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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
满腔[mǎn qiāng, ㄇㄢˇ ㄑㄧㄤ,   / 滿 ] one's heart filled with; full of (joy) #28,298 [Add to Longdo]
满腔热忱[mǎn qiāng rè chén, ㄇㄢˇ ㄑㄧㄤ ㄖㄜˋ ㄔㄣˊ,     / 滿   ] full of enthusiasm #75,838 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The fire is bursting from his belly up to his throat[CN] 满腔的怒火由丹田直烧向喉咙 Gallants (2010)
Or just plain anger, and a lot of it.[CN] 或只是因为愤怒 满腔的怒火 If the Shoe Fits (2014)
By that, Vernier gives counsel to the confessors, ... that interrogate the woman, especially those, that are given to their lustfulness and... who did shameful things with animals.[CN] 这就是佛尼亚为什么要建议受压迫者 去问女人,尤其是那些有着满腔热情荡天性的女人 她们是否同一只野兽进行过下流的性交 The Beast (1975)
And with that thought, my jealousy turned to hate.[CN] 此时我的妒意转变成满腔怨恨 The End of the Affair (1955)
She is angry and her rage is focused on you.[CN] 她很愤怒 她对你满腔怒火 Consequences (2012)
Elizabeth and Courtney, you came with a burning passion for food.[CN] Elizabeth和Courtney 你们怀抱着对于烹饪的满腔热情 Top 3 Compete (2014)
You asked to see me, ma'am?[CN] 我们只知道他是个满腔怒火的年轻人 What we do know is that he was a young man filled with hate... 联调局之前逮捕过他 whom the FBI had already arrested 怀疑他是潜在的恐怖分子 然后释放了 as a potential terror suspect and then released, The Return (2017)
For 18 years, I concealed myself on this ship, feeling only hatred and resentment, [CN] 我18年来潜伏在船上 满腔仇很驱使我夺回海妖之泪 The After-Dinner Mysteries (2013)
I realize passions are high, but I must warn you, the penalty for taking deadly force against an officer of the court in the performance of his duty is you'll be hung by the neck until you're dead.[CN] 我明白你满腔怒火 但我得警告你 采取致命武力... Django Unchained (2012)
Chuck came in with this massive passion, but what came out of that was how difficult it was to work with Chuck. (laughing)[CN] 查克带着满腔热忱来拍戏 结果反而使我们和他的合作变得不易 Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy (2010)
Really?[CN] 另一个男的 若他喝酒 他会满腔热血地谈论他的梦想 Boy from the Rainbow State (2015)
I flamed out in new york, after the baghdad incident.[CN] 巴格达事件之后 我在纽约满腔怒火 I flamed out in New York, after the Baghdad incident. A Cyclone (2014)
Great Gracchus, I find it difficult to hate... but there's one man I can't think of without fuming.[CN] 伟大的奎格斯 只要想到一个人 我心里就满腔怒火 Spartacus (1960)
Twould have angered any heart alive to hear the men deny it.[CN] 因为任何人听到那两个家伙抵赖他们的罪行时 都会怒火满腔 Macbeth (2015)
You had so much love to give.[CN] 你有满腔爱意可以给予 So It Goes (2014)
I did it for free, just for the interaction with bright, uh, people... that had a lot of fire in their belly.[CN] 全是免费的,就是为了接触智慧人群 他们总是满腔激情 Something Ventured (2011)
The insane conquistador, Aguirre, is raging through the jungle in search of a golden city that doesn't exist.[CN] 疯狂的征服者阿基尔 The insane conquistador, Aguirre, 正满腔怒火地穿过丛林 is raging through the jungle... 寻找并不存在的黄金城 ...in search of a golden city that doesn't exist. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015)
he moved to this country with his dear wife Gabrielle, heloved it with all his heart.[CN] 对故乡魁北克的眷恋也丝毫未减 他对故乡倾出满腔热忱 On the Road (2012)
People cared passionately about these matters, and the passion was by no means all on the side Protestants.[CN] 人们带着满腔热情关注这些问题, 但这并不意味着只有新教徒才富有激情。 Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)
And there's a lot of anger to drawn on.[CN] 她现在满腔愤怒 343 Walnut Lane (2011)
I'm absolutely furious.[CN] 满腔愤怒 Downtown - Die nackten Puppen der Unterwelt (1975)
I got 10 hours left to breathe, and the last thing I need is some freaky woman coming up here with her liberal guilt trying to change things.[CN] 我还剩10小时的命 用不着一个怪女人跑过来 怀着满腔的内疚 妄图改变什么 Burn (2014)
