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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
提倡[tí chàng, ㄊㄧˊ ㄔㄤˋ,  ] to promote; to advocate #6,245 [Add to Longdo]
提倡者[tí chàng zhě, ㄊㄧˊ ㄔㄤˋ ㄓㄜˇ,   ] proponent; advocate; pioneer #138,567 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Besides, he knows people of influence from whom I can get - commissions for your compositions and Rodolfo's portraits.[CN] 他提倡遗孤补偿金 而且还认识很多大人物 这是你们两个出名的好机会 La Vie de Bohème (1992)
I represent quality round here, my name is known for it.[CN] 这里我一直都提倡质量 The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover (1989)
Advocate emphasis on Confucianism and Buddhism.[CN] 提倡儒教抑制佛教 Pirates (2014)
I'm not comfortable with all the foreign policy hawks... surrounding Ronnie, Jim.[CN] 吉姆,我不喜欢那些提倡强硬的外交政策... 的鹰派人物整天围着罗尼转 Lee Daniels' The Butler (2013)
Not Berah Ronah. Nevertheless, you are the eldest daughter of the Ronah family proponents of the Cosmo Aristocracy.[CN] 可是 宇宙贵族主意是由罗拿家一手提倡的 Mobile Suit Gundam F91 (1991)
The sword that revitalizes people. That's this Dojo's motto.[CN] 听说这个流派提倡活人剑 Rurouni Kenshin Part I: Origins (2012)
He advocated organized terror attacks against the United States, including the so-called underwear bomber in 2009 and the attempted car bombing in Times Square last year.[CN] 他提倡进行针对美国的有组织的恐怖袭击 He advocated organized terror attacks against the United States, 包括在09年所谓的内衣炸弹 including the so -called underwear bomber in 2009 The Genoa Tip (2013)
The Generalissimo has always stated so.[CN] 一直是委员长所提倡的 Back to 1942 (2012)
When you tell your people to stop being violent against my people I'll tell them to put away their guns.[CN] 我会提倡放开枪械 你仍那么极端? 把你的手放出我的袋! Malcolm X (1992)
I don't advocate it.[CN] - 我不提倡 Requiem for a Gleet (2005)
I'm sorry, I'm just not very good with violence.[CN] 对不起 我这个人不是很提倡暴力 X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
This can't be helped, Nars. Art calls for sacrifice.[CN] 這不管用, 納斯·阿特提倡奉獻 Passions (1994)
They wanna empower women.[CN] 他们想要提倡女性主义 What Women Want (2000)
I have been promoted V-P Creative Affairs.[CN] 我一直提倡V -P 创意事务。 Permanent Midnight (1998)
Well, it's no citizen award either.[CN] 也不值得提倡 Message in a Bottle (1999)
You advocate a man's right to privacy.[CN] 你提倡人的隐私权 Episode #1.4 (2014)
It's not my place, and I couldn't possibly recommend it...[CN] 我没资格... 我不提倡 也不支持 但是 It's not my place, and I couldn't possibly recommend it... Doing the Honours (1981)
I'm promoting you, my friend.[CN] 我提倡你, 我的朋友。 Hercules Reborn (2014)
I'm not one to advocate violence, but every now and then, people like Natalie need to be punched in the face.[CN] 我不是一个提倡暴力的人 但是迟早 想纳塔利那样的人 都欠揍 Excision (2012)
I pushed the project.[CN] 因为是我提倡这个计划的. Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla (2002)
Oh, what do you expect, man?[CN] "我餵母乳" "所有提倡健康的行為我都做 所以我的孩子一定沒問題" Do Some Shots, Save the World (2017)
He taught that a sword is used to revitalize people.[CN] 父亲提倡活人剑 Rurouni Kenshin Part I: Origins (2012)
- Veldt survived?[CN] Veldt提倡沿海风力发电站建设 这么说Veldt没死? Critical (2012)
PROMOTE SMALL-SCALE FISHING[CN] 提倡小规模捕鱼 Planet Ocean (2012)
perhaps we should also resurrect another timeless principle for workers that was promoted during the industrial revolution[CN] 或许我们还应该将工业革命时期 所提倡的另一条永恒法则再次奉为圭臬 Four Horsemen (2012)
