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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: haut, -haut-
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English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
haut monde(โอมอนดฺ) fr. สังคมชั้นสูง
haute couture(โอท'คูเทอ) fr. แฟชั่นชั้นสูง
hautrue(โฮเทอ) n. กิริยาท่าทางที่หยิ่งยโส, ความหยิ่งยโส

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Watch...Schaut... Dan Oniroku nawa to hada (1979)
That leaves you dumbstruck!Das haut dich um, was? Jo's Boy (2011)
Look what we're getting.Wow! Schaut mal, was wir da kriegen. 1941 (1979)
Look at Emily!Schaut euch Emily an! Tootsie (1982)
Go ahead, you fucking punks!Haut bloß ab, ihr Schweine! Four Brothers (2005)
Steph, you were kind of drooling over Brett.Steph, du hast Brett schon irgendwie sabbernd angeschaut. Stephanie Plays the Field (1991)
Spin! Spin!Haut ab ! The Baby of Mâcon (1993)
It's like all the men I've looked up to have gone away.All die Männer, zu denen ich aufschaute, sind von mir gegangen. The Proton Transmogrification (2014)
Now, obviously, not when she's made cranky by the shedding of her uterine lining.Natürlich nicht, wenn sie wegen der Abstoßung ihrer Gebärmutterschleimhaut launenhaft ist. The Status Quo Combustion (2014)
Cause a sort of retinitis situation.Netzhautentzündung verursachen könnte. Blond Ambition (2014)
- He has very thin corneas.- Er hat sehr dünne Hornhaut. Blond Ambition (2014)
One day, your kid'll grow up and see you for what you really are.Ist das Kind erst groß, durchschaut es dich. Bottom of the World (2014)
She never looked back.Sie hat nie zurückgeschaut. Painted from Memory (2014)
What would you say, then, to a gentleman, who is looking to... Step outside his own skin for a while?Was würden Sie dann einem Mann raten, um herauszugehen aus seiner Haut? If You Could See Her Through My Eyes (2014)
I checked out the crime scene.Ich habe mir den Tatort angeschaut. If You Could See Her Through My Eyes (2014)
I love the feeling of wearing someone else's skin, it make me feel...Ich liebe das Gefühl, die Haut einer anderen Person zu tragen. If You Could See Her Through My Eyes (2014)
Pink corneas.Pinke Hornhaut. If You Could See Her Through My Eyes (2014)
The corneas come from cadavers.Die Hornhaut stammt von Leichen. If You Could See Her Through My Eyes (2014)
I hate to keep you alive for this, honey. But the cornea stays a lot fresher this way.Es tut mir leid, dass du das lebend mitmachen musst, aber so bleibt die Hornhaut frisch. If You Could See Her Through My Eyes (2014)
You have to live in their skin.Du musst in ihrer Haut leben. This Woman's Work (2014)
How am I supposed to live in their skin?Wie soll ich in ihrer Haut leben? This Woman's Work (2014)
What would you say then to a gentleman who is looking to... _ _Was würden Sie dann einem Mann raten, um herauszugehen aus seiner Haut? This Woman's Work (2014)
I look up, and there she was, hanging from a cable, installing a camera.Ich schaute auf und da hing sie, an einem Kabel, und installierte eine Kamera. This Woman's Work (2014)
And, the way that she looks at you.Und wie sie dich anschaut. Beasts of Burden (2014)
Packs quite a punch.Das Packchen haut gut rein. Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild (2005)
Driving around in that busted-ass roller with your hot Chewbacca, chupping whores and...Der unbekümmerte Glücksritter. Als Kind hast du bestimmt hundert Mal Star Wars angeschaut. In My Secret Life (2014)
But this was St. Louis, and today it's Defiance, and tomorrow it could be something else.Ich habe gesehen, wie du den Opfern beim Sterben zugeschaut hast. Du hast Mitgefühl. Dagegen kommst du nicht an. In My Secret Life (2014)
