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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
输送[shū sòng, ㄕㄨ ㄙㄨㄥˋ,   /  ] transport; carry #9,061 [Add to Longdo]
输送媒介[shū sòng méi jiè, ㄕㄨ ㄙㄨㄥˋ ㄇㄟˊ ㄐㄧㄝˋ,     /    ] transport medium [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
A new laser scanning microscope allows us to see, for the first time, how individual sperm are powered by mitochondria.[CN] 这个新式激光扫描显微镜让我们首次 看到粒线体怎样输送能量给个别精子 Forever Young (2002)
Pretend for a second that this is excess Iranian pipeline capacity.[CN] 假设这个是爱尔兰管线输送的容量 Syriana (2005)
The fuel lines are still attached![CN] 不! 燃料输送管还连着呢。 Jason X (2001)
A 170 billion red cells form daily to carry oxygen.[CN] 每天生产l700亿个红血球输送氧气 Forever Young (2002)
But, of course, these cells, although they are there to transport the oxygen, are also particularly vulnerable.[CN] 但这些输送氧气的细胞也特别脆弱 这个是正常的肺 Forever Young (2002)
This is the M17 A1 mask... which is fitted with a drinking tube... so these guys can drink from their canteens... without taking off their masks.[CN] 配有饮料输送管... 所以他们可从水袋中吸水... 而不需要取下面罩 Jarhead (2005)
Divert all power to the engines.[CN] 把所有能源输送进引擎 Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)
Reroute pressure from Area 8![CN] 让第八区的压力迂回输送 Steamboy (2004)
Thanks to your efforts in Sri Lanka, we were able to intercept the feed from a satellite launched by Mr. Sark yesterday.[CN] 感谢你们在斯里兰卡的努力 我们得以阻断输送装置 避免了沙克昨天发射卫星 Cipher (2002)
I'm gonna divert the main power supply unit and send it to you.[CN] 我要转移主电力并把它输送给你。 Jason X (2001)
We already have more blood than we can use for the transfusions.[CN] 我们有更多可以用来输送的血 War of the Worlds (2005)
They'll still be able to intercept Sark's feed, but we've modified it so we can access the signal, too, see what everyone else is seeing.[CN] 但仍旧可以阻绝沙克的输送装置 但我们修改了一下 所以我们也能接收到讯号 看到别人在看的东西 Cipher (2002)