I am angrier than ever and filled with despair.[CN] 我现在是怒火中烧 而且满腔绝望 The Cooper/Kripke Inversion (2013)
Tom was just so passionate, and he was so affectionate[CN] 汤姆热情洋溢 他的满腔爱意 Bridegroom (2013)
A passionate young man like Duh who came all this way to study[CN] 像阿德这样离乡背井 满腔热血的青年 Love in Disguise (2010)
- He didn't?[CN] 以此发泄我的满腔怒火 Dramatics, Your Honor (2014)
You're very enthusiastic.[CN] 你有满腔热情 Liberal Arts (2012)
For nearly a year before that debate there had been a piling-up of bitterness and anguish in the breasts of people who wanted Britain to go all out and win the war against Hitler.[CN] 在那次辩论前的大约一年里 在许多人胸中堆积了满腔痛苦和焦虑 这些人想要英国全力以赴 并赢得针对希特勒的战争 Distant War: September 1939-May 1940 (1973)
No idea I was behind it, but... She's all gung ho to launch a big investigation.[CN] 还不知道是我 满腔热血地要开始调查 Red, White and Blue (2013)
I'm glad to see you've all given blood.[CN] 我很高兴看到你们都满腔热血 Real Deal (2011)
I mean, she already expressed her enthusiasm as to being directed by you![CN] 她绝对是最好的 她已经对由您指挥一事表达了满腔热忱 她高兴坏了 Youth (2015)
Once we entered Woodbury, you became hostile.[CN] 而你踏入Woodbury后 就变得满腔敌意 I Ain't a Judas (2013)
Optimistic and full of hopes.[CN] 并怀着满腔热情与希望 Letter Never Sent (1960)
But the crown wasn't enough to appease his appetite and rage.[CN] 然而王座并未满足他的胃口和满腔愤怒 Heavenly Sword (2014)
because often one breath to write the script sets grandfather sometimes accidentally horror film written literary dialogue sheet the hot blood of the knight spy film written Zhuang Shen Nong Gui[CN] 因为常常一口气要写好几套剧本 阿公有时候会不小心把恐怖片的对白写进文艺片 把满腔热血的侠客 写进装神弄鬼的间谍片 A ma de meng zhong qing ren (2013)
Full of fire and aggression, has to be right, even when she isn't.[CN] 满腔激情 充满攻击性 必须是对的 就算不对也得说她是对的 The Livelong Day (2013)
I've only been here a short space, I come with a humility to this place to find a teacher of vocation who's held by all in veneration.[CN] 我来这里时间不长 怀着热情满腔 拜望先生 向先生求教 因为先生常被人称道 Mephisto (1981)
Why do you have to be so angry all the time?[CN] 你为什么总是满腔怒火的呢 Episode #2.3 (2011)
My hatred is great toward the Nationalists.[CN] 对国民党人满腔仇恨 Incendies (2010)
You're about to meet an angry man, Mr. William Conner who carries on his shoulder a chip the size of the national debt.[CN] (运动比赛) 各位即将见过 满腔怒火的威廉康纳先生 这个人背了一屁股的债 Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983)
I embrace her with all the love and affection[CN] 我对她仍然怀着满腔的爱意 Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (2013)
That's terrible.[CN] 真遗憾 我带着满腔的疑虑来了... To Be or Not to Be (1942)
We'll mourn the departed day in good conscience and with goodwill.[CN] 我们将怀着满腔诚意 问心无愧地哀悼那消逝的太阳 Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959)
He is filled with anger, so it is only natural that those closest to him gets the brunt of it.[CN] 他只有满腔的怒火 所以自然地 在他身边的亲人都要承受他的不满 Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist (2014)
- Who's the bad guy here?[CN] 现在他满腔怨恨 Resident Evil: Vendetta (2017)
I mean, look at you. You're so full of anger.[CN] 看看你自己,你满腔怒火。 Gently Northern Soul (2012)
Today we declare, with our hearts full and our heads high:[CN] 今天 用我们的满腔热血 昂首挺胸地高呼: Broken City (2013)
As he finally manages to push the thoughts of anger and hate out of his gentle mind, a fellow monk pleads with him one final time.[CN] 他终于能够将自己 的满腔愤懑排出脑内 一个住持最后一次恳求他 Seven Psychopaths (2012)
All of them were angry.[CN] 但全都是满腔的愤怒 Heaven & Earth (1993)
There's been a lot of anger inside me since Rita died, and when I looked at Travis and thought about everything he did, [CN] Rita去世以后 我心中一直盘桓着满腔怒火 当我看到Travis 再想想他干的那些事... Are You...? (2012)


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