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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: amas, -amas-
Dictionaries languages

English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
amass(vt) รวบรวม, See also: สะสม, Syn. gather, store up, collect together
amass(vi) รวบรวม
pajamas(n) ชุดนอน, Syn. nightware, pyjamas, slacks
pyjamas(n) เสื้อกางเกงชุดนอนเข้าชุดกัน
lamasery(n) วัดในธิเบต

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
amass(อะแมส') vt., vi. รวบรวม, สะสม, เข้าด้วยกัน. amassable adj. -amasser ,
damascus(ดะแมส'คัส) n. ชื่อเมืองหลวงของซีเรีย
pajamas(พะจา'มัซ) n. เสื้อกางเกงชุดนอน
pyjamas(พะจา'มัซ) n. เสื้อกางเกงชุดนอน

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
amass(vt) รวบรวม, รวมเป็นก้อน, สะสม
pajamas(n) เสื้อกางเกงนอน

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก orst.go.th แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
paramastitisเนื้อเยื่อรอบต่อมน้ำนมอักเสบ [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
paramastoidข้างปุ่มกกหู, ใกล้ปุ่มกกหู [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
amastia; amaziaสภาพไร้เต้านมแต่กำเนิด [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
amazia; amastiaสภาพไร้เต้านมแต่กำเนิด [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
damasceneคร่ำเงิน, คร่ำทอง [ศิลปะ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Beta lactamasesเบต้า แลกตาเมสส์ [TU Subject Heading]
beta-Lactamasesเบตา-แลคตาเมส [TU Subject Heading]
Dalai lamasทะไลลามะ [TU Subject Heading]
Damasceningคร่ำเงินคร่ำทอง [TU Subject Heading]
Damask weavingการทอยกดอก [TU Subject Heading]
Lamasลามะ [TU Subject Heading]
Reincarnate lamasลามะผู้กลับชาติมาเกิด [TU Subject Heading]
Amastiaเต้านมไม่มี [การแพทย์]
Beta-Lactamasesบีตา-แลคตาเมส, เอนไซม์;เบตา-แลคตาเมส [การแพทย์]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I know way to reach Kamasuka.Ich weiß, wie ihr zu Kamasuka kommen könnt. Who Finds a Friend Finds a Treasure (1981)
Look how y'all doing Mama's house! Come on.Seht euch an, was ihr mit Mamas Haus macht. Four Brothers (2005)
They're the reason I'm in this mess.Scheiß auf den Widerstand. Wegen ihnen bin ich in diesem Schlamassel. The Inheritance (2014)
I should be up there right now, but then there's this mess.Ich sollte gerade da oben sein, aber dann gibt es dieses Schlamassel hier. Who Shaves the Barber? (2014)
If we're lucky, she'll be able to tell us what kind of mess he was mixed up in.Wenn wir Glück haben, kann sie uns sagen, in welches Schlamassel er verwickelt war. For Better or Worse (2014)
Talking to the police is what got us in this mess.Mit der Polizei reden hat uns in diesen Schlamassel gebracht. Panopticon (2014)
You got your friends into this mess.Sie haben Ihre Freunde in diesen Schlamassel verwickelt. Panopticon (2014)
Now, typically, I wear pajamas, but I recently adopted a hobo lifestyle and pajamas are the sleep-pants of the Man.Nun trage ich gewöhnlich einen Pyjama, aber seit kurzem habe ich einen Penner-Lebensstil eingeschlagen und Pyjamas sind dafür zu stilvoll. The Locomotion Interruption (2014)
Not until we get through this mess, but, yeah, I'm gonna tell him.Nicht, bis wir diesen Schlamassel überstanden haben, aber ja, ich werde es ihm sagen. Memorial Day (2014)
knee-buckling... spat-snapping...- Gamaschen öffnende... Opposites A-Frack (2014)
James, this covers your debts and gets you out from under.James, das würde Ihre Schulden decken und Sie aus dem Schlamassel ziehen. Know When to Fold 'Em (2014)
And as Alabama's foremost ladies' man, you can give him some pointers.Als Alabamas größter Frauenheld, gib ihm Ratschläge. Stuck (2014)
I did not know, as I had got into the mess, ...But before this situation, I could not run away.Ich wusste nicht, wie ich in den Schlamassel geraten war, ...doch vor dieser Situation konnte ich nicht weglaufen. Live (2014)
I pulled you out of an orphanage in samashki.Ich habe dich aus einem Waisenhaus in Samashki geholt. Lords of War (2014)
Samashki's in chechnya.- Samashki ist in Tschetschenien. Lords of War (2014)
I can't believe that I am in this much trouble.Ich kann nicht mal glauben, dass ich in einem solchen Schlamassel stecke. Charlie Screws a Prisoner's Girlfriend (2014)
How is MI6 handling last night's cock-up and to what lies shall Watson and I adhere to in the event that we are interviewed by other parties?Wie behandelt der MI6 den Schlamassel von letzter Nacht und an welche Lügen sollen Watson und ich uns halten, falls wir von einer dritten Partei befragt werden? Art in the Blood (2014)
I say go for it, but if it's Queens... It's not either...Wenn es die Bahamas sind oder Hawaii, nur zu, aber wenn es Queens ist... Ever After (2014)
His mother's beauty!Ach Gott, Mamas Liebling. Coming Soon (2014)
You were the finest engine builder in Damascus, no?Ihr wart der beste Ingenieur in Damaskus? The Heavenly and Primal (2014)
Believe whatever it is gets you out of this mess.Der Glaube, woran auch immer, wird dich aus diesem Schlamassel holen. The Good Listener (2014)
I trust you, But this is a fucking mess.Ich vertraue Ihnen, aber das ist ein verdammtes Schlamassel. Gladys (2014)
Alabama's largest BLT. - Pickle Fest.- Der größte BLT Alabamas. Ring of Fire (2014)
