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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -pyramis-, *pyramis*, pyrami
(เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหา -pyramis- มีน้อย ระบบได้ทดลองค้นหาใหม่โดยใส่ดอกจันทน์ (wild-card) ให้โดยอัตโนมัติ: *pyrami*)
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English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

‖n.; pl. Pyramides [ L. ] A pyramid. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Pref. bi- + pyramidal. ] Consisting of two pyramids placed base to base; having a pyramid at each of the extremities of a prism, as in quartz crystals. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Macro- + pyramid. ] (Crystallog.) See Macroprism. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ L. pyramis, -idis, fr. Gr. &unr_;, &unr_;, of Egyptian origin: cf. F. pyramide. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. A solid body standing on a triangular, square, or polygonal base, and terminating in a point at the top; especially, a structure or edifice of this shape. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Geom.) A solid figure contained by a plane rectilineal figure as base and several triangles which have a common vertex and whose bases are sides of the base. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. pl. (Billiards) The game of pool in which the balls are placed in the form of a triangle at spot. [ Eng. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

4. (Finance) a fraudulent investment scheme in which the manager promises high profits, but instead of investing the money in a genuine profit-making activity, uses the money from later investors to pay the profits to earlier investors; -- also called pyramid scheme or pyramid operation. This process inevitably collapses when insufficient new investors are available, leaving the later investors with total or near-total losses of their investments. The managers usually blame government regulations or interference for the collapse of the scheme, rather than admit fraud. [ PJC ]

Altitude of a pyramid (Geom.), the perpendicular distance from the vertex to the plane of the base. --
Axis of a pyramid (Geom.), a straight line drawn from the vertex to the center of the base. --
Earth pyramid. (Geol.) See Earth pillars, under Earth. --
Right pyramid (Geom.) a pyramid whose axis is perpendicular to the base.
[ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. (Speculation) To enlarge one's holding or interest in a series of operations on a continued rise or decline by using the profits to buy or sell additional amounts on a margin, as where one buys on a 10% margin 100 shares of stock quoted at 100, holds it till it rises to 105, and then uses the paper profit to buy 50 shares more, etc. The series of operations constitutes a pyramid. A similar process of reinvesting gains or winnings (as of a gamble), but not involving operation on margin, is called a parlay. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC ]


v. t. (Speculation) To use, or to deal in, in a pyramiding transaction. See Pyramid, v. i. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


a. [ Cf. F. pyramidal. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. Of or pertaining to a pyramid; in the form of a a pyramid; pyramidical; as, pyramidal cleavage. [ 1913 Webster ]

The mystic obelisks stand up
Triangular, pyramidal. Mrs. Browning. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Crystallog.) Same as Tetragonal. [ 1913 Webster ]

Pyramidal numbers (Math.), certain series of figurate numbers expressing the number of balls or points that may be arranged in the form of pyramids. Thus 1, 4, 10, 20, 35, etc., are triangular pyramidal numbers; and 1, 5, 14, 30, 55, etc., are square pyramidal numbers.
[ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Anat.) One of the carpal bones. See Cuneiform, n., 2 (b). [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. Like a pyramid. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ } a. Of or pertaining to a pyramid; having the form of a pyramid; pyramidal. “ A pyramidical rock.” Goldsmith. “Gold in pyramidic plenty piled.” Shenstone. -- Pyr`a*mid"ic*al*ly, adv. Pyr`a*mild"ic*al*ness, n. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Pyramidic

‖n.; pl. Pyramidia [ NL., from L. pyramis. See Pyramid. ] The small pyramid which crowns or completes an obelisk. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Gr. &unr_;, &unr_;, pyramid + -id: cf. F. pyramidoïde. ] A solid resembling a pyramid; -- called also pyramoid. Barlow. [ 1913 Webster ]

