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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
禁运[jìn yùn, ㄐㄧㄣˋ ㄩㄣˋ,   /  ] embargo; export ban (e.g. on weapons) #29,976 [Add to Longdo]

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And if there was an angle to be played, he knew about that too.[CN] 记着,天安门事件后 实行对中国武器禁运 War Dogs (2016)
The embargo pushed Japan still closer to the Axis.[CN] 禁运把日本进一步推向轴心国 Banzai! Japan: 1931-1942 (1973)
America reacted sharply by embargoing supplies to Japan of iron ore and aviation fuel.[CN] 美国作出剧烈反应 对出口到日本 的铁矿石和航空燃料进行禁运 Banzai! Japan: 1931-1942 (1973)
Today, Bosnians are still denied the right to defend themselves by an imposed UN weapon embargo although, at this very moment, war continues without any signs of pacification.[CN] 时至今日, 波斯尼亚仍然拒绝承认 联合国的武器禁运令 虽然如此, 战争还是没有任何结束的迹象 No Man's Land (2001)
You had your boys show us the one crate of Albanian ammo in the entire country.[CN] 我们不能用中国货 美国对中国禁运 War Dogs (2016)
Because of embargos.[CN] 因为他们国家禁运 Because of embargos. Charades (2015)
Not surprising after the oil embargo.[CN] 在石油禁运之后 我们就该料到的 The Godfather: Part II (1974)
The price of rice is affected by it's supply ... but nothing is affecting the supply of oil[CN] 米加价嘛说没有米运来 现在人家没说香港禁运石油 Heung gong chat sup sam (1974)
I had no clue what he was talking about.[CN] 禁运所有军火往伊拉克 War Dogs (2016)
He extended the deadline for diplomacy another month, until November 25, sending special envoys to Washington to negotiate the ending of the oil embargo.[CN] 他把进行外交斡旋的期限 延长了一个月, 推到11月25日, 派出特使去华盛顿 就结束石油禁运进行谈判 Banzai! Japan: 1931-1942 (1973)
Okay, so what do we tell the Italians?[CN] 最重要是,没禁运 War Dogs (2016)
(narrator) Japan had the strongest navy in the Pacific, but when she occupied the rest of French Indochina in the summer of 1941 , the United States embargoed oil, which leff the Japanese navy critically short of it.[CN] 日本有太平洋地区最强大的海军, 但是当她在1941年夏天占领了 法属印度支那的剩余地区时, 美国对其禁运石油, Banzai! Japan: 1931-1942 (1973)


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