That's how we got into this whole mess to begin with.So hat der ganze Schlamassel erst angefangen. Ring of Fire (2014)
Frankly, I'm quite pleased to see the back of this mess.Ich würde diesen Schlamassel sehr gern loswerden. Prométhée (2014)
He wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for you.Er wäre nicht in diesem Schlamassel, wenn du nicht wärst. S#!& Happens (2014)
We wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for you.Er wäre nicht in diesem Schlamassel, wenn du nicht wärst. Tomorrowland (2014)
That adonis is a photoshopped picture of Lorenzo Lamas from 1998!Dieser Adonis ist ein photogeshopptes Bild von Lorenzo Lamas von 1998! Leveraged (2014)
Who the hell is Lorenzo Lamas?Wer zum Teufel ist Lorenzo Lamas? Leveraged (2014)
Logan's on his way over to discuss our next move, which we can't make for two more weeks because Louis thought Sheila was marrying Lorenzo Lamas, but I just got a mug with something stupid printed on it, so now everything's okay.Logan ist auf dem Weg hierher, um unseren nächsten Schachzug zu besprechen, welchen wir für die nächsten zwei Wochen nicht machen können, weil Louis gedacht hat, dass Sheila Lorenzo Lamas heiraten würde, aber ich habe gerade eine Tasse bekommen, wo etwas Dummes draufgedruckt ist, also ist jetzt alles "in Ordnung". Litt the Hell Up (2014)
I can't even stand to look at her and now she's in my pajamas, drooling on my pillow.Ich kann's nicht mal ertragen, sie anzuschauen, und jetzt schläfst sie in meinen Pyjamas und sabbert auf mein Kissen. Scream for Me (2014)
Dan Weaver's been getting himself out of hot water since before you were in diapers.Dan Weaver hat sich schon selbst aus Schlamasseln gezogen, da hast du noch nicht in Windeln gemacht. Evolve or Die (2014)
- Namaste.- Namaste. Episode #1.10 (2014)
- Namaste.- Namaste. Episode #1.10 (2014)
- Namaste.- Namaste. Episode #1.10 (2014)
- Namaste.- Namaste. Episode #1.10 (2014)
We're in a fine mess now, aren't we?Wir stecken tief im Schlamassel, oder? Inclement Weather (2014)
- Namaste.- Namaste. Wedge (2014)
Namaste.- Namaste. Wedge (2014)
Nice music.(PANAMAS "DESTROYER" ERTÖNT ÜBER LAUTSPRECHER) Tolle Musik. The Brothers That Care Forgot (2014)
This is a mess.Das ist ein Schlamassel. A Bridge Not Quite Far Enough (2014)
I've shut him down until we, uh... We're out of this mess.Ich habe ihn abgeschaltet, bis wir aus dem Schlamassel raus sind. A New World (2014)
And Sybil got her to make evening pyjamas and Granny almost fainted. (CHUCKLES)Sybil ließ sie Pyjamas nähen, und Granny fiel fast in Ohnmacht. Episode #5.8 (2014)
To dick and half of mom's house!Auf einen Schwanz und auf die Hälfte von Mamas Haus.! A Blast (2014)
To dick and half of mom's house.Auf einen Schwanz und auf die Hälfte von Mamas Haus. A Blast (2014)
To dick and half of mom's house!Auf einen Schwanz und auf die Hälfte von Mamas Haus! A Blast (2014)
I'm stuck looking after you and mom's store.Ich kümmere mich um dich und Mamas Scheiß-Laden. A Blast (2014)
Mom's store will go bust, if you close it every time you wanna get laid!Mamas Geschäft wird draufgehen, wenn du es bei jedem Mal bumsen zusperrst! A Blast (2014)
Why are you messing with mom's money?Was kümmert dich Mamas Geld? A Blast (2014)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
amasHe amassed a large fortune before he died.
amasHe wore a robe over his pajamas.
amasNo one knows how he has amassed his enormous fortune.
amasBrian, in his pajamas, is engaged in reading in the house in the morning.
amasGet into your pajamas.
amasAs children are known to emulate the values of adults, it is often pointed out such "education mamas" instill a warped sense of values in their children.
amasTom took off his clothes and put on his pajamas.
amasHer ability to amass a fortune is due to luck and hard work.
amasI had breakfast in pajamas.
amasThese pajamas absorb sweat well.
amasHe was reading a newspaper in his pajamas.
amasHe took off his clothes and put on his pajamas.
amasYamashita is stuck with no way out. His well-thought-out project was rejected and the books he worked really hard on aren't selling.
amasThe boy took off his clothes and put on his pajamas.
amasHe amassed a fortune in stock trading during the last boom.
amasIf Jane had driven to our home, I would have served her amasake.
amasThe guests caught him in his pajamas.
amasHe is in pajamas.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
รวบรวม(v) compile, See also: gather, collect, accumulate, put together, amass, Syn. สะสม, เก็บ, Example: หอวรรณกรรมรวบรวมผลงานวรรณกรรมของพระบาทสมเด็จพระมงกุฎเกล้าเจ้าอยู่หัวและของท้องถิ่นตั้งแต่อดีตถึงปัจจุบัน, Thai Definition: นำสิ่งต่างๆ ซึ่งอาจเอามารวมกันได้มากๆ มารวมกันไว้
สะสม(v) accumulate, See also: collect, gather, amass, hoard, store, increase, Syn. สั่งสม, รวบรวม, Example: เชื้อโรคต่างๆ ได้สะสมและเพิ่มขึ้นอย่างมากมายในห้องสำนักงาน, Thai Definition: รวบรวมให้เพิ่มมากขึ้นเรื่อยๆ
สุม(v) pile up, See also: heap up, accumulate, stack up, amass, assemble, Syn. ทับ, Example: เขาตักข้าวสุมลงไปจนเต็มจาน ทำเหมือนอดโซมาหลายวัน, Thai Definition: วางทับซ้อนๆ กันลงไปจนสูงเป็นกอง
พอกพูน(v) accumulate, See also: pile up, amass, Ant. ลดน้อย, Example: หนี้สินของชาวนาพอกพูนขึ้นเรื่อยๆ ทำให้ต้องขายที่ดินเพื่อใช้หนี้, Thai Definition: เพิ่มขึ้นโดยลำดับ