Show how tough he is on crime. I agree with you.[CN] - 以证明他提倡重刑 Dead Man Walking (1995)
We advocate simple triumph of the will.[CN] 288) }我們提倡純粹的意志力的勝利 Sweet Movie (1974)
Deepwater Horizon continues to spill oil even as it sinks into the Gulf, a Republican candidate for senate in Nevada advocates poor people paying doctors with chickens, and Greece activates a $45 billion aid package.[CN] 深水地平线"已经沉入墨西哥湾 {\3cH202020}Deepwater Horizon continues to spill oil 一位内华达州参议员共和党候选人提倡 {\3cH202020}a Republican candidate for Senate in Nevada advocates 希腊寻求450亿美元的援助计划 {\3cH202020}and Greece activates a $45 billion aid package. News Night 2.0 (2012)
... a demonstration for democracy against the Nazi dictatorship.[CN] 一场提倡民主反对纳粹独裁的示威游行 This Life (2012)
Advocate cannibalism, eat shit.[CN] 提倡人吃人 吃屎 Pink Flamingos (1972)
He advocates the overthrow of government.[CN] 他提倡推翻政府 Rape: A Modern Perspective (2013)
But I'm a scientist, not a politician.[CN] 我是一个新党团议会的领导人 提倡反战 Einstein: Chapter Seven (2017)
She went into journalism with an ax to grind... and that was to promote radical feminism.[CN] 她进入新闻界别有私心 那就是要提倡激进的女性主义 Truth (2015)
"We must organise group emigration. Turn away individuals! "We must promote group emigration.[CN] 我们必须提倡集体移民 我们会马上完成 The Last of the Unjust (2013)
It will also further marginalize those in the opposition who have advocated non-violence or to advance political strategy.[CN] 也将会排斥反对派中 那些提倡非暴力手段 寻求政治途径的人 Killing Season (2013)
There are those inside US Government who advocate using these weapons.[CN] 美国政府的某些派别成员大力提倡使用这些武器 Episode #1.4 (2003)
But because we're feminists, she can go out on Sunday![CN] 但因为我提倡男女平等 她星期天可以出门! Taxi Girl (1977)
You're saying you're anti-white? - No, you're saying it.[CN] 你提倡反白人,反基督的科 Malcolm X (1992)
Damn Englund, Damn Kropotkin![CN] 该死的英格伦! 该死的克鲁泡特金! (克鲁泡特金是前面提倡革命的无政府主义者) Everlasting Moments (2008)
Well, your plan worked.[CN] 的行为是不被提倡的 哈哈,你的计划很成功 Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)
Ever since I could remember, mom encouraged free speech, democracy, and equity.[CN] 从小到大我妈一直提倡 言论自由跟民主公正 Due West: Our Sex Journey (2012)
Perhaps we have feared in doing so, we might acknowledge that our individuality, which we so, so revere, is not entirely our own.[CN] 也许我们怕一旦求助 就必须承认我们一直 提倡的个人独立性 会受到损害 Amistad (1997)
Good.[CN] 提倡保健和饮食定时 Malcolm X (1992)
It goes shitty, you don't realize it until too late.[CN] 我不是提倡不婚,你應該結婚 Louis C.K. 2017 (2017)
If I may I, for one, have never advocated passive anything.[CN] 而我... 我本人从未提倡消极抵抗 Gandhi (1982)
She must have meant anthropology.[CN] "阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦建议 提倡 "并鼓动人们抵抗 Einstein: Chapter Eight (2017)
Because 1964 threatens to be an explosive year on the racial front I have called this press conference to clarify my position.[CN] 我召开这记者会来澄清我立 伊斯兰国家的内乱迫了我出 在过去,我提倡穆罕默德的 Malcolm X (1992)
This is a democracy... and the people don't like it.[CN] 我们提倡民主 This is a democracy... 人民并不同意 人民既愚昧又盲目 and the people don't like it. The Greasy Pole (1981)
The Mutant Registration Act lost its main proponent today ... with the dramatic reversal of Senator Robert Kelly, who until this time had provided the loudest voice in the cry for mutant registration.[CN] 提倡变种人登记制度的凯利议员 戏剧性的转变立场 他是变种人登记制的提案人 X-Men (2000)
I'll convey the message.[CN] 是的 我是一个新党团议会的领导人 提倡反战 Einstein: Chapter Seven (2017)


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