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亲口[qīn kǒu, ㄑㄧㄣ ㄎㄡˇ,   /  ] to say sth personally #22,965 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Unless my brother tells me personally that he made those statements[CN] 在我哥哥没有亲口告诉我之前 Sophie Scholl: The Final Days (2005)
I had a little news, and I wanted to see your face when I delivered it.[CN] 我有一些消息要亲口告诉你 我想看你反应的表情 Like It Was (2006)
And I'm hearing from the horse's mouth, it isn't.[CN] 但你亲口告诉我不是 Lovewrecked (2005)
'On her death bed, Houdini's beloved Mother... ' '... spoke her last words to the Great Man himself.'[CN] "在她临终床前 胡迪尼敬爱的母亲" "对大师胡迪尼亲口说出了遗言" Death Defying Acts (2007)
I need to hear it from the big guy.[CN] 我要听大人物亲口说 Zathura: A Space Adventure (2005)
He wanted to hear it from you.[CN] 他想亲口听你说 Cinderella Man (2005)
And that you're still around to tell about it?[CN] 而且你亲口讲给他们听 Resurrecting the Champ (2007)
Take this one home. And make sure his mom knows what he's been doing.[CN] 把他给我送回家, 一定要亲口 把这小子干的好事告诉他妈妈 The Incredibles (2004)
Well, I wanted to tell yöu in person.[CN] 我想亲口告诉你 Hot Fuzz (2007)
My grandfather told me this story himself.[CN] 是我祖父亲口告诉我的 National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007)
I want to hear you say them.[CN] 我想听你亲口对我说出来 Exodus: Part 2 (2006)
Counselor Nose himself told me. You can believe it.[CN] 诺慈大人亲口和我说的 这你可以放心 Love and Honor (2006)
Yeah, but I didn't think I was gonna personally have to tell my dad about it.[CN] 是啊 但是我从没想到 我要亲口告诉我父亲 National Treasure (2004)
If somebody told her you were investigating global disturbances and cosmic radiation instead of focusing on the wedding, like you promised.[CN] 有人告诉她你把资金投在全球监视系统上 而这笔钱本应是用在婚礼上的 你亲口答应过 Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)
I've brought word from Shiro directly.[CN] 我来传达父亲的亲口命令 War (2007)
If we're gonna replace Melissa, I want to hear it from Roger.[CN] 如果要换掉梅丽莎,我要听罗杰亲口对我说 The Nines (2007)
She ain't never gonna hear it from your fuckin' lips anyhow, you fuckin' scumbag![CN] 她听不到你 亲口告诉她真相了 你这卑鄙的家伙 Running Scared (2006)
Fine.[CN] 但我想听他亲口和我说 The Sea Inside (2004)
You told me so yourself this morning at the Louvre.[CN] 今天早上你在卢浮宫亲口说的 你说 Paris, je t'aime (2006)
I'll be sure to let Sam know when he gets here.[CN] Sam来了以后,我一定亲口告诉他 Sin City (2007)
Well, what about putting your money where your mouth is, Gorthan?[CN] 要不要亲口试试看? Tom and Jerry: The Fast and the Furry (2005)
Never said... in person...[CN] 我从来没有... 亲口说过 The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (2006)
- Told her myself.[CN] -我亲口说的 It Girls and Beyond (2005)
She practically came out and told us he was retarded. Retarded four, normal zero.[CN] 她几乎就要亲口告诉我们他是弱智了 弱智四分,正常零分 Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person (2007)
And worse than that... after the story ran, I had reason to believe... that it was wrong, and I didn't speak up.[CN] 更严重的是 稿子登出后 在知道 有错误之后 我没有亲口承认 Resurrecting the Champ (2007)
In fact, I'd like nothing better than for you to just wake up right now and tell me not to go out with him.[CN] 其实我现在只求你能睁开眼睛 亲口对我说不要和他出去 Listen to the Rain on the Roof (2006)
Are you really going to force a boy to explain that?[CN] 什么东西... 你是想让一个男人亲口把这句话说出来吗 Crows Zero (2007)
Because I want you to say.[CN] 因为我听你亲口说出来 Boy A (2007)
She told everyone she wanted to invest.[CN] 说是要买块儿好地盖房子 还说什么要投资房地产 都是自己亲口说的... Secret Sunshine (2007)
Has the people of Cuba spoken to you in your chosen ears?[CN] 难道是古巴人民在你耳边亲口对你说的? The Lost City (2005)
I want to hear it from you.[CN] 我想你亲口对我说 Enter the Phoenix (2004)
But it's a great program. You said so yourself. I don't understand.[CN] 你亲口说那是个好项目, 我不明白为什么会这样 Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
Did he tell you he's gonna stay the hell out of the greenhouse?[CN] 他亲口向你保证不会再跑进温室了吗? Bridge to Terabithia (2007)
Look, I talked to him myself. He'll be here.[CN] -他会来的, 他亲口跟我说的. DNR (2005)
Okay, let me hear you say it.[CN] 好,我要你亲口说 Open Season (2006)
Angleton said it himself--[CN] 安格尔顿亲口说的... Episode #1.5 (2007)
I'd just like to hear Tom say that.[CN] 我想听汤姆亲口说 A History of Violence (2005)
Remember us he said to me.[CN] "记住我们"... 他亲口对我说 300 (2006)
I want to hear it because, you know, [CN] 我想听你亲口复述,因为 Derailed (2005)
Well, I have a better idea. Why don't you tell him yourself?[CN] 哦 我有个好主意 为什么你不亲口告诉他呢? Children and Art (2006)
I'd like to hear it from him[CN] 我想听他亲口告诉我 Day 3: 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. (2004)
Hold on, he wants to tell you himself.[CN] 等一等,他要亲口和你说 The Heartbreak Kid (2007)
I saw that. Come on. Let me hear you say it.[CN] 别装了 我要你亲口说"好哥儿们" Open Season (2006)
If the situation's changed, I need to hear it from him.[CN] 如果情况真的有所改变 我必须听到他亲口证实 Smokin' Aces (2006)
Maybe I should hear that from him.[CN] 我想听他亲口说。 Happy Endings (2005)
i don't get it. you agreed to this in the hospital.[CN] 难以置信 你在医院时亲口答应 Luxury Lounge (2006)
How dare you tell us something like that?[CN] 你居然敢跟亲口告诉我? Namastey London (2007)
Have him say it to me, then. No, he's already told me.[CN] 这就是他亲口告诉我的 The Sea Inside (2004)
God himself told me, And the teacher too.[CN] 是真主亲口跟我说的 真主妈妈也是这么说的 Persepolis (2007)
"Two years and I'll be out." That's what he told me.[CN] "还有两年 我就要退休了" 这是他亲口告诉我的 A Sound of Thunder (2005)


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