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
pyramid(n) พีระมิด, See also: ที่ฝังพระศพของกษัตริย์ในประเทศอียิปต์
pyramid(n) สิ่งของที่มีรูปทรงเหมือนพีระมิด, See also: รูปพีระมิด, Syn. monument
pyramid(n) การต่อตัว
pyramid(vi) ทำเป็นรูปทรงพีระมิด
pyramidal(adj) ซึ่งทำเป็นทรงพีระมิด, Syn. conical

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
pyramid(เพอ' ระมิด) n. พีระมิด

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
pyramid(n) ปิรามิด, รูปกรวยเหลี่ยม
pyramidal(adj) มีรูปเป็นกรวยเหลี่ยม

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก orst.go.th แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
pyramidรูปกรวยเหลี่ยม, รูปพีระมิด [คณิตศาสตร์๑๙ ก.ค. ๒๕๔๗]
pyramidal; tetrahedral-รูปพีระมิด [พฤกษศาสตร์ ๑๘ ก.พ. ๒๕๔๕]
population pyramidพีระมิดประชากร [ประชากรศาสตร์ ๔ ก.พ. ๒๕๔๕]
age pyramid; age pyramid chartแผนภูมิอายุรูปพีระมิด [คณิตศาสตร์๑๙ ก.ค. ๒๕๔๗]
age pyramid chart; age pyramidแผนภูมิอายุรูปพีระมิด [คณิตศาสตร์๑๙ ก.ค. ๒๕๔๗]
Freytag's pyramidพีระมิดของไฟรทาก [วรรณกรรม ๖ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]
tetrahedral; pyramidal-รูปพีระมิด [พฤกษศาสตร์ ๑๘ ก.พ. ๒๕๔๕]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Extrapyramidalเอ็กซตราพิย์รามิดัล [การแพทย์]
Extrapyramidal Systemเอกซ์ตราไพรามิดาลซิสเตม [การแพทย์]
pyramid bar chartแผนภูมิแท่งพีระมิด, แผนภูมิแท่งที่เรียงซ้อนกันอยู่เป็นรูปพีระมิด [พจนานุกรมศัพท์ สสวท.]
pyramidพีระมิด, รูปทรงที่มีฐานเป็นรูปเหลี่ยมใด ๆ และมีด้านอื่น ๆ เป็นรูปสามเหลี่ยม มีจุดยอด(ซึ่งไม่อยู่บนระนาบเดียวกับฐาน)ร่วมกัน [พจนานุกรมศัพท์ สสวท.]
Medullary Pyramidเมดัลลารีปิรามิด [การแพทย์]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Now, this is what I call a food pyramid.Na, das nenne ich eine Essenspyramide. Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild (2005)
A lot of them were entombed in little things above ground called pyramids.Eine Menge von denen wurde in kleinen Bauwerken über der Erde beigesetzt, man nennt die Pyramiden. Charlie and His Probation Officer's Daughter (2014)
Pyramid.Pyramide bilden. Once Upon a Time in China III (1992)
Now, information is the real seat of power, and Voulez is just the base of the pyramid.Informationen sind Macht. Voulez ist nur das Fundament der Pyramide. Disgrace (2014)
It's like a pyramid scheme, but they use prisoners instead of some... immune-boosting cactus juice.Es ist so was wie das Pyramidenspiel, aber die benutzen Gefangene anstelle... eines immunisierenden Saftes aus Kakteen. Charlie Screws a Prisoner's Girlfriend (2014)
He's here late building the pyramids and we're just playing Egyptian Ratscrew.Er ist hier und baut Pyramiden, während wir Karten spielen. Tangier (2014)
Twenty years from now, every government on this planet will know how to design a bomb, but they won't be able to build it because purifying plutonium to a base level takes more manpower and resources than building the pyramids.In 20 Jahren weiß jedes Land der Welt, wie man eine Bombe baut. Aber sie können es nicht. Denn um Plutonium in Reinform aufzubereiten, braucht man mehr Kraft und Ressourcen als beim Bau der Pyramiden. The Gun Model (2014)
The guys who built the pyramids got more breaks.Die Kerle, die Pyramiden bauten, hatten mehr Pausen. Thrown from the Ride (2014)
It's thousands of years old, predating the pyramids.Er ist Tausende Jahre alt, älter als die Pyramiden! The Writing on the Wall (2014)
They don't just randomly start flashing images of the pyramids of Giza and God knows what else.Sie lassen nicht zufällig Bilder der Pyramiden von Gizeh und Gott weiß was sonst noch blinken. Bella (2014)
These tunnels are older than the pyramids, yet we May be the first humans to ever set foot in them.Diese Tunnel sind älter als die Pyramiden, trotzdem könnten wir die ersten Menschen sein, die sie jemals betreten. What They Become (2014)
