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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
出嫁[chū jià, ㄔㄨ ㄐㄧㄚˋ,  ] to get married (of woman) #20,872 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Tell my lord and father, I will not marry yet."[CN] 请告诉我的父亲,我现在还不愿出嫁 Sieben Sommersprossen (1978)
Isn't it time you got married?[CN] 你也到了该出嫁的时候 Late Spring (1949)
You look like a real bride...[CN] 你就像一个真要出嫁的新娘... I Remember You (1985)
- It always makes me cry to think about it.[CN] . 不早日 出嫁 , 我会很惊讶的 The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985)
"You've got a son that's ailing you've got a daughter what won't take to herself a husband.[CN] 我对自己说 "你儿子身体不好" "一个不肯出嫁的女儿" How the West Was Won (1962)
That's why we don't marry[CN] 所以我们都不出嫁 Early Summer (1951)
Who's getting married?[CN] 哪一户人家闺女出嫁... A Chinese Ghost Story II (1990)
I have often wondered how is it Annette never got married.[CN] 我常在想为什么 为什么莎莉娅不出嫁呢? War and Peace (1966)
She should have married long ago.[CN] 她早就该出嫁 Late Spring (1949)
Don't you want to get married?[CN] 不想出嫁吗? May We Chat (2014)
I just think if you're gonna get married, it should be for love, right?[CN] 我只是觉得,如果一个人要结婚 应该是以爱的名义出嫁,对不对? Under the Same Moon (2007)
My little girl's getting married today.[CN] 我的小女儿今天就要出嫁 The Wedding Planner (2001)


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