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什叶[Shí yè, ㄕˊ ㄧㄝˋ,   /  ] Shia (a movement in Islam) [Add to Longdo]
什叶[Shí yè pài, ㄕˊ ㄧㄝˋ ㄆㄞˋ,    /   ] Shia sect (of Islam) #15,089 [Add to Longdo]

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Like accepting a Shiite cleric's invitation for an interview, driving straight into a deadly trap.[CN] 就像接受一个什叶派牧师的 采访邀请 直接驶向死亡的陷阱 5 Days of War (2011)
It's full of former shia militia members.[CN] 这里面都是前什叶派组织的成员 Allegiance (2014)
But then, our life went the way of the trees when the Ayatollahs ripped the soul out of our beautiful country.[CN] 不过,与此同时,我们的生活 也重蹈了这些树的覆辙 因为阿亚图拉们已经撕裂了 我们这个美丽国家的灵魂 (阿亚图拉,伊斯兰教什叶派领袖的称谓) House of Sand and Fog (2003)
Sunni, Shiite, Alawis, Druze, Christian, all at each other's throats.[CN] 逊尼派教徒 什叶派教徒 德鲁士 基督教徒都相互敌对 Queen of the Desert (2015)
I think you mean Kurds or Shiites.[CN] 我想你要说的是库德人或者什叶派教徒 Delta Farce (2007)
Do you mean, Sunnis and Shiites and Kurds?[CN] 你是说逊尼、什叶和库德吗? American Dreamz (2006)
Junior. - His father's a Shiite.[CN] 他父亲是什叶派 我们正在调查他 The Siege (1998)
Shi'a cab driver we source is saying there's a stronghold seven doors down.[CN] 我们什叶派计程车司机线民 说那附近有叛乱份子的要塞 American Sniper (2014)
At least I'm not a shia.[CN] 好歹我也不是什叶派的啦 The Infidel (2010)
- Shiite or Sunni? - Wow![CN] - 什叶派还是逊尼派? The Siege (1998)
Akbar's big idea was very simple.[CN] 他已经和穆斯林逊尼派和什叶派的传道士 The Meeting of Two Oceans (2007)
Grant my wishes![CN] (阿里 -里达: 伊斯兰教什叶派的第八任伊玛目) The Garden of Stones (1976)
Syria is the same.[CN] 什叶派 逊尼派 库尔德派 Chapter 52 (2016)
I'm saying I swear to Emam Zaman if I've stepped one inch from here.[CN] 侯赛因系先知(即穆罕默德)之子 什叶十二伊玛目派十四贤人之一 我向侯赛因阿訇发誓我没有踏进那扇门一步 A Separation (2011)
The Americans are saying Uday has been shot by the Shi'a.[CN] The Americans are saying Uday has been shot by the Shi'a. 美国人说乌代被什叶派给打死了 The Devil's Double (2011)
Delhi, which is a city of 100, 000 people, which contains around 250, 000 people at the time the British attack it, refugees and the sepoys and so on, is left a completely empty ruin.[CN] 就是带有尖塔的什叶派教集会场所 在全景的中央 你可以看到河边的奥朗则布清真寺 Freedom (2007)
Add to that there is always the chance some fucked-up Shi'a scum will take a shot at him.[CN] Add to that there is always the chance some fucked -up Shi'a scum 更何况那儿到处都是危险 一些什叶派的杂碎们 will take a shot at him. The Devil's Double (2011)
- Which could be activated within forty five minutes - including against his own Shia population.[CN] - 可以在45分钟之内被激活 - 杀伤范围包括自己什叶派的人民 The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012)
What is it with you and Africa?[CN] 你能说出逊尼派和什叶派穆斯林的三个不同么 Can you tell me three differences between a Sunni and a Shi'a? The Genoa Tip (2013)
She's a known associate of Kurdish and Shiite insurgents.[CN] 她和库德族与什叶派叛军挂勾 Solitary (2004)
Muslims the world over are fighting a civil war over the direction Islam is taking.[CN] 全世界的穆斯林都在为 { \3cH202020 }Muslims the world over are fighting a civil war { \fn方正黑体简体\fs16\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F }什叶派和逊尼派 Bullies (2012)
Vaziri's devoutly Shia.[CN] 华兹里是什叶 Fair Game (2010)