Hey, look who's here, taking advantage of her employee discount.Hey, schaut an, wer hier ist und seinen Vorteil des Mitarbeiterrabattes in Anspruch nimmt. Toilet Wine and the Earl of Sandwich (2014)
Hey, look!Hey, schaut! Toilet Wine and the Earl of Sandwich (2014)
All right, look, I know that it's weird to wake up one day and find out you have a grandfather you never knew existed.Alles klar, schaut, ich weiß, es ist komisch eines Tages aufzuwachen und man herausfindet, dass man einen Großvater hat, obwohl man nicht wusste, dass er existiert. Toilet Wine and the Earl of Sandwich (2014)
Looks a lot like a pair of killings we thought we closed back in '05, but... now I'm starting to think we got the wrong guy.Es schaut aus wie ein paar Morde von 2005, die wir eigentlich abgeschlossen hatten, aber... jetzt glaube ich langsam, dass wir den Falschen haben. The Many Mouths of Aaron Colville (2014)
How would you feel if the woman you'd been chasing for months slept with you, then just disappeared?Wie wäre es für dich, wenn die Frau, die du so sehr willst, mit dir schläft und dann abhaut? About Last Night (2014)
Finishing what they started. And making sure that no one leaves. Which now includes you.Beenden, was sie begannen, und sicherstellen, dass keiner abhaut, was Sie jetzt miteinschließt. About Last Night (2014)
So, based on the flounce hem of your skirt and the elasticity of your skin, I'd say you're in your mid-20s.Also, basierend auf den Rüschensaum Ihres Rocks und der Elastizität Ihrer Haut, würde ich sagen, Sie sind Mitte 20. ...Goodbye (2014)
I bet that matches the skin we found under Lily Greene's fingernails.Ich wette, das Hautgewebe, das wir unter Lily Greenes Fingernägel gefunden haben, stammt davon. ...Goodbye (2014)
I have seen the marks on his flesh.Ich habe die Male auf seiner Haut gesehen. 1505 (2014)
Because even then you confused me.Du schautest mit eiskalten Augen auf mich herab. 1507 (2014)
It's, uh-- well, forensic team's looking at it.- Es ist... naja, das Forensik-Team schaut es sich an. Eating the Blame (2014)
'Cause I said the name Lorne Malvo, and he stopped, and he looked at me real funny.Weil ich den Namen Lorne Malvo gesagt habe, und er gestoppt hat und mich sehr komisch angeschaut hat. Eating the Blame (2014)
It's like when you see on the news a boat sinks in India and 300 people drown, and you ask yourself, Es ist genau so, wie wenn man Nachrichten schaut und da ein Schiff in Indien sinkt und 300 Menschen ertrinken und man fragt sich, Who Shaves the Barber? (2014)
- One. This doesn't seem safe.Das schaut aber nicht sicher aus. Three Girls and an Urn (2014)
Keeps the skin young.Hält die Haut jung. Pilot (2014)
I mean, you're more of a white person. Clearly less well endowed from what I can see through those delicate shorts.Du hast natürlich hellere Haut und bist weniger gut bestückt, wie man sieht. Pilot (2014)
'Cause he's the man your fiancé killed in the city yesterday to save his own skin.Denn diesen Mann hat dein Verlobter gestern, um seine eigene Haut zu retten, in der Stadt getötet. Revolution (2014)
"Diner lights flashing pink on your skin."- Die Lichter des Diners leuchten pink auf deiner Haut, Silence (2014)
"Diner lights flashing pink on your skin. "Your breath on my shoulder.Die Lichter des Diners leuchten pink auf deiner Haut, dein Atem an meiner Schulter. Silence (2014)
"You asleep. Diner lights flashing pink on your skin. Your breath on my shoulder.""Du schläfst, die Lichter des Diners leuchten pink auf deiner Haut, dein Atem an meiner Schulter." Silence (2014)