How about we do a tower?Machen wir eine Pyramide? Deliha (2014)
Or, perhaps, I'm just some old "Giza".Vielleicht, weil ich zur Spitze der Alterspyramide gehöre. Mr. Peabody & Sherman (2014)
I should take one of those jobs and fly off to the Pyramids of Zambezi... and the Lost Gardens of... wherever the fuck!Ich sollte ein Angebot annehmen. Dann fliege ich weit weg, zu den Pyramiden von Sambesi und den verschollenen Gärten von "Scheiß-Die-Wand-An"! Vacation (2015)
My mother made me understand that every human society is a pyramid and that some lives will always matter more than others.Meine Mutter hat mir verdeutlicht, dass jede menschliche Gesellschaft eine Pyramide ist, und dass manche Leben immer bedeutender sein werden als andere. Jupiter Ascending (2015)
The pyramids?Zu den Pyramiden? Queen of the Desert (2015)
Miss Bell, could you nudge a little bit closer, please?Pyramiden von Gizeh, Pressetermin Miss Bell, etwas näher, bitte. Queen of the Desert (2015)
We'd like to get - the Giza Pyramids in the frame.Wir möchten die Pyramiden im Bild haben. Queen of the Desert (2015)
Mr Lawrence, over this way please, with the pyramids in the background, for the photographers.Mr. Lawrence, bitte hierher. Die Pyramiden im Hintergrund, für die Fotografen. Queen of the Desert (2015)
Which is covering up the truth about the ancient pyramid under the Hoover Dam!Die die Wahrheit über die Pyramide unter dem Hoover-Damm vertuscht! Pixels (2015)
Bury the architects inside the pyramid.Wir machen es wie die Ägypter und begraben die Architekten in der Pyramide. Moonwalkers (2015)
...clipped the Transamerica Pyramid before plunging into the San Francisco Bay....stutzte die Transamerica Pyramid und stürzte ins Meer. Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)
Like the pyramids, or Stonehenge?Wie die Pyramiden oder Stonehenge. Episode #2.10 (2015)
"Pyramids, Stone Hedge, Bremin". I can see that on a T-shirt."Pyramiden, Stonehenge, Bremin." Das könnte man auf ein T-Shirt drucken. Episode #2.10 (2015)
When you look at the pyramids, you think about the pharaohs, but the pharaohs are all dead now.Wenn Sie die Pyramiden sehen, denken Sie an die Pharaonen? Daran, dass sie alle tot sind? Vice (2015)
And I did not take up residence in this pyramid so I could watch the city below decline into chaos.Und ich mich nicht in dieser Pyramide nieder gelassen damit ich zusehen kann wie die Stadt unter mir im Chaos versinkt. The Wars to Come (2015)
You can't go to the pyramids. You can't go anywhere. You're right.Man kann nicht zu den Pyramiden, man kann nirgendwo hin. The Forecast (2015)
You see behind the fountain, that tower that looks like a pyramid?Siehst du hinter dem Brunnen den Turm, der wie eine Pyramide aussieht? The Space Probe Disintegration (2015)
Then who lives in the pyramids?Wer wohnt dann in den Pyramiden? The House of Black and White (2015)
We could pull back to the pyramid district, secure it, and use it as a base from which to operate.Wir könnten uns ins Pyramidenviertel zurückziehen, es sichern und als Operationsbasis nutzen. Kill the Boy (2015)
Pyramids by moonlight, an island untouched by man.Pyramiden im Mondschein, eine von Menschen unberührte Insel. Melinda (2015)
That Lucite pyramid in Jacqueline's room?Jacquelines Plexiglaspyramide? Kimmy's in a Love Triangle! (2015)
Three days in the woods with Phil's ex-cheerleader buddies-- the old stories, the spontaneous human pyramids, constantly updating their tumbler Tumblr--Drei Tage in den Wäldern mit Phils Ex-Cheerleader-Kumpels... die alten Geschichten, die spontanen Menschenpyramiden, das ständige Aktualisieren ihrer Tumblr... Fight or Flight (2015)
Why, you're like the foot of a pyramid.Ihr seid wie der Fuß einer Pyramide. The Wine Dark Sea (2015)