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
ชุดนอน[chut nøn] (n, exp) EN: nightgown ; nightdress ; sleeping suit ; pyjamas  FR: pyjama [ m ] ; chemise de nuit [ f ]
การรวบรวม[kān rūaprūam] (n) EN: collection  FR: collection [ f ] ; amas [ m ] ; compilation [ f ]
เก็บ[kep] (v) EN: collect ; pick ; gather  FR: ramasser ; collecter ; prélever ; débarasser
เก็บเงิน[kep ngoen] (v, exp) EN: save ; hoard  FR: économiser ; thésauriser ; amasser de l'argent
ขนขยะ[khon khaya] (v, exp) EN: collect garbage  FR: ramasser les ordures
กอง[køng] (n) EN: pile ; heap ; stack ; group ; crowd ; lot  FR: pile [ f ] ; tas [ m ] ; monceau [ m ] ; amas [ m ] ; lot [ m ]
กระจุก[krajuk] (n) EN: tuft ; cluster ; clump ; bunch ; pinch  FR: écheveau [ m ] ; touffe [ f ] ; grappe [ f ] ; botte [ f ] ; groupe [ m ] ; amas [ m ]
นกกินแมลงหลังฟู[nok kin malaēng lang fū] (n, exp) EN: Fluffy-backed Tit Babbler  FR: Timalie chamasa [ f ] ; Burong à dos hérissé ; Timalie soyeuse [ f ]
พูน[phūn] (v) EN: heap up ; pile up ; accumulate ; stack  FR: amasser ; entasser ; empiler
ผู้รวบรวม[phū rūaprūam] (n, exp) FR: amasseur [ m ]
ร่น[ron] (v) EN: move back ; retract ; retreat ; contract  FR: se rétracter ; se ramasser
รถนักเรียน[rot nakrīen] (n, exp) FR: car de ramassage scolaire [ m ]
รวบ[rūap] (v) EN: gather ; collect ; muster ; concentrate ; keep ; grab ; arrogate  FR: rassembler ; réunir ; ramasser
รวบรวม[rūaprūam] (v) EN: compile ; gather ; collect ; accumulate ; put together ; amass ; save up ; mobilise  FR: rassembler ; collectionner ; accumuler ; amasser ; collecter ; réunir ; regrouper ; compiler ; mobiliser
สะสม[sasom] (v) EN: accumulate ; collect ; gather ; amass ; hoard ; store ; increase ; save ; deposit  FR: accumuler ; collectionner ; amasser ; rassembler
เสื้อนอน[seūanøn] (n) EN: pyjamas ; nightshirt ; nightwear  FR: chemise de nuit [ f ]
สุม[sum] (v) EN: pile up ; heap up ; accumulate ; stack up ; amass ; assemble  FR: entasser ; empiler
ตะครุบกบ[takhrup kop] (v) EN: tumble over ; slip ; fall down ; take a tumble ; take a fall  FR: prendre une bûche (fam.) ; ramasser une bûche (fam.)
ที่ตักผง[thī tak phøng] (n) EN: dustpan  FR: petite pelle à poussière [ f ] ; petite pelle pou les balayures [ f ] ; ramassette (Belg.) [ f ]
ตุน[tun] (v) EN: store ; hoard ; corner ; put aside  FR: amasser ; stocker