"Diner lights flashing pink on your skin."- Die Lichter des Diners leuchten pink auf deiner Haut, Forgive (2014)
I get under your skin?Gehe ich dir unter die Haut? Forgive (2014)
Have you been watching The Godfather?Hast du etwa "Der Pate" geschaut? Moot Point (2014)

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
ยศอย่าง(n) standing on one's dignity, See also: snobbery, arrogance, hauteur, presumption, pretension, pomposity, snootiness, Syn. การถือยศถือศักดิ์, Thai Definition: การทำตามแบบอย่างผู้มียศ, การถือยศถือศักดิ์
การวางฟอร์ม(n) putting on airs, See also: huaghtiness, hauteur, Syn. การวางท่า, Example: การวางฟอร์มของเธอทำให้คนอื่นคิดว่าเธอเป็นเจ้าของบริษัท
การวางท่า(n) putting on airs, See also: huaghtiness, hauteur, Syn. การวางฟอร์ม, Example: การวางท่าของเขาทำให้ผู้ที่ได้พบเห็นหมั่นไส้, Thai Definition: การทำท่าไว้ยศ เช่น การวางท่าเป็นอธิบดี, การวางปุ่ม ก็ว่า

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
อักษรเสียงสูง[aksøn sīeng sūng] (n, exp) EN: high-level consonant ; high-class letter  FR: consonne haute [ f ]
อักษรสูง[aksøn sūng] (n, exp) EN: high-level consonant ; high-class letter  FR: consonne haute [ f ]
อ่านออกเสียง[ān øksīeng] (v, exp) EN: read aloud  FR: lire à voix haute
ไฉน[chanai] (n) EN: oboe  FR: hautbois [ m ]
ชนะขาดทิ้งห่าง[chana khāt thing hāng] (v, exp) FR: gagner haut la main
ชั้นบรรยากาศส่วนบน[chanbanyākāt suanbon] (n, exp) FR: haute atmosphère [ f ]
ชั้นบน[chan bon] (x) EN: upstairs  FR: en haut ; à l'étage
ชั้นสูง[chan sūng] (adj) EN: advanced ; high level ; upper class ; high class ; higher grade ; superior ; high ranking  FR: avancé ; d'avant garde ; de haut niveau ; de grande qualité ; maximal ; supérieur ; de haut rang
เชิดหน้า[choēt nā] (v, exp) EN: turn the face upwards  FR: porter la tête haute ; relever le front
ชู[chū] (v) EN: elevate ; raise ; lift ; boost ; hold up  FR: lever ; relever ; tenir haut
ดัง ๆ[dang-dang] (adv) EN: aloud  FR: à voix haute ; à haute voix ; tout haut
ดอน[døn] (n) EN: highland ; high ground ; elevation ; prominence  FR: plateau [ m ] ; élévation [ f ] ; terre haute [ f ]
โด่ง[dong] (adj) EN: rising ; ascending ; high  FR: montant ; haut ; ascendant ; élevé
แฟชั่นชั้นสูง[faēchan chan sūng] (n, exp) EN: haute couture  FR: haute couture [ f ]
ไฮไฟ[haifai] (n) EN: hi-fi  FR: hi-fi [ f ] (anglic.) ; haute fidélité [ f ] (audio)
หาด[hāt] (n) EN: beach ; seashore ; seaside ; shore ; bank under the sea ; shoal  FR: plage [ f ] ; banc [ m ] ; haut-fond [ m ]
หัว[hūa] (n) EN: top ; end ; extremity ; tip  FR: extrémité [ f ] ; bout [ m ] ; haut [ m ] ; sommet [ m ]
ใจง่าย[jai-ngāi] (adj) EN: of easy vertue  FR: volage ; de petite vertu (f.) ; qui a un coeur d'artichaut ; qui a un coeur volage
จองหอง[jønghøng] (v) EN: be conceited ; be arrogant ; be haughty ; be condescending  FR: être arrogant ; être hautain ; être orgueilleux
จองหอง[jønghøng] (adj) EN: arrogant ; overbearing ; haughty ; supercilious ; proud  FR: arrogant ; hautain ; orgueilleux ; dédaigneux ; dominateur ; fier ; prétentieux
การศึกษาระดับสูง[kānseuksā radap sūng] (n, exp) EN: advanced education ; advanced study  FR: formation de haut niveau [ f ] ; formation supérieure [ f ]
คำสั่งจากเบื้องบน[khamsang jāk beūangbon] (n, exp) EN: order from above  FR: ordre venu d'en haut [ m ]
ข้างบน[khāngbon] (prep) EN: above ; upstairs ; on top of ; over ; on its top  FR: en haut ; au-dessus ; sur ; par dessus
ข้างต้น[khāngton] (x) EN: above ; above mentioned  FR: ci-dessus ; ci-avant ; plus haut
ข้าราชการชั้นสูง[khārātchakān chan sūng] (n, exp) EN: high ranking civil servant ; high-ranking civil servant  FR: fonctionnaire de haut rang [ m ] ; haut fonctionnaire [ m ]
