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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
提倡[tí chàng, ㄊㄧˊ ㄔㄤˋ,  ] to promote; to advocate #6,245 [Add to Longdo]
提倡[tí chàng zhě, ㄊㄧˊ ㄔㄤˋ ㄓㄜˇ,   ] proponent; advocate; pioneer #138,567 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The state, which claims to promote freedom... uses the methods of totalitarianism... in the name of fighting terrorism.[CN] 联邦,声称提倡自由 却使出极权主义的手段 以反恐之名 The Baader Meinhof Complex (2008)
Advocate emphasis on Confucianism and Buddhism.[CN] 提倡儒教抑制佛教 Pirates (2014)
I'm not comfortable with all the foreign policy hawks... surrounding Ronnie, Jim.[CN] 吉姆,我不喜欢那些提倡强硬的外交政策... 的鹰派人物整天围着罗尼转 Lee Daniels' The Butler (2013)
I don't mean to encourage throwing shoes[CN] 我不是提倡扔香蕉呀 Gallants (2010)
The sword that revitalizes people. That's this Dojo's motto.[CN] 听说这个流派提倡活人剑 Rurouni Kenshin Part I: Origins (2012)
He advocated organized terror attacks against the United States, including the so-called underwear bomber in 2009 and the attempted car bombing in Times Square last year.[CN] 提倡进行针对美国的有组织的恐怖袭击 He advocated organized terror attacks against the United States, 包括在09年所谓的内衣炸弹 including the so -called underwear bomber in 2009 The Genoa Tip (2013)
The Generalissimo has always stated so.[CN] 一直是委员长所提倡 Back to 1942 (2012)
Has a decision already been made, in principle, to advocate invasion?[CN] 原则上 是否已经有提倡侵略的政策被通过了? In the Loop (2009)
Though it oughtn't to be encouraged..[CN] 但是不值得提倡 Naoko (2008)
I am not encouraging violence[CN] 我今天说这些话,不是提倡暴力 Gallants (2010)
Venus Gate's current major stockholder is a religious cult thought to have been disbanded.[CN] 维纳斯门现在的大股东 是提倡末日思想的邪教集团 King of Thorn (2009)
He's promoting independence.[CN] 提倡獨立性 Hanna (2011)
But we do our best, we promote meetings, debates... conferences...[CN] 但是,我们尽我们所能, 我们提倡的会议,辩论... ... 会议... What Is It Worth? (2005)
From Sartre to Bakounin, from Zweig to Freud... I read everything I could.[CN] { \fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F }萨特 法国哲学家 小说家 剧作家 提倡存在主义 巴枯宁 俄国无政府主义者 作家 布莱希特 德国戏剧家 诗人 弗洛伊德 奥地利心理分析学家及精神病学家 Persepolis (2007)
I'm not one to advocate violence, but every now and then, people like Natalie need to be punched in the face.[CN] 我不是一个提倡暴力的人 但是迟早 想纳塔利那样的人 都欠揍 Excision (2012)
We've had peace for nearly 20 years.[CN] 提倡"已非战后时期 From Up on Poppy Hill (2011)
And then it filtered down through the department stores and then trickled on down into some tragic Casual Corner where you, no doubt, fished it out of some clearance bin.[CN] 然后放入其名下的商店 最后慢慢掺入可悲的 CC { \fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F }CC Casual Corner 提倡舒适的美国中档品牌 The Devil Wears Prada (2006)
And we advocate fiscal responsibility.[CN] 我们提倡负责任的财政政策 I.O.U.S.A. (2008)
It's just frowned upon. It's highly unethical.[CN] 這不算保險詐騙 只是不提倡而已 Start Me Up (2011)
After all, circumcision is hygienically sound.[CN] 从生理卫生的角度来看,割掉包皮值得提倡 Changeling (2008)
Bloomberg is the anti-smoking mayor.[CN] Bloomberg市长提倡禁烟 Last Cigarette Ever (2009)
But I encourage hitting target[CN] 提倡打中目标 Gallants (2010)
He taught that a sword is used to revitalize people.[CN] 父亲提倡活人剑 Rurouni Kenshin Part I: Origins (2012)
- Veldt survived?[CN] Veldt提倡沿海风力发电站建设 这么说Veldt没死? Critical (2012)
Many question the need to bring back precious metals at all.[CN] 一些人提倡使用白銀 他們認為白銀的數量比黃金多 因此比起黃金更難被壟斷 Money as Debt (2006)
- It's not encouraged.[CN] - 这种事我们不提倡 Cubeº: Cube Zero (2004)