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
amastia(n) absence of the mammary glands (either through surgery or developmental defect)
Bahamas(n) island country in the Atlantic to the east of Florida and Cuba; a popular winter resort, Syn. Commonwealth of the Bahamas, Bahama Islands
camas(n) any of several plants of the genus Camassia; North and South America, Syn. camosh, camash, camass, quamash
Camassia(n) genus of scapose herbs of North and South America having large edible bulbs, Syn. Quamassia, genus Camassia, genus Quamassia
Damascene(n) a native or inhabitant of Damascus
damascene(n) a design produced by inlaying gold or silver into steel
damascene(v) inlay metal with gold and silver
damascene(adj) of or relating to or characteristic of Damascus or its people
damascene(adj) (of metals) decorated or inlaid with a wavy pattern of different (especially precious) metals
damask(n) a table linen made from linen with a damask pattern
damask(n) a fabric of linen or cotton or silk or wool with a reversible pattern woven into it
damask(adj) having a woven pattern
Hamas(n) a militant Islamic fundamentalist political movement that opposes peace with Israel and uses terrorism as a weapon; seeks to create an Islamic state in place of Israel; is opposed to the PLO and has become a leading perpetrator of terrorist activity in Israel; pioneered suicide bombing, Syn. Islamic Resistance Movement
Kamasutra(n) (Hinduism) an ancient Sanskrit text giving rules for sensuous and sensual pleasure and love and marriage in accordance with Hindu law
lamasery(n) a monastery for lamas
Shamash(n) the chief sun god; drives away winter and storms and brightens the earth with greenery; drives away evil and brings justice and compassion
accumulate(v) collect or gather, Syn. pile up, conglomerate, gather, cumulate, amass
Dimash(n) an ancient city (widely regarded as the world's oldest) and present capital and largest city of Syria; according to the New Testament, the Apostle Paul (then known as Saul) underwent a dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus, Syn. capital of Syria, Damascus
love-in-a-mist(n) European garden plant having finely cut leaves and white or pale blue flowers, Syn. Nigella damascena
Nassau(n) the capital of the Bahamas, Syn. capital of the Bahamas
penicillinase(n) enzyme produced by certain bacteria that inactivates penicillin and results in resistance to that antibiotic, Syn. beta-lactamase

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Amassed p. pr. & vb. n. Amassing. ] [ F. ambusher, LL. amassare; L. ad + massa lump, mass. See Mass. ] To collect into a mass or heap; to gather a great quantity of; to accumulate; as, to amass a treasure or a fortune; to amass words or phrases. [ 1913 Webster ]

The life of Homer has been written by amassing all the traditions and hints the writers could meet with. Pope. [ 1913 Webster ]

Syn. -- To accumulate; heap up; pile. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ OF. amasse, fr. ambusher. ] A mass; a heap. [ Obs. ] Sir H. Wotton. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Capable of being amassed. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. One who amasses. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ F. See Amass. ] An instrument of horn used for collecting painters' colors on the stone in the process of grinding. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Cf. OF. amassement. ] An amassing; a heap collected; a large quantity or number brought together; an accumulation. [ 1913 Webster ]

An amassment of imaginary conceptions. Glanvill. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Gr. &unr_; together + &unr_; force. ] (Photog.) Uniting the chemical rays of light into one focus, as a certain kind of lens; amacratic. [ 1913 Webster ]

