If Britain is to retainthe name of... The Compassionate Society (1981)
But you were at the Danieli in Venice, and at Brindisi too.[CN] 可在威尼斯和不列颠 我们也都碰见你了 Death on the Nile (1978)
The Luftwaffe was acutely aware of the lesson radar-controlled RAF fighters had taught it during the Battle of Britain.[CN] 德国空军敏锐地意识到 由雷达支配 的皇家空军在不列颠之战中给予它的教训 Whirlwind: Bombing Germany - September 1939-April 1944 (1974)
An air race which will show that Britannia not only rules the waves... but intends, in future, to rule the skies.[CN] 一个空中大赛 表明大不列颠并不仅仅统治着海域 还暗示着 在将来 我们将统治天空 Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 hours 11 minutes (1965)
We were on our way from New Britain...[CN] 我们在离开新不列颠的路上... Father Goose (1964)
Thatcher's Britain. Thatcher's bloody Britain![CN] 撒切尔的不列颠 撒切尔的他妈的不列颠 Summer Holiday (1984)
(narrator) After the Battle of Britain, the Royal Air Force had cause to celebrate.[CN] 不列颠战役后, 皇家空军有理由庆祝 Whirlwind: Bombing Germany - September 1939-April 1944 (1974)
(Aitken) Radar really won the Battle of Britain, because without it we would have been doing standing patrols - and with the limited number of aircraff and pilots, you couldn't have done it.[CN] 雷达真正赢得了不列颠战役 因为没有它我们就得进行永久性巡逻... 而以有限数量的飞机和飞行员, 你是不可能做到那点的 Alone: May 1940-May 1941 (1973)
What is there? The huts of Gaul?[CN] 高卢的茅屋和不列颠的洞穴? Cleopatra (1963)
They called themselves Great Britain.[CN] 他们自称伟大的不列颠 - 没错 The Big One (1997)
Meanwhile, in Great Britain, enlisting operations continue for the 10 classes recalled to arms on the 1st ofjanuary.[CN] 同时在大不列颠 征兵持续 十种人一月一日被召回部队 巴黎 一位政府发言人宣布 Submission (1976)
"The Battle of Britain was about to begin."[CN] "不列颠之战即将开始" France Falls: May-June 1940 (1973)
Even if you're dragged through... every court in the British Isles.[CN] 即使你被告上... 不列颠群岛每个法庭 Paranoiac (1963)
As a representative of the British Air Force how... many experts in weapons and guns do you have in your group?[CN] 作为大不列颠空军代表... 有很多武器和枪支专家, 你的团队里有么? Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (1983)
Advance Britannia![CN] 同时完成这一伟大的使命 前进,大不列颠 Part XII (1989)
Britain's always fought against the odds - the Armada, Battle of Britain.[CN] 反正大不列颠总是以寡击众 Britain's always fought against the odds 西班牙无敌舰队 不列颠之战 the Armada, Battle of Britain. The Grand Design (1986)
We were on our way from New Britain to Port Moresby when the pilot was ordered to pick up eight survivors of a Australian bomber that had crashed in the water.[CN] 我们在从新不列颠到默里比港的路上 当飞行员为了挑选8个 从澳大利亚轰炸机坠入水里的生还者 Father Goose (1964)
I'd go on with my work for the museum.[CN] 我也必须继续大不列颠博物馆的工作 The Mummy (1932)


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