Or, or bury him in a pyramid.Oder ihn in einer Pyramide begraben. The Woman Who Lived (2015)
But there's all these infected zombies, and they form, like, this zombie pyramid, and they're all trying to climb in.Aber überall sind Zombies, die sich zu einer Pyramide formieren, und sie klettern rein. Old People (2015)
- You knocked over Bucking-can Palace. - Come on!Du hast unsere Pyramide ruiniert. Yes And (2015)
♪ We built the Wall ♪ ♪ We built the pyramids ♪? (wir bauten die Pyramiden), ? ? The 2003 Approximation (2015)
♪ Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery ♪We built the pyramids ? ? Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery ? The Separation Oscillation (2015)
I got to watch him crack up the deli team by pretending to lose a finger, or he'd pull out an orange from the pyramid and somehow, it wouldn't fall.Ich habe ihn beobachtet, wie er das Deli Team fertiggemacht hat, indem er vorgab, einen Finger zu verlieren oder er zog eine Orange aus der Pyramide und irgendwie ist sie nicht umgefallen. The Day Alex Left for College (2015)
I got busy with cheer practice, and I guess pyramids of oranges don't seem so great after you've built pyramids out of man.Ich war mit dem Cheerleadertraining beschäftigt und ich schätze, Orangenpyramiden sehen nicht so toll aus, nachdem man eine Pyramide aus Männer gebaut hat. The Day Alex Left for College (2015)
Last year, the girl had been investigated for defrauding more than 200 people through fraudulent investment operations using the pyramid scheme called "Ponzi".Gegen die junge Frau wurde letztes Jahr ermittelt. Mehr als 200 Menschen wurden Opfer ihres betrügerischen Pyramidensystems, das "Ponzi" genannt wurde. Francesca (2015)
♪ We built the Wall ♪ ♪ We built the pyramids ♪♫ wir bauten die Chinesische Mauer ♫ ♫ (wir bauten die Pyramiden), ♫ The Helium Insufficiency (2015)
In Cairo, the area northwest of the third pyramid is NoWE3Pi.In Kairo, nordwestlich der dritten Pyramide, entstand "NoWE3Pi". Truth and Advertising (2015)
Okay, now, everyone line up. I'm calling this the food pyramid.Ich nenne das die Nahrungspyramide. My Fair Foosa (2015)
Just doing my job. And thank the gods even more that I was genius enough to put my food pyramid in front of that net trap, eh?Und Gott sei Dank war ich genial genug, um meine Nahrungspyramide vor der Falle aufzustellen. My Fair Foosa (2015)
Is there time to construct another kingly food pyramid?Ist genug Zeit für eine weitere Nahrungspyramide? My Fair Foosa (2015)
It's a legitimate business.Oh, also ein Pyramidensystem? Ponzi Sex Paris Bounce (2015)
It's upside down.- ausgesprochen. - Die Flaschen sind sogar Pyramiden. Ponzi Sex Paris Bounce (2015)
He has the Professor in the center of the pyramid.Er hält ihn im Zentrum der Pyramide fest. X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
pyramiThe pyramids were built in ancient times.
pyramiThe secret of the pyramid was brought to light by science.
pyramiThe shape of the roof looks like a pyramid.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
พีระมิด(n) pyramid, Example: หลังจากเที่ยวชมพีระมิดแล้ว เจ้าหน้าที่ได้นำพวกเราล่องใต้มุ่งหน้าไปเมืองลุกซอร์, Count Unit: พีระมิด, Thai Definition: สิ่งก่อสร้างที่มีฐานเป็นรูปสี่เหลี่ยมจัตุรัส ด้านข้างทั้ง 4 เป็นรูปสามเหลี่ยม มีปลายสุดไปบรรจบกันที่ยอด, Notes: (อังกฤษ)
เสี้ยม(adj) pyramidal, See also: conical, Syn. แหลม, Ant. ทู่, Example: ชายหน้าเสี้ยมคนนั้น น่าสงสัยว่าจะเป็นสมุนของเจ้าพ่อค้ายาเสพติดรายใหญ่
ต่อตัว(v) do a pyramid of acrobat, Example: คณะกายกรรมกำลังต่อตัวเพื่อเชิดสิงโต, Thai Definition: อาการแสดงอย่างหนึ่งประเภทกายกรรมที่ใช้คนต่อความสูงขึ้นไป
เจดีย์ 2(n) Pyramidella punctata, Thai Definition: ชื่อหอยทะเลกาบเดี่ยวในวงศ์ Turritellidae เปลือกเวียนเป็นเกลียวสูงหลายชั้น ยอดแหลมคล้ายเจดีย์