Atamasco lily

[ Atamasco is fr. North American Indian. ] (Bot.) See under Lily. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n. same as camass. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. same as camass.
Syn. -- camas, camass, quamash, camosh. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. [ American Indian name. ] (Bot.) any of several plants of the genus Camassia of North and South America, especially the blue-flowered liliaceous plant (Camassia esculenta) of northwestern America, the bulbs of which were collected for food by the Indians. [ Written also camas, cammas, and quamash. ]
Syn. -- camass, quamash, camosh, camash. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ The Eastern cammass is Camassia Fraseri. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Origin uncert. ] A small prairie in a forest; a small grassy plain among hills. [ Western U. S. ] [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n. a genus of scapose herbs of North and South America having large edible bulbs.
Syn. -- genus Camassia, Quamassia, genus Quamassia. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


a. [ L. Damascenus of Damascus, fr. Damascus the city, Gr. Damasko`s. See Damask, and cf. Damaskeen, Damaskin, Damson. ] Of or relating to Damascus. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A kind of plum, now called damson. See Damson. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. Same as Damask, or Damaskeen, v. t. “Damascened armor.” Beaconsfield. “Cast and damascened steel.” Ure. [ 1913 Webster ]


adj. decorated or inlaid with a wavy pattern of different (especially precious) metals; -- of metallic objects; as, a damascened sword.
Syn. -- damascene. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


prop. n. (Geography) The capital city of Syria. Population (2000) = 1, 549, 932. [ PJC ]

Damascus blade, a sword or scimiter, made chiefly at Damascus, having a variegated appearance of watering, and proverbial for excellence. --
Damascus iron, or
Damascus twist
, metal formed of thin bars or wires of iron and steel elaborately twisted and welded together; used for making gun barrels, etc., of high quality, in which the surface, when polished and acted upon by acid, has a damask appearance. --
Damascus steel. See Damask steel, under Damask, a.
[ 1913 Webster ]

Damascus steel

. See Damask steel, under Damask. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n. [ From the city Damascus, L. Damascus, Gr. Damasko`s, Heb. Dammesq, Ar. Daemeshq; cf. Heb. d'meseq damask; cf. It. damasco, Sp. damasco, F. damas. Cf. Damascene, Damassé. ] 1. Damask silk; silk woven with an elaborate pattern of flowers and the like. “A bed of ancient damask.” W. Irving. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Linen so woven that a pattern in produced by the different directions of the thread, without contrast of color. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. A heavy woolen or worsted stuff with a pattern woven in the same way as the linen damask; -- made for furniture covering and hangings. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. Damask or Damascus steel; also, the peculiar markings or “water” of such steel. [ 1913 Webster ]

5. A deep pink or rose color. Fairfax. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. 1. Pertaining to, or originating at, the city of Damascus; resembling the products or manufactures of Damascus. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Having the color of the damask rose. [ 1913 Webster ]

But let concealment, like a worm i' the bud,
Feed on her damask cheek. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

Damask color, a deep rose-color like that of the damask rose. --
Damask plum, a small dark-colored plum, generally called damson. --
Damask rose (Bot.), a large, pink, hardy, and very fragrant variety of rose (Rosa damascena) from Damascus. “Damask roses have not been known in England above one hundred years.” Bacon. --
Damask steel, or
Damascus steel
, steel of the kind originally made at Damascus, famous for its hardness, and its beautiful texture, ornamented with waving lines; especially, that which is inlaid with damaskeening; -- formerly much valued for sword blades, from its great flexibility and tenacity.
[ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Damasked p. pr. & vb. n. Damasking. ] To decorate in a way peculiar to Damascus or attributed to Damascus; particularly: (a) with flowers and rich designs, as silk; (b) with inlaid lines of gold, etc., or with a peculiar marking or “water, ” as metal. See Damaskeen. [ 1913 Webster ]

Mingled metal damasked o'er with gold. Dryde&unr_;. [ 1913 Webster ]

On the soft, downy bank, damasked with flowers. Milton.


{ } v. t. [ F. damaschinare. See Damascene, v. ] To decorate, as iron, steel, etc., with a peculiar marking or “water” produced in the process of manufacture, or with designs produced by inlaying or incrusting with another metal, as silver or gold, or by etching, etc., to damask. [ 1913 Webster ]

Damaskeening is is partly mosaic work, partly engraving, and partly carving. Ure. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Damaskeen

n. [ Cf. F. damasquin, adj., It. damaschino, Sp. damasquino. See Damaskeen. ] A sword of Damask steel. [ 1913 Webster ]

No old Toledo blades or damaskins. Howell (1641). [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ F. damassé, fr. damas. See Damask. ] Woven like damask. -- n. A damassé fabric, esp. one of linen. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F., fr. damas. See Damask. ] A kind of modified damask or brocade. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. pl. [ F. gamaches. ] High boots or buskins; in Scotland, short spatterdashes or riding trousers, worn over the other clothing. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. pl. [ See Gamashes. ] Gaiters reaching to the knee; leggings. [ 1913 Webster ]

