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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
送别[sòng bié, ㄙㄨㄥˋ ㄅㄧㄝˊ,   /  ] farewell #25,318 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Then there'll be no farewell.[CN] 那就没有送别 Rosenstrasse (2003)
I just never thought I'd be going away to prison.[CN] 我就是从未想过 我会被送别到监狱来. Clerks II (2006)
He gives it to all his clients.[CN] 送别人礼物时一定会送葡萄酒 Unfair: The Movie (2007)
It was great. And thanks for the gorgeous sendoff.[CN] 很愉快,多谢盛大的送别 Love Actually (2003)
My very first bouquet is farewell flowers, how sad.[CN] 第一次收到花就是送别的花 怎么这么可怜的... Spirited Away (2001)
We come together as family and friends to farewell him and to grieve him.[CN] 家人和朋友今日在此相聚 为他送别,为他祭奠 In My Father's Den (2004)
I gave my neighbors wine that someone left at my house.[CN] 送别人留下的酒给邻居 留下吗? What Lies Beneath (2000)
! It was your going-away present![CN] 是给你的送别礼物! Clerks II (2006)
I'm leaving tomorrow. You know. It was a farewell joke.[CN] 我明天就要走了, 算是个送别恶作剧吧, Sorte Nula (2004)
I got you a little going-away present... but, uh, I gotta kind of track it down first.[CN] 我替你准备了 一个小小的送别礼 但我必须先找到它 你能送我一程吗? Garden State (2004)
Why else would you send off for me?[CN] 为什么你送别的给我? Birthday Girl (2001)
- Maybe we should... give Queen Gunhilda a real send-off... will all the things she loved, yeah.[CN] 要正正经经送别甘蒂达女王... 带着她最爱的东西 Tideland (2005)


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