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
กรวยเหลี่ยม[krūaylīem] (n) EN: pyramid
มณฑป[mondop] (n) EN: square hall with a pyramidal roof ; mandapa ; mondop  FR: dôme [ m ] ; pavillon à toiture pyramidale [ m ]
พีระมิด[phiramit] (n) EN: pyramid  FR: pyramide [ f ]
พีระมิดห้าเหลี่ยม[phiramit hālīem] (n, exp) EN: pentagonal pyramid
พีระมิดสามเหลี่ยมอีลองเกต[phiramit sāmlīem īløngkēt] (n, exp) EN: elongated triangular pyramid
พีระมิดสี่เหลี่ยมจัตุรัส[phiramit sīlīemjatturat] (n, exp) EN: square pyramid
ปิรามิด[pirāmit] (n) EN: pyramid  FR: pyramide [ f ]
เรียว[rīo] (adj) EN: tapering ; pyramidal ; slender ; weaken ; declined  FR: effilé ; fuselé ; en pointe

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
Pyramid(n) a massive monument with a square base and four triangular sides; begun by Cheops around 2700 BC as royal tombs in ancient Egypt, Syn. Pyramids of Egypt, Great Pyramid
pyramid(n) a polyhedron having a polygonal base and triangular sides with a common vertex
pyramid(n) (stock market) a series of transactions in which the speculator increases his holdings by using the rising market value of those holdings as margin for further purchases
pyramid(v) enlarge one's holdings on an exchange on a continued rise by using paper profits as margin to buy additional amounts
pyramid(v) use or deal in (as of stock or commercial transaction) in a pyramid deal
pyramid(v) arrange or build up as if on the base of a pyramid
pyramid(v) increase rapidly and progressively step by step on a broad base
pyramidal(adj) resembling a pyramid, Syn. pyramidical, pyramidic
pyramidically(adv) in a pyramidal manner or shape
pyramiding(n) a fraudulent business practice involving some form of pyramid scheme e.g., the chain of distribution is artificially expanded by an excessive number of distributors selling to other distributors at progressively higher wholesale prices until retail prices are unnecessarily inflated
columbo(n) any of various tall perennial herbs constituting the genus Frasera; widely distributed in warm dry upland areas of California, Oregon, and Washington, Syn. American columbo, deer's-ear, American gentian, pyramid plant, deer's-ears
cowherb(n) European annual with pale rose-colored flowers; cultivated flower or self-sown grainfield weed; introduced in North America; sometimes classified as a soapwort, Syn. cow cockle, Saponaria vaccaria, Vaccaria pyramidata, Vaccaria hispanica
triquetral(n) a wrist bone that articulates with the pisiform and hamate and lunate bones, Syn. pyramidal bone, triquetral bone, cuneiform bone, os triquetrum