Strong gramashes, or leggings of thick gray cloth. Sir W. Scott. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ See 2d Lama. ] A monastery or convent of lamas, in Tibet, Mongolia, etc. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. pl. [ Hind. pā-jāma, pāejāma, lit., leg closing. ] Originally, in India, loose drawers or trousers, such as those worn, tied about the waist, by Mohammedan men and women; by extension, a similar garment adopted among Europeans, Americans, etc., for wear in the dressing room and during sleep; also, a suit consisting of drawers and a loose upper garment for such wear. [ Also spelled pyjamas. ] [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


or, chiefly U. S., /mhw>, n. pl. A garment, similar to the Oriental pyjama (which see), adopted among Europeans, Americans, and other Occidentals, for wear in the dressing room and during sleep; also, a suit of drawers and blouse for such wear. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Variants: Pyjamas

a. [ Pref. para- + mastoid. ] (Anat.) Situated beside, or near, the mastoid portion of the temporal bone; paroccipital; -- applied especially to a process of the skull in some animals. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Bot.) See Camass. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A turmoil; a broil; a fray; a fight. [ Scot. & Prov. Eng. ] Barham. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ Cf. Stramazoun. ] To strike, beat, or bang; to break; to destroy. [ Scot. & Prov. Eng. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[chū, ㄔㄨ, ] to go out; to come out; to occur; to produce; to go beyond; to rise; to put forth; to occur; to happen; classifier for dramas, plays, operas etc #67 [Add to Longdo]
[jī, ㄐㄧ, / ] to amass; to accumulate; to store; measured quantity (such as area of volume); product (the result of multiplication); to integrate (math.); to solve (or integrate) an ordinary differential equation (math.); old; long-standing #4,063 [Add to Longdo]
哈马斯[Hā mǎ sī, ㄏㄚ ㄇㄚˇ ㄙ,    /   ] Hamas (radical Palestinian group) #9,278 [Add to Longdo]
睡衣[shuì yī, ㄕㄨㄟˋ ㄧ,  ] night clothes; pajamas #11,591 [Add to Longdo]
积聚[jī jù, ㄐㄧ ㄐㄩˋ,   /  ] to coalesce; to gather together; to amass #17,388 [Add to Longdo]
[líng, ㄌㄧㄥˊ, / ] damask; thin silk #22,466 [Add to Longdo]
布达拉宫[Bù dá lā gōng, ㄅㄨˋ ㄉㄚˊ ㄌㄚ ㄍㄨㄥ,     /    ] Potala, winter palace of Dalai Lamas in Lhasa, Tibet #30,185 [Add to Longdo]
活佛[huó fó, ㄏㄨㄛˊ ㄈㄛˊ,  ] Living Buddha; title of Mongolian Lamas from 17th century #32,146 [Add to Longdo]
大马士革[Dà mǎ shì gé, ㄉㄚˋ ㄇㄚˇ ㄕˋ ㄍㄜˊ,     /    ] Damascus, capital of Syria #37,153 [Add to Longdo]
巴哈马[Bā hā mǎ, ㄅㄚ ㄏㄚ ㄇㄚˇ,    /   ] the Bahamas #57,214 [Add to Longdo]
罗布林卡[Luó bù lín kǎ, ㄌㄨㄛˊ ㄅㄨˋ ㄌㄧㄣˊ ㄎㄚˇ,     /    ] Norbulingka (Tibetan: precious garden), summer residence of Dalai Lamas in Lhasa, Tibet #76,945 [Add to Longdo]
拿骚[ná sāo, ㄋㄚˊ ㄙㄠ,   /  ] Nassau (capital of The Bahamas) #145,009 [Add to Longdo]
山崎[Shān qí, ㄕㄢ ㄑㄧˊ,  ] Yamasaki (name) #238,425 [Add to Longdo]
内酰胺酶[nèi xiān àn méi, ㄋㄟˋ ㄒㄧㄢ ㄢˋ ㄇㄟˊ,     /    ] beta-lactamase (a bacterial inhibitor) [Add to Longdo]
喇嘛庙[Lǎ ma miào, ㄌㄚˇ ㄇㄚ˙ ㄇㄧㄠˋ,    /   ] Lamasery; temple of Tibetan Buddhism [Add to Longdo]
睡衣裤[shuì yī kù, ㄕㄨㄟˋ ㄧ ㄎㄨˋ,    /   ] pajamas [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai-English: Saikam Dictionary
騙す[だます, damasu] TH: ออกอุบายหลอกลวง  EN: to trick
騙す[だます, damasu] TH: โกง  EN: to cheat
覚ます[さます, samasu] TH: ปลุกให้ตื่นหรือทำให้รู้ตัว  EN: to awaken
溜める[ためる, tameru] TH: กักเอาไว้  EN: to amass
悩ます[なやます, nayamasu] TH: ทำให้กลุ้มใจ  EN: to afflict
悩ます[なやます, nayamasu] TH: ทำให้ทรมาน  EN: to torment
悩ます[なやます, nayamasu] TH: ทำให้รำคาญ  EN: to harass