โคก[khōk] (n) EN: mound ; knoll ; hillock ; higland ; high ground ; elevated area ; height  FR: hauteur [ f ] ; plateau [ m ]
เครื่องขยายเสียง[khreūang khayāi sīeng] (n) EN: amplifier microphone ; amplifier ; loud-speaker ; power amp  FR: amplificateur [ m ] ; ampli [ m ] (abrév. - fam.) ; haut-parleur [ m ]
คุณภาพสูง[khunnaphāp sūng] (adj) EN: high-grade ; high-quality  FR: de haute qualité
ความกดอากาศสูง[khwām kot akāt sūng] (n, exp) EN: high pressure  FR: haute pression [ f ]
ความละเอียดสูง[khwām la-īet sūng] (n, exp) EN: high-definition  FR: haute résolution [ f ] ; haute définition [ f ] ; HD
ความสูง[khwāmsūng] (n) EN: height ; altitude  FR: hauteur [ f ] ; altitude [ f ] ; élévation [ f ] (vx)
กลุ่มอักษรสูง[klum aksøn sūng] (n, exp) FR: classe des consonnes hautes [ f ]
กระโดดสูง[kradōt sūng] (n, exp) EN: high jump  FR: saut en hauteur [ m ]
ลำโพง[lamphōng] (n) EN: speakers ; loudspeaker ; megaphone  FR: haut-parleur [ m ] ; enceinte acoustique [ f ] ; baffle [ m ]
ลำพองใจ[lamphøngjai] (v) EN: be in high spirits ; be arrogant ; be haughty  FR: être hautain ; être arrogant
เหล็กเนื้อดี[lek neūa dī] (n, exp) EN: high-qualité steel  FR: acier de haute qualité [ m ]
เหลือก[leūak] (v) EN: roll the eyes upward ; lift the eyes upward ; roll up one's eyes  FR: regarder de haut
เหลิง[loēng] (v, exp) EN: forget oneself ; be overconfident ; be too sure of oneself ; think too much of oneself  FR: avoir la grosse tête (fam.) ; avoir une très haute opinion de soi
ลุ่ม ๆ ดอน ๆ[lum-lum døn-døn] (v, exp) EN: have ups and downs  FR: avoir des hauts et des bas
เมฆชั้นสูง[mēk chan sūng] (n, exp) EN: high cloud  FR: nuage de haute altitude [ m ] ; nuage haut [ m ]
มีความเสี่ยงสูง[mī khwām sīeng sūng] (adj) EN: high-risk  FR: à haut risque
น้ำขึ้น[nāmkheun] (n) EN: high tide  FR: marée haute [ f ] ; marée montante [ f ]
น่าเที่ยวที่สุด[nāthīo thīsut] (adj) FR: hautement touristique ; le plus touristique
โน้น[nōn] (adj) EN: that (over there) ; yonder ; thither (old - form.)  FR: là-bas ; là-haut
ออกเสียง[øksīeng] (v) EN: vote ; vote by voice; cast a ballot  FR: voter ; voter à voix haute
ออกเสียงเลือกตั้ง[øksīeng leūaktang] (v) EN: vote ; vote by voice; cast a ballot  FR: voter ; voter à voix haute
ภาพความละเอียดสูง[phāp khwām la-īet sūng] (n, exp) EN: high-resolution image  FR: image haute définition [ f ] ; image haute résolution [ f ]
พอง[phøng] (adj) EN: haughty ; puffed up ; arrogant  FR: hautain ; arrogant
ผู้บริหารระดับสูง[phūbørihān radap sūng] (n, exp) EN: chief executive ; top executive ; top management  FR: haut dirigeant [ m ]
ปี่[pī] (n) EN: flute ; pipe ; wind instrument  FR: flûte [ f ] ; fifre [ m ] ; hautbois [ m ]

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
Haute-Normandie(n) a division of Normandy, Syn. Upper-Normandy
pahautea(n) evergreen tree of New Zealand resembling the kawaka, Syn. mountain pine, Libocedrus bidwillii
arrogance(n) overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors, Syn. lordliness, high-handedness, haughtiness, hauteur
oboe(n) a slender double-reed instrument; a woodwind with a conical bore and a double-reed mouthpiece, Syn. hautboy, hautbois

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a meeting, usually held in the summer outdoors or under a temporary tent, providing public lectures combined with entertainment such as concerts and plays. It originated in the village of Chautauqua, N. Y., in 1874, and was popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Also, a meeting similar to this. [ PJC ]

Chautauqua system