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a. [ Pref. bi- + pyramidal. ] Consisting of two pyramids placed base to base; having a pyramid at each of the extremities of a prism, as in quartz crystals. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Macro- + pyramid. ] (Crystallog.) See Macroprism. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ L. pyramis, -idis, fr. Gr. &unr_;, &unr_;, of Egyptian origin: cf. F. pyramide. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. A solid body standing on a triangular, square, or polygonal base, and terminating in a point at the top; especially, a structure or edifice of this shape. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Geom.) A solid figure contained by a plane rectilineal figure as base and several triangles which have a common vertex and whose bases are sides of the base. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. pl. (Billiards) The game of pool in which the balls are placed in the form of a triangle at spot. [ Eng. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

4. (Finance) a fraudulent investment scheme in which the manager promises high profits, but instead of investing the money in a genuine profit-making activity, uses the money from later investors to pay the profits to earlier investors; -- also called pyramid scheme or pyramid operation. This process inevitably collapses when insufficient new investors are available, leaving the later investors with total or near-total losses of their investments. The managers usually blame government regulations or interference for the collapse of the scheme, rather than admit fraud. [ PJC ]

Altitude of a pyramid (Geom.), the perpendicular distance from the vertex to the plane of the base. --
Axis of a pyramid (Geom.), a straight line drawn from the vertex to the center of the base. --
Earth pyramid. (Geol.) See Earth pillars, under Earth. --
Right pyramid (Geom.) a pyramid whose axis is perpendicular to the base.
[ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. (Speculation) To enlarge one's holding or interest in a series of operations on a continued rise or decline by using the profits to buy or sell additional amounts on a margin, as where one buys on a 10% margin 100 shares of stock quoted at 100, holds it till it rises to 105, and then uses the paper profit to buy 50 shares more, etc. The series of operations constitutes a pyramid. A similar process of reinvesting gains or winnings (as of a gamble), but not involving operation on margin, is called a parlay. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC ]


v. t. (Speculation) To use, or to deal in, in a pyramiding transaction. See Pyramid, v. i. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


a. [ Cf. F. pyramidal. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. Of or pertaining to a pyramid; in the form of a a pyramid; pyramidical; as, pyramidal cleavage. [ 1913 Webster ]

The mystic obelisks stand up
Triangular, pyramidal. Mrs. Browning. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Crystallog.) Same as Tetragonal. [ 1913 Webster ]

Pyramidal numbers (Math.), certain series of figurate numbers expressing the number of balls or points that may be arranged in the form of pyramids. Thus 1, 4, 10, 20, 35, etc., are triangular pyramidal numbers; and 1, 5, 14, 30, 55, etc., are square pyramidal numbers.
[ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Anat.) One of the carpal bones. See Cuneiform, n., 2 (b). [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. Like a pyramid. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ } a. Of or pertaining to a pyramid; having the form of a pyramid; pyramidal. “ A pyramidical rock.” Goldsmith. “Gold in pyramidic plenty piled.” Shenstone. -- Pyr`a*mid"ic*al*ly, adv. Pyr`a*mild"ic*al*ness, n. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Pyramidic