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Anhäufung { f }amassment [Add to Longdo]
Damast { m }damask [Add to Longdo]
Drama { n } | Dramen { pl }drama | dramas [Add to Longdo]
Gamasche { f }gaiter; puttee [Add to Longdo]
Gamasche { f }legging [Add to Longdo]
Gamasche { f }spat [Add to Longdo]
Mutti { f }; Mama { f }; Mami { f } | Muttis { pl }; Mamas { pl }; Mamis { pl }mum; mummy [ Br. ] | mommies [Add to Longdo]
Schlafanzug { m }; Pyjama { m }pyjamas; pajamas [ Am. ] [Add to Longdo]
Schlamassel { m }mess [Add to Longdo]
Schlamassel { n }; Chaos { n }snafu [ coll. ] [ Am. ] [Add to Longdo]
Wickelgamasche { f } | Wickelgamaschen { pl }puttee | puttees; putties [Add to Longdo]
anhäufen; scheffelnto amass [Add to Longdo]
ansammeln; einsammeln; sammeln | ansammelnd | sammelt an | sammelte anto amass | amassing | amasses | amassed [Add to Longdo]
damasziert { adj }pattern-welded [Add to Longdo]
Namaspecht { m } [ ornith. ]Bearded Woodpecker [Add to Longdo]
Bahamaspecht { m } [ ornith. ]Great Red-bellied Woodpecker [Add to Longdo]
Panamaschopfohr { n } [ ornith. ]Buffy Tuftedcheek [Add to Longdo]
Bahamaschwalbe { f } [ ornith. ]Bahama Swallow [Add to Longdo]
Bahamas { pl } [ geogr. ]Bahamas (bs) [Add to Longdo]
Dimashq; Damaskus (Hauptstadt von Syrien)Dimashq; Damascus (capital of Syria) [Add to Longdo]
Nassau (Hauptstadt der Bahamas)Nassau (capital of the Bahamas) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
魂(P);魄;霊[たましい(魂;魄)(P);だましい(魂;魄);たま, tamashii ( tamashii ; haku )(P); damashii ( tamashii ; haku ); tama] (n) soul; spirit; (P) #2,443 [Add to Longdo]
築く[きずく, kizuku] (v5k, vt) to build; to pile up; to amass; (P) #17,580 [Add to Longdo]
騙し[だまし, damashi] (n) deceiving; cheating; fooling #18,598 [Add to Longdo]
あらまし[aramashi] (adv, n) (1) outline; gist; abstract; (2) roughly; about [Add to Longdo]
いかさま裁判[いかさまさいばん, ikasamasaiban] (n) fake trial; kangaroo court [Add to Longdo]
お邪魔します;御邪魔します[おじゃまします, ojamashimasu] (exp) (1) excuse me for disturbing (interrupting) you; (2) greeting used on going to someone's home [Add to Longdo]
お目覚まし[おめざまし, omezamashi] (n) (See お目覚) type of candy given to a child after it wakes up from a nap; wake-up sweets [Add to Longdo]
がましい[gamashii] (suf) look like; sound like; savor of; smack of [Add to Longdo]
けたたましい[ketatamashii] (adj-i) piercing; shrill; noisy; loud; clamorous; wild [Add to Longdo]
ざんす;ざます[zansu ; zamasu] (aux-v) (arch) to be [Add to Longdo]
たまさか鳥;偶さか鳥[たまさかどり, tamasakadori] (n) (obsc) (See 時鳥) lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus) [Add to Longdo]
だまし取る;騙し取る;騙しとる[だましとる, damashitoru] (v5r) to take something away by deception [Add to Longdo]
ないよりはまし;ないよりまし[naiyorihamashi ; naiyorimashi] (exp) better than a poke in the eye; better than none at all [Add to Longdo]
アカカマス[akakamasu] (n) red barracuda (Sphyraena pinguis) [Add to Longdo]
アマシイラ科[アマシイラか, amashiira ka] (n) Luvaridae (family containing 1 extant species of perciform fish similar to a surgeonfish) [Add to Longdo]
アマシイラ属[アマシイラぞく, amashiira zoku] (n) Luvarus (sole genus of perciform fish in the family Luvaridae whose only member is the luvar) [Add to Longdo]
カーマスートラ[ka-masu-tora] (n) Kamasutra [Add to Longdo]
カスタマサービス[kasutamasa-bisu] (n) { comp } customer service [Add to Longdo]
カマシア[kamashia] (n) (See ヒナユリ) camassia; wild hyacinth [Add to Longdo]
カマストガリザメ[kamasutogarizame] (n) blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus, species of reef-associated requiem shark) [Add to Longdo]
ギンザメダマシ[ginzamedamashi] (n) Hydrolagus ogilbyi (species of cartilaginous fish endemic to Australia); Ogilbys ghostshark [Add to Longdo]