perhaps we should also resurrect another timeless principle for workers that was promoted during the industrial revolution[CN] 或许我们还应该将工业革命时期 所提倡的另一条永恒法则再次奉为圭臬 Four Horsemen (2012)
Look, I don't advocate this for young, healthy people.[CN] 我不提倡健康的年轻人这么做 Let Sales Ring (2005)
Deepwater Horizon continues to spill oil even as it sinks into the Gulf, a Republican candidate for senate in Nevada advocates poor people paying doctors with chickens, and Greece activates a $45 billion aid package.[CN] 深水地平线"已经沉入墨西哥湾 {\3cH202020}Deepwater Horizon continues to spill oil 一位内华达州参议员共和党候选人提倡 {\3cH202020}a Republican candidate for Senate in Nevada advocates 希腊寻求450亿美元的援助计划 {\3cH202020}and Greece activates a $45 billion aid package. News Night 2.0 (2012)
... a demonstration for democracy against the Nazi dictatorship.[CN] 一场提倡民主反对纳粹独裁的示威游行 This Life (2012)
We've also taken a vow of charity.[CN] 我们也同样提倡做善事 Catch-22 (2007)
Many monetary critics call for a return to gold-based money, claiming that gold has a long history of reliability.[CN] 這個系統需要完整地被替換掉 許多金融貨幣評論家提倡重新啟用黃金作為流通的貨幣 他們宣稱黃金在歷史上有很長一段時間都是很可靠的 Money as Debt (2006)
The system I advocate, a resource based global economy is not perfect, it's just a lot better than what we have.[CN] 提倡的这个资源挂帅的经济体并不是完美的 Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008)
- But it's not encouraged.[CN] - 但是不提倡这么错 Cubeº: Cube Zero (2004)
"We must organise group emigration. Turn away individuals! "We must promote group emigration.[CN] 我们必须提倡集体移民 我们会马上完成 The Last of the Unjust (2013)
It will also further marginalize those in the opposition who have advocated non-violence or to advance political strategy.[CN] 也将会排斥反对派中 那些提倡非暴力手段 寻求政治途径的人 Killing Season (2013)
The city was thinking of going green for a while.[CN] 那时整个城市提倡环保 Vanishing on 7th Street (2010)
A college education I should never propose[CN] *我从不提倡寒窗苦读* De-Lovely (2004)
There are those inside US Government who advocate using these weapons.[CN] 美国政府的某些派别成员大力提倡使用这些武器 Episode #1.4 (2003)
It's just as well we've taken a vow of poverty then, isn't it?[CN] 这正是我们所提倡的 清贫乐道,是吧? Catch-22 (2007)
- I was thinking maybe an organization to encourage literacy.[CN] 或许可以捐给 一个提倡扫除文盲的组织 The Reader (2008)
How can it be that you share with you![CN] ...噢 这才是所提倡的 你学会分享了 What Happens in Vegas (2008)
We're not encouraged to have wedding banquets nowadays[CN] 现在是不提倡办喜酒 Everlasting Regret (2005)
Ever since I could remember, mom encouraged free speech, democracy, and equity.[CN] 从小到大我妈一直提倡 言论自由跟民主公正 Due West: Our Sex Journey (2012)
He's a reactionary conservative nationalist who's always been a vocal supporter of the formation of a ruling class comprised of pure-blooded Japanese.[CN] 这家伙以前就是公然提倡 由纯种日本人构成统治阶级 反动保守的民族主义者的主要成员之一 Kôkaku kidôtai: Stand Alone Complex Solid State Society (2006)
Preach family first as if there's one kind of family.[CN] 提倡家庭优先,却道貌岸然 Perfect Stranger (2007)
Ben caused quite a stir by advocating his controversial "shock and awe" knife attack method.[CN] 班 因提倡他有争议性的 【震慑术】 而造成轰动... 刀子攻击的用法 The Men Who Stare at Goats (2009)
It's popular lately.[CN] 现在潮流提倡环保嘛 Xi ai ye pu (2011)
Whether you are dealing with the philosophies of[CN] 因为刚才那位Milton Friedman先生 就是这么提倡的 不论你接触到的理念是有关于 Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)
Now, applied to a proper product, with a solid consumer base, the model still holds up.[CN] 现在, 运用在一个适当的产品上, 它有着固有的消费人群, 所以这种模式仍然能提倡. Confidence (2003)


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