(of education) The system of home study established in connection with the summer schools assembled at Chautauqua, N. Y., by the Methodist Episcopal bishop, J. H. Vincent. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n. [ Ar., prop., mouth of the large fish: cf. F. Fomalhaut. ] (Astron.) A star of the first magnitude, in the constellation Piscis Australis, or Southern Fish. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ ‖ } n. [ Hind. ghāt. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. A pass through a mountain. [ India ] J. D. Hooker. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. A range of mountains. Balfour (Cyc. of Ind. ). [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Stairs descending to a river; a landing place; a wharf. [ India ] Malcom. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Ghat

a. [ F. See Haughty. ] Haughty. [ Obs. ] “Nations proud and haut.” Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F. hautbois, lit., high wood; haut high + bois wood. So called on account of its high tone. See Haughty, Bush; and cf. Oboe. ] 1. (Mus.) A wind instrument, sounded through a reed, and similar in shape to the clarinet, but with a thinner tone. Now more commonly called oboe. See Illust. of Oboe. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Bot.) A sort of strawberry (Fragaria elatior). [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Cf. F. hautboïste. ] A player on the hautboy. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ See Haughty. ] 1. Haughty; proud. [ Obs. ] Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. High; -- said of the voice or flight of birds. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F., fr. haut high. See Haughty. ] Haughty manner or spirit; haughtiness; pride; arrogance. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F. ] High relish or flavor; high seasoning. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F. haut high + pas step. ] A raised part of the floor of a large room; a platform for a raised table or throne. See Dais. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. An evergreen tree (Libocedrus bidwillii) of New Zealand resembling the kawaka.
Syn. -- Libocedrus bidwillii, mountain pine. [ WordNet 1.5 ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
高档服装[gāo dàng fú zhuāng, ㄍㄠ ㄉㄤˋ ㄈㄨˊ ㄓㄨㄤ,     /    ] haute couture; high fashion clothing [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Kuhhaut { f }cow hide [Add to Longdo]
Abschürfung { f }; Hautabschürfung { f }abrasion [Add to Longdo]
Ausschlag { m }; Hautausschlag { m }rash [Add to Longdo]
Außenhaut { f }; Gerippe { n }shell [Add to Longdo]
Beplankung { f }; Außenhaut { f }plating [Add to Longdo]
Bindehaut { f } [ anat. ]conjunctiva [Add to Longdo]
Blase { f }; Hautblase { f }; Pustel { f }; Brandblase { f } | Blasen { pl }; Brandblasen { pl }blister | blisters [Add to Longdo]
Dachhaut { f }; Dachbelag { m }roof membrane [Add to Longdo]
Drehbuchautor { m } | Drehbuchautoren { pl }screenwriter; scriptwriter | screenwriters; scriptwriters [Add to Longdo]
Fell { n }; Haut { f } | Felle { pl }; Häute { pl } | ein dickes Fell haben [ übtr. ]skin | skins | to have a thick skin [Add to Longdo]
Fernsprechautomat { m }coin box telephone [Add to Longdo]
Gänsehaut { f } | Gänsehaut bekommengoose pimples; gooseflesh | to get goose pimples; to get gooseflesh [Add to Longdo]
Gesichtsfarbe { f }; Hautfarbe { f }; Teint { m } | blühende Gesichtsfarbe { f }complexion | fresh complexion [Add to Longdo]
Haut { f } | Häute { pl } | die eigene Haut rettenskin | skins | to save one's own skin; to save one's hide [Add to Longdo]
Haut { f }cutaneous [Add to Longdo]
Haut { f }dermis [Add to Longdo]