クラマスヤツメ[kuramasuyatsume] (n) Klamath river lamprey (Lampetra similis) [Add to Longdo]
サマソルトターン[samasorutota-n] (n) somersault turn [Add to Longdo]
ダマスク[damasuku] (n) damask [Add to Longdo]
ドラマCD[ドラマシーディー, doramashi-dei-] (n) voice dramatization on CD (usu. based on manga, anime, etc.) (wasei [Add to Longdo]
ニューデリーメタロベータラクタマーゼ[nyu-deri-metarobe-tarakutama-ze] (n) New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase; NDM-1 [Add to Longdo]
ハマス[hamasu] (n) Hamas (Palestinian Islamic fundamentalist group) [Add to Longdo]
パジャマ[pajama] (n, adj-no) pajamas; pyjamas; (P) [Add to Longdo]
パジャマ姿[パジャマすがた, pajama sugata] (n) (appearance while) in pajamas (pyjamas) [Add to Longdo]
パナマスペードフィッシュ[panamasupe-dofisshu] (n) Panama spadefish (Parapsettus panamensis, species of Eastern Pacific spadefish found from the Gulf of California to Peru) [Add to Longdo]
パミス;パマス[pamisu ; pamasu] (n) pumice [Add to Longdo]
ヒナユリ[hinayuri] (n) (See カマシア) camassia; wild hyacinth [Add to Longdo]
ピジャマ[pijama] (n) pyjamas [Add to Longdo]
亜麻製[あませい, amasei] (adj-no) flaxen; linen [Add to Longdo]
絢緞子[あやどんす, ayadonsu] (n) damask [Add to Longdo]
綾錦[あやにしき, ayanishiki] (n) twill damask and brocade [Add to Longdo]
綾布[あやぬの, ayanuno] (n) twill damask and brocade [Add to Longdo]
暗ます;晦ます[くらます, kuramasu] (v5s, vt) (1) to abscond; to conceal oneself; (2) to deceive; to dissemble; to fool [Add to Longdo]
一寸の虫にも五分の魂[いっすんのむしにもごぶのたましい, issunnomushinimogobunotamashii] (exp) (id) Tread on a worm and it will turn [Add to Longdo]
一代分限[いちだいぶんげん;いちだいぶげん, ichidaibungen ; ichidaibugen] (n) new money; nouveau riche; person who has amassed substantial wealth in his lifetime [Add to Longdo]
一発かます[いっぱつかます, ippatsukamasu] (v5s) (sl) to hit someone [Add to Longdo]
烏滸がましい[おこがましい, okogamashii] (adj-i) (uk) presumptuous; impertinent; ridiculous; absurd [Add to Longdo]
雨障子[あましょうじ, amashouji] (n) (See 障子, 油障子) shoji with an oil-treated screen (for increased water resistance) [Add to Longdo]
猿ぐつわをかます;猿轡をかます[さるぐつわをかます, sarugutsuwawokamasu] (exp, v5s) to gag someone [Add to Longdo]
押し付けがましい;押しつけがましい[おしつけがましい, oshitsukegamashii] (adj-i) pushy; pushing; self-assertive [Add to Longdo]
横山神道[よこやましんとう, yokoyamashintou] (n) Yokoyama Shinto (Edo-period Shinto sect promoted by Masae Yokoyama) [Add to Longdo]
恩着せがましい[おんきせがましい, onkisegamashii] (adj-i) patronizing; expecting gratitude in return; acting like one is doing someone a favor; condescending [Add to Longdo]
河鱒[かわます, kawamasu] (n) brook trout [Add to Longdo]
蝦蟇腫[がましゅ, gamashu] (n) ranula [Add to Longdo]
海千山千[うみせんやません, umisenyamasen] (n, adj-no) sly old dog; old fox [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
カスタマサービス[かすたまさーびす, kasutamasa-bisu] customer service [Add to Longdo]
頭そろえ[あたまそろえ, atamasoroe] start-aligned [Add to Longdo]
あらまし[あらまし, aramashi] abstract [Add to Longdo]
クラマス[くらます, kuramasu] Klamath [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
余す[あます, amasu] uebriglassen [Add to Longdo]
冷ます[さます, samasu] kuehlen [Add to Longdo]
大和魂[やまとだましい, yamatodamashii] der_japanische_Geist [Add to Longdo]
山師[やまし, yamashi] Spekulant, Abenteurer, Scharlatan [Add to Longdo]
悩ます[なやます, nayamasu] quaelen, plagen, belaestigen [Add to Longdo]
目覚し[めざまし, mezamashi] Wecker [Add to Longdo]
目覚し時計[めざましとけい, mezamashitokei] Wecker [Add to Longdo]
覚ます[さます, samasu] aufwachen, aufwecken, wecken [Add to Longdo]
負けじ魂[まけじだましい, makejidamashii] unnachgiebiger_Geist [Add to Longdo]
[たましい, tamashii] -Seele, -Geist [Add to Longdo]


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