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亲口[qīn kǒu, ㄑㄧㄣ ㄎㄡˇ,   /  ] to say sth personally #22,965 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You said yourself you wouldn't cross it and wouldn't tell anyone![CN] 亲口答应不碰那底线的 Episode #1.10 (2012)
See, I always wanted to meet the man that murdered my uncle and tell him his days are comin'.[CN] 我一直很想见见那个杀了我叔叔的人 See, I always wanted to meet the man that murdered my uncle 并且亲口告诉他他的好日子也快完了 and tell him his days are comin'. Episode #1.1 (2012)
I want you to tell me to my face...[CN] 我想听你亲口跟我说... Inseparable (2011)
"Your mother told me...[CN] 你母亲亲口告诉我 Your mother told me Jungle Child (2011)
Come on. I want to hear you say it.[CN] 来吧 我想听你亲口说出来 Takedown (2010)
You're here today so I could personally tell you that you are going to die in federal prison.[CN] 你今天在这儿 所以我可以亲口告诉你... ...你会把牢底坐穿的 The Town (2010)
Then I can say goodbye to you in person.[CN] 这样,我可以亲口跟你说声再见嘛 72 ga cho hak (2010)
Yeah Roz, but I want to hear it from Lil.[CN] 是的 罗兹 但我想让里奥亲口拒绝我 Adore (2013)
Huh? He didn't say, "Yes." He walked. There is nothing we can do.[CN] 他没有亲口说出 "明白" 他就这么无罪开释了 我们无能为力 Swim Deep (2012)
Now, you can beg her forgiveness in the Otherworld.[CN] 不过等一下你就可以亲口求她原谅了 Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)
Tell him![CN] 亲口告诉他你多么崇敬他 The Bitter End (2011)
Better received from your tongue than mine.[CN] 由你转告,强过我亲口表述 Missio (2011)
Wade comes out and says it.[CN] Wade亲口 On Tap (2010)
You should probably let her tell you.[CN] 你还是听她亲口说吧 The Oranges (2011)
I told her I didn't believe her and she told me you said your fee was 20 francs a consultation.[CN] 我本来还不相信她 她说你亲口告诉她 你的咨询费是一次20法郎 A Dangerous Method (2011)
They'll call. I thought I'd tell you.[CN] 会有人跟你下订 但我想亲口告诉你 Le Chef (2012)
No, no, he does. He's told me a couple times.[CN] 不,他亲口说过几次 The Switch (2010)
That's why I brought you the DVDs written records of children's statements.[CN] 所以我这不是带来了孩子们 亲口陈述的录制光碟和笔录吗 Silenced (2011)
And he heard it straight from Bono.[CN] 而他是听波诺亲口说的 Killing Bono (2011)
Listen, just wanted to stop by and tell you myself whatever this thing is you got going on I think my guys can handle it without me.[CN] 听着 我只是想顺道过来 亲口告诉你... ...不管你们打算做什么事... ...没有我 我的伙计照样会处理好的 你懂我意思吗? The Town (2010)
- I told you to your face I didn't kill that kid, but you didn't believe me.[CN] - 我当你的面亲口说了 我没杀那孩子 Vendetta (2011)
He told me himself. Roger told me.[CN] 亲口告诉我的,罗杰告诉我的 Cedar Rapids (2011)
Xiang Yu, I've been waiting to tell you myself that[CN] 项羽 我一直等着要亲口告诉你 White Vengeance (2011)
She stole secrets from her uncle, Jonathan Swire, and gave them to Carlisle to publish.[CN] 她从她叔叔乔纳森・斯维尔那里窃取秘密 拿去给卡莱尔报道 斯维尔亲口跟我说的 Episode #2.3 (2011)
Nikki told me herself.[CN] 尼基亲口告诉我的。 Sexy Evil Genius (2013)
This is not a happy ending until I say so...[CN] 我没亲口说出来, 这就不是真正的圆满结局 Without Men (2011)
You didn't even tell me yourself.[CN] 你甚至都没亲口告诉我 Bel Ami (2012)
...I've ever really spοken tο.[CN] ...我能亲口交谈的人 The King's Speech (2010)
--when your code of silence finally gives way to fear of trafficking in cigarettes to prevent sexual enslavement I just want you to know that it's gonna be me who tells you to go fuck yourself.[CN] 当你最后受不了了... ...不得不用香烟去换取不被爆菊的时候... ...我只想让你知道将会是我来亲口告诉你: The Town (2010)
I don't care if it's true. I just wanna hear him denying it.[CN] 我不管 就算是真的 我也要听他亲口否认 The Ides of March (2011)
And he told me, yeah, he did it.[CN] 亲口告诉我 是他干的 Abiquiu (2010)
That's what she told you?[CN] 是她亲口跟你说的吗? Flipped (2010)
I heard your own confession along with my soldiers.[CN] 你刚刚亲口所说的罪行 在场的所有的士兵和我都听见了 Detective K: Secret of Virtuous Widow (2011)
I'd rather he heard it from my lips than read it over his breakfast.[CN] 亲口告诉他 也比他在报上读到好 Episode #2.5 (2011)
So long as you admit your defeat today[CN] 今天只要你亲口认输 White Vengeance (2011)
to tell you how much I love you.[CN] 我很想亲口告诉你 The Lady Shogun and Her Men (2010)
I think when you have a policeman there in uniform in person, you get persuaded, but then when you read it out loud, you start to see the holes.[CN] 一个穿制服的警察站在面前 貌似很有说服力 可等你把证词亲口读出来 就显得漏洞百出了 What Went Wrong (2011)
But, hey I guess you can tell her yourself.[CN] 不过... 我想你能亲口告诉她 Shrek Forever After (2010)
- He said it to me![CN] 亲口对我说的 { \3cH202020 }He said it to me. Bullies (2012)
You told me that yourself, Walt.[CN] 沃尔特 那是你亲口说的 Cornered (2011)
I think she would love to hear that from you.[CN] 她想听你亲口 Colombiana (2011)
He doesn"t give a rat"s ass about you, he told me so himself.[CN] 他根本就不把你放在眼里,他亲口对我说的 Lake Placid 3 (2010)
If you have any questions, here's the FAQ sheet, or if you prefer the human touch, [CN] 如果你还有疑问 这里是常见问题表 如果你想亲口问的话 The Roommate Transmogrification (2011)
You were gonna give me the exclusive Get away[CN] 你干什么啊 别忘了是你亲口答应让给我的 走开,走开 Running Man (2013)
I just wish I could've told him that while he was still alive.[CN] 我真希望他当初还活着时 能够亲口告诉他 The End (2010)
- We heard it from your own mouth. - What?[CN] 我们听你亲口说过 什么? The Blind Banker (2010)
He has to hear it from you.[CN] 你要亲口告诉他 The Tall Man (2012)
He told me himself.[CN] 亲口跟我说的 Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? (2013)
If he wants me to leave, he can tell me himself.[CN] 如果他想要我走,可以亲口跟我说 Mhysa (2013)
Auntie promised me, personally[CN] 阿姨亲口答应我 Monga (2010)


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