Haut...dermal [Add to Longdo]
Haut { f }integument [Add to Longdo]
aus der Haut fahren [ übtr. ]to go up the wall; to fly off the handle [Add to Longdo]
bloße Haut { f }; nacktbuff [Add to Longdo]
Hautbildungszeit { f }skin building time [Add to Longdo]
Hautcreme { f }skin cream [Add to Longdo]
Hautfarbe { f } | Hautfarben { pl }colour of the skin | colours of the skin [Add to Longdo]
Hautkrankheit { f } | Hautkrankheiten { pl }skin disease | skin diseases [Add to Longdo]
Hautlappen { m } | Hautlappen { pl }lappet | lappets [Add to Longdo]
Hautpflege { f }care of the skin [Add to Longdo]
Hautschere { f }cuticle scissors [Add to Longdo]
Hirnhaut { f } [ anat. ]meningeal [Add to Longdo]
Hochmut { m }hauteur [Add to Longdo]
Hornhaut { f } [ anat. ]cornea [Add to Longdo]
Hornhaut { f }horny skin [Add to Longdo]
Keratitis { f }; Hornhautentzündung { f }keratitis [Add to Longdo]
Kopfhaut { f } [ anat. ]scalp [Add to Longdo]
Lederhaut { f }sclera [Add to Longdo]
Nagelhaut { f } [ anat. ]cuticle [Add to Longdo]
Nasenwachshaut { f }cere [Add to Longdo]
Netzhaut { f }; Retina { f } [ anat. ]retina [Add to Longdo]
Netzhautentzündung { f } [ med. ]retinitis [Add to Longdo]
Oberhaut { f } [ biol. ] | Oberhäute { pl }cuticle | cuticles [Add to Longdo]
Ölzeug { n }; Regenhaut { f }oilskin [Add to Longdo]
Perspiration { f }; Hautatmung { f }perspiration [Add to Longdo]
Riss { m } (in der Haut)chap [Add to Longdo]
Rothaut { f }redskin [Add to Longdo]
Schautafel { f }illustrated chart; disply [Add to Longdo]
Schauturnen { n } [ sport ]gymnastic dispkay [Add to Longdo]
Schlangenhaut { f } | Schlangenhäute { pl }snake's skin; snakeskin | snakeskins [Add to Longdo]
Schleimhaut { f }; Mukosa { f } [ anat. ]mucous membrane; mucosa [Add to Longdo]
Schrunde { f } (Riss in der Haut)crack [Add to Longdo]
Schuppen { pl }; Hautschuppen { pl }; Kopfschuppen { pl } | gegen Schuppendandruff | anti-dandruff [Add to Longdo]
Schwiele { f }; verhärtete Hautpartie { f } | Schwielen { pl } | Schwielen an den Händencallus; callosity | calluses | horny hands [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
いろは歌;伊呂波歌[いろはうた, irohauta] (n) iroha poem [Add to Longdo]
オートクチュール[o-tokuchu-ru] (n) haute couture (fre [Add to Longdo]
ハウツー[hautsu-] (n) how to; (P) [Add to Longdo]
ハウツー物[ハウツーもの, hautsu-mono] (n) how-to book [Add to Longdo]
出る杭は打たれる[でるくいはうたれる, derukuihautareru] (exp, v1) the nail that sticks out gets hammered in; the best policy is to keep your head down [Add to Longdo]
出る釘は打たれる[でるくぎはうたれる, derukugihautareru] (exp, v1) (See 出る杭は打たれる) the nail which sticks out gets hammered down (used to encourage conformity) [Add to Longdo]
端唄[はうた, hauta] (n) short love song (popular in late Edo period) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
地肌[じはだ, jihada] -Haut, Erdoberflaeche [Add to Longdo]
擦り傷[すりきず, surikizu] Hautabschuerfung, Schramme [Add to Longdo]
擦過傷[さっかしょう, sakkashou] Hautabschuerfung, Schramme [Add to Longdo]
[かわ, kawa] -Haut, -Fell, -Pelz, -Leder, -Rinde, -Schale [Add to Longdo]
皮下脂肪[ひかしぼう, hikashibou] Fett_unter_der_Haut [Add to Longdo]
皮膚[ひふ, hifu] -Haut [Add to Longdo]
皮膚病[ひふびょう, hifubyou] Hautkrankheit [Add to Longdo]
皮膚移植[ひふいしょく, hifuishoku] Hauttransplantation [Add to Longdo]
粘膜[ねんまく, nenmaku] Schleimhaut [Add to Longdo]
結膜[けつまく, ketsumaku] Bindehaut [Add to Longdo]
結膜炎[けつまくえん, ketsumakuen] Bindehautentzuendung [Add to Longdo]
[はだ, hada] -Haut, Neigung, Temperament [Add to Longdo]
肌色[はだいろ, hadairo] fleischfarben, hautfarben [Add to Longdo]
[ふ, fu] HAUT [Add to Longdo]
角膜[かくまく, kakumaku] Hornhaut (des Auges) [Add to Longdo]


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