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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
迫近[pò jìn, ㄆㄛˋ ㄐㄧㄣˋ,  ] to approach; to press in #36,205 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Look at him stride.[CN] - 他一步一步迫近 For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943)
Reliant is closing.[CN] 信心号正迫近 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
The English power is near, led by Malcolm, Seyward and Macduff.[CN] 英格兰军队已经迫近 领军的是马尔康 他的叔父西华德和麦克德夫三人 Macbeth (1971)
With the coming of the Second World War many eyes in imprisoned Europe turned hopefully, or desperately toward the freedom of the Americas.[CN] 二次大战迫近 很多被困在欧洲的人们 怀着希望甚至急切地 Casablanca (1942)
unknown unrest is quietly approaching hunch[CN] 不知名的不安 正在悄悄迫近的預感 My Life Changed When I Went to a Sex Parlor (2013)
But Maddie Hayward is gaining on you in the polls.[CN] 可Maddie Hayward在民调中不断迫近你们 Je Ne Sais What? (2013)
Yes, and I explained to him that, from the Resistance movement, they can "explain" nothing now... expect nothing but bread.[CN] 当死亡迫近 他们应该单独行动 至于我 Shoah (1985)
The shop would close in on us.[CN] 店将向我们迫近 The Hairdresser's Husband (1990)
Each time I looked around, the walls moved in a little tighter.[CN] 每次環顧四周 牆壁似乎分秒迫近 Apocalypse Now (1979)
Gentlemen, if any ships or aircraft approach within 1 00 miles we will kill the crew and retaliate with everything in the ship's arsenal.[CN] 听好,诸位 如有飞机军艇迫近一百英里内... 我们就枪杀船员,以示报复 Under Siege (1992)
J' But what is real will be revealed I can feel the moment's near[CN] 但是事相就要被揭穿 我可以感到时机迫近 Pocahontas 2: Journey to a New World (1998)
The fighting was drawing ever closer to the Volga river.[CN] 战争已迫近伏尔加河两岸 Goryachiy sneg (1972)


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