Your Shiite friends have already implicated you in the bombing.[CN] 你的什叶教派朋友 已经招出炸弹是你放的 Solitary (2004)
Or 'C, a sub-sect... of ancient Ismaili assassins.' Hm.[CN] 三, 什叶派刺客的分支 The Accidental Husband (2008)
-the "shoia", here.[CN] 什叶派更可怕。 Allah akbar! (2014)
We are expecting to have representatives from all three main ethnic groups, the Kurds, the Shia and the Sunni, angling for different levels of power.[CN] 库尔德、什叶以及逊尼三个群体 都将有代表出席,代表不同的权力等级 Green Zone (2010)
-See what I mean?[CN] 什叶派穆斯林权威,非洲军阀 还有退休的首相 The Manchurian Candidate (2004)
- Shiite sector? - South suburbs.[CN] 什叶派教徒区是? Secrets of State (2008)
Yellow means death for the Shiites...[CN] 什叶派教徒认为黄色意味着死亡 Secrets of State (2008)
Ambushed by Shiite militants on the road to Samarra.[CN] 在去萨马的路上遭到了什叶派武装分子的袭击 5 Days of War (2011)
Are you a Shia or a Sunni?[CN] 你是什叶派,还是逊尼派? Haider (2014)
Iraqi President al-Sadr was on hand to commemorate the occasion and praised Sunni, Shiah, Kurd and Turkoman...[CN] 伊拉克总统萨达也出席庆典 赞扬逊尼、什叶及土库曼派... The Invasion (2007)
What if he's wrong or being kept in the dark or even lying for reasons that we're not aware of?[CN] 什叶派民兵在伊拉克对抗我们 Shiite militias against us in Iraq, 把那个国家的街道布满炸弹 flooded that country with roadside bombs, 杀死数千美国士兵 killing thousands of US troops? Alt.truth (2017)
Whether sunni or shite".[CN] 不管逊尼派或什叶派... The Infidel (2010)
So jihadi and Wahhabi terrorists are moving through Shiite territory, sir?[CN] 所以圣战徒和瓦哈比恐怖分子 就从什叶派的地盘穿过来,长官? Lions for Lambs (2007)
I guess the only real differences are her two Peabodys and the scar on her stomach from the knife wound she got covering a Shiite protest in Islamabad.[CN] 我想区别只是她拿过两次皮博迪奖 还有在伊斯兰堡报导什叶派示威活动时 肚子上留下了一道刀疤 We Just Decided To (2012)
A Shia and a Sunni, I'm both.[CN] 什叶派和逊尼派,我都是 Haider (2014)
If we'd killed Bin Laden on 9/12, or if Iraqi Shiites greeted us with a ticker-tape parade, we would never have to think about, "Who are these people?"[CN] 如果我们在9月12号杀死了本. 拉登 或者如果什叶派穆斯林张灯结彩欢迎我们 Lions for Lambs (2007)
Nothing. It's on Shiite factions in Lebanon.[CN] 是黎巴嫩什叶派教徒内部斗争 The Decline of the American Empire (1986)
He then began a campaign to westernize Iran enraging a mostly traditional Shiite population.[CN] 接着他开始宣扬西化伊朗 激怒了一批 以传统什叶教徒为主的人 Argo (2012)
1300 years of murder between the Sunnis and Shiahs getting back-burnered now so they can kill more Americans in more places.[CN] 1300多年逊尼和什叶教派冲突放在一旁 集中精力来杀美国人 Lions for Lambs (2007)
Look, they don`t care if they cut American hair, Shiite hair, Sunni hair.[CN] 他们才不管自己的客户 是美国人,什叶派教徒,还是回教徒 Three Kings (1999)
an Iranian or if you kill a Shiite, you go to Heaven and you get 72 virgins.[CN] 或者说 你杀一个什叶派教徒 你就能升上天堂 并且得到72个处女 Rosewater (2014)
This is Tal'at Basari, a concert-level pianist... whose cousin had ties to Khomeini.[CN] 这是Tal'at Basari 一位杰出的钢琴家 他的表弟和霍梅尼有关系 (霍梅尼: 伊朗伊斯兰教什叶派领袖) Still Positive (2013)
We have a big, huge backing of Ali Khamenei, and he supports Ahmadinejad's motives.[CN] 伊斯兰教什叶派8000万教徒的精神领袖) 因为我们有哈梅内伊的全力支持 他支持内贾德的政治决策 Rosewater (2014)


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