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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
通报[tōng bào, ㄊㄨㄥ ㄅㄠˋ,   /  ] bulletin; journal; circulate information; bulletin #4,570 [Add to Longdo]
原子科学家通报[yuán zǐ kē xué jiā tōng bào, ㄩㄢˊ ㄗˇ ㄎㄜ ㄒㄩㄝˊ ㄐㄧㄚ ㄊㄨㄥ ㄅㄠˋ,        /       ] Journal of Atomic Scientists [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I just wanted to give you a heads up before all the phone calls start about the black helicopters and little green men.[CN] 我只是想在关于 直升机与军人的电话来之前 先通报你一声 The Andromeda Strain (2008)
I welcome the opportunity to update the Council on the activities undertaken by my office since my last report in December.[CN] 我很高兴有机会 向安理会通报最新情况... ...对所开展的活动我的办公室 自从我上次报告在12月。 Darfur Now (2007)
This is a community bulletin.[CN] 这是社区通报 The Island (2005)
We gotta circulate this on radio.[CN] 我们应该赶紧用无线电通报 No Country for Old Men (2007)
I'll brief you.[CN] - 我会通报给你 United 93 (2006)
I'll report to him.[CN] 好的,我通报 The State Counsellor (2005)
There were reports in the area from local residents... of clocks stopping and disrupted TV signals.[CN] 事发当天 工厂邻近的住家 不是有电视的影像变形 还有时钟停止的通报 Suspect X (2008)
Can you talk to your superior, please?[CN] 你能向你的上司通报下么? 求你了 Blindness (2008)
Yeah, I'm following up on a 911 call we just received.[CN] 是这样,局里接到一通报警电话 Autopsy (2008)
One night in July of 45, that day the Secretary of War had told my father about the development of atomic weapon, atomic bomb.[CN] 45年6月的一个晚上 战争部长 向我父亲通报了核武器的进展 Why We Fight (2005)
Michel, we've Fandorin here, he is in charge of Khramov's security in Moscow.[CN] 米歇尔,五等文官范多林来了 就是他负责伊万・费奥多维奇 在莫斯科的安全。 通报 The State Counsellor (2005)
Anyway, I-I just thought you should know, huh?[CN] 好吧 我就是通报你一下 The Gun Song (2008)
Trust me, remember how formal he was?[CN] 我们绝对找不到他 相信我, 记得他多奉公守法? 没人会通报地址变更 The Secret in Their Eyes (2009)
Incoming ship, identify yourself.[CN] 你是谁? 不明船只,请通报身份! Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)
Report any variances over two feet.[CN] 有异状就通报 Sahara (2005)
And keep me advised on flight 93.[CN] 随时通报93号航班的情况 United 93 (2006)
and I'll brief you as soon as I get some more information.[CN] 了解过新的信息后 我会通报你们 United 93 (2006)
- There's been reports of a fire in the station.[CN] - 警局通报发生火灾 Hot Fuzz (2007)
They understand the gravity of the situation. I'll give you the best update I can...[CN] 他们知道事情的严重性 我会把最新进展即刻通报给你... United 93 (2006)
What kind of call is this?[CN] 通报警电话什么情况? Quarantine (2008)
What do we circulate?[CN] 通报些什么? No Country for Old Men (2007)
I apologize for the delay and I appreciate your patience, and I'll get back to you with an update.[CN] 在此,我向各位道歉 希望大家耐心等候 我会随时向大家通报最新进展,谢谢 United 93 (2006)
Have the policemen told me something wrong?[CN] 那我给警察的通报不就错了 Paco and the Magical Book (2008)
Police have issued an all-points bulletin for a well-dressed white man seen running from the scene.[CN] 警察发布全面通报 警察发布全面通报 寻找一位逃离现场 衣着非常整齐的白人男性 Across the Universe (2007)
Right after I notify the state and fill out the paperwork.[CN] 得等到通报政府和填写完文件以后 { \3cH202020 }Right after I notify the state and fill out the paperwork. The Rat (2006)
Sit rep![CN] 情况通报员! Transformers (2007)
Everyone else does, why can't you?[CN] 人人在电话里通报姓甚名谁 你为什么就不说呢 Russian Dolls (2005)
- Explains why you waited so long to call it in.[CN] -这就是你等这么久才通报的原因 Hitman (2007)
"I welcome the opportunity to update the Council on the activities undertaken by my office since my last report in December."[CN] "我很高兴有机会 向安理会通报最新情况... ...对所开展的活动我的办公室 自从我上次报告在12月" 。 Darfur Now (2007)
- Why didn't you just phone it in?[CN] 什么事? 为什么不来电通报 Lonely Hearts (2006)
The evil White Bitch who rules Gnarnia... has ordered anyone who finds a human to turn them in.[CN] 统治Gnarnia的邪恶的White Bitch... 下令发现人类必须通报 Epic Movie (2007)
I'll get with you when we're number one. Thanks for your patience.[CN] 等我们到第一个的时候 我再向各位通报,谢谢你们的耐心等候 United 93 (2006)
The proprietor filed a stolen items report.[CN] 拿钥匙出门后就没回来 所以旅馆主人通报警方 Suspect X (2008)
Notify the Judiciary, the Magistrate, but not Party Secretary Bernardi, he's a wretch and the cause of all my calamity.[CN] - 哪个去通报法院,大法官 - 但不要给贝纳蒂,他是个下流胚子 - 就是他把我弄得这么惨的 Vincere (2009)
Rest here while I report to the Speaker.[CN] 在我向咏者通报时,请在这休息。 Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight (2008)
A few days later, Barry and Matt were reported for what they called "helping the ladies."[CN] 几天后,巴里和马特被通报了 为了他们所谓的"帮助女士行动" Cashback (2006)
Repeat, identify yourself.[CN] 重复: 请通报身份! Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)
Yeah, that was the message.[CN] 嗯,通报上是这么说的 The Contract (2006)
You see it all here, don't you? Report that dog![CN] 你都看到了,快通报那条狗 Red Road (2006)
Chief, we've had a report of some hippy types messing with the recycling bins at the supermarket.[CN] 督察, 有人通报嘻皮闹事 在超市乱翻回收筒 Hot Fuzz (2007)
You don't need to announce her.[CN] 你没必要通报 200 Pounds Beauty (2006)
- Looking for Terry. It's Daniel.[CN] 帮我通报一声 我是丹尼・罗汉 Ocean's Thirteen (2007)
- Shall I report about you?[CN] - 要通报吗? - 我正想要问您几个问题 The State Counsellor (2005)
Won't you inform police about his whereabouts?[CN] 你为什么不通报警察 他的位置? Pokkiri (2007)
I'll notify CI.[CN] 我来通报CI The Ghost Network (2008)
Listen, ma'am, we're gonna be late for this briefing.[CN] 听着 女士 情况通报会要迟到了 Harry Brown (2009)
And if they're building one, our spy would already have reported to us.[CN] 要是他们造好了 我们的间谍早就通报 The Tsunami Warrior (2008)
When you get some hard information, let me know and I'll brief the staff.[CN] 有确实的消息,立刻告诉我 我要通报给同僚 United 93 (2006)
There's news coming in of a lady apparently running thought the traffic shouting and creating chaos.[CN] 有人通报一名妇女 在车阵中喊叫造成混乱 7 Days to Leave My Wife (2007)
I've notified them that we have a missing person situation.[CN] 我向他们通报了有人失踪的情况 Flightplan (2005)


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