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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
禁运[jìn yùn, ㄐㄧㄣˋ ㄩㄣˋ,   /  ] embargo; export ban (e.g. on weapons) #29,976 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Daizo, Jason, Daniel, and I have been on the road collecting certain... contraband in the Tri-Cities.[CN] Daizo Jason Daniel和我 一直在附近三个市里收集... 禁运 A House Divided (2014)
This is good contraband, Protector.[CN] 禁运品味道真不错 守护者 你吃了吗? Waning Minute (2014)
You do know that there's a surcharge for any arms deliveries to countries that are embargoed by the United Nations.[CN] 你知道的 如果购买的武器 要运送到联合国禁运的国家 RED (2010)
And if there was an angle to be played, he knew about that too.[CN] 记着,天安门事件后 实行对中国武器禁运 War Dogs (2016)
You move money for embargoed governments or phony charities.[CN] 你们为禁运的政府和虚假的慈善机构转移钱财 Uh... Oh... Ah... (2013)
Because of embargos.[CN] 因为他们国家禁运 Because of embargos. Charades (2015)
Balem ordered a blockade. Nothing is getting on or off this planet.[CN] Balem下令禁运 , 任何一个入口和出口, Jupiter Ascending (2015)
Rough estimates are: A billion plus in contraband is moved a year.[CN] 粗略估计 一年会交易 十亿件以上禁运 Inelegant Heart (2014)
But sanctions destroyed the economy.[CN] 禁运令经济崩溃 Fair Game (2010)
Since the new embargo, he's been shopping for a new weapons supplier.[CN] 实施新的禁运以来 他一直为一个新的武器供应商进行采购 6 Bullets (2012)
And yet... you are trying to undermine it with your oil embargo.[CN] 但是... ... 你们试图通过石油禁运来削弱它 Emperor (2012)
He extended the deadline for diplomacy another month, until November 25, sending special envoys to Washington to negotiate the ending of the oil embargo.[CN] 他把进行外交斡旋的期限 延长了一个月, 推到11月25日, 派出特使去华盛顿 就结束石油禁运进行谈判 Banzai! Japan: 1931-1942 (1973)


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