‖n.; pl. Pyramidia [ NL., from L. pyramis. See Pyramid. ] The small pyramid which crowns or completes an obelisk. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Gr. &unr_;, &unr_;, pyramid + -id: cf. F. pyramidoïde. ] A solid resembling a pyramid; -- called also pyramoid. Barlow. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n.; pl. Pyramides [ L. ] A pyramid. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
金字塔[jīn zì tǎ, ㄐㄧㄣ ㄗˋ ㄊㄚˇ,   ] pyramid #11,091 [Add to Longdo]
棱锥[léng zhuī, ㄌㄥˊ ㄓㄨㄟ,   /  ] pyramid (geometry) #111,214 [Add to Longdo]
角锥[jiǎo zhuī, ㄐㄧㄠˇ ㄓㄨㄟ,   /  ] pyramid #146,631 [Add to Longdo]
三角锥[sān jiǎo zhuī, ㄙㄢ ㄐㄧㄠˇ ㄓㄨㄟ,    /   ] triangular pyramid (math.) [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Alterspyramide { f }age pyramid [Add to Longdo]
Pyramide { f } | Pyramiden { pl }pyramid | pyramids [Add to Longdo]
Pyramidenstumpf { m }frustum of pyramid [Add to Longdo]
Schneeballsystem { n }; Schneeballverkaufssystem { n }pyramid selling [Add to Longdo]
Stufenpyramide { f }; Etagenpyramide { f }; Tempelturm { m }ziggurat; zikkurat [Add to Longdo]
pyramidal { adj }pyramidal [Add to Longdo]
extrapyramidal { adj } [ med. ]extrapyramidal [Add to Longdo]
Gelber Pyramiden-Falterfisch { m } (Hemitaurichthys polylepis) [ zool. ]yellow zoster [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
ピラミッド[piramiddo] (n) pyramid; (P) #11,311 [Add to Longdo]
カスミチョウチョウウオ[kasumichouchouuo] (n) pyramid butterflyfish (Hemitaurichthys polylepis) [Add to Longdo]
ピラミッドセリング[piramiddoseringu] (n) pyramid selling [Add to Longdo]
ピラミッド形;ピラミッド型[ピラミッドがた, piramiddo gata] (adj-no) pyramid-style; pyramid-shaped [Add to Longdo]
ピラミドン[piramidon] (n) Pyramidon (brand-name aminopyrine) [Add to Longdo]
ブラックピラミッドバタフライフィッシュ[burakkupiramiddobatafuraifisshu] (n) brown-and-white butterflyfish (Hemitaurichthys zoster); black pyramid butterflyfish [Add to Longdo]
マルチ商法[マルチしょうほう, maruchi shouhou] (n) (See 鼠講) multilevel marketing system; pyramid selling; chain referral [Add to Longdo]
角錐;角すい[かくすい, kakusui] (n) pyramid [Add to Longdo]
角錐台[かくすいだい, kakusuidai] (n) truncated pyramid [Add to Longdo]
金字塔[きんじとう, kinjitou] (n) pyramid; monumental work [Add to Longdo]
五角錐[ごかくすい, gokakusui] (n) pentagonal pyramid [Add to Longdo]
三角錐[さんかくすい, sankakusui] (n) triangular pyramid [Add to Longdo]
[すい, sui] (n) cone; pyramid [Add to Longdo]
錐体細胞[すいたいさいぼう, suitaisaibou] (n) (1) cone cell; (2) pyramidal cell [Add to Longdo]
錐体路[すいたいろ, suitairo] (n) pyramidal tract; corticospinal tract [Add to Longdo]
組体操;組み体操[くみたいそう, kumitaisou] (n) coordinated group gymnastics (in which teams form pyramids or other shapes) [Add to Longdo]
鼠講;ねずみ講[ねずみこう, nezumikou] (n) pyramid scheme [Add to Longdo]
八角錐[はっかくすい, hakkakusui] (n) octagonal pyramid [Add to Longdo]
方錐形[ほうすいけい, housuikei] (n) regular pyramid [Add to Longdo]
無限連鎖講[むげんれんさこう, mugenrensakou] (n) (See 鼠講) pyramid scheme [Add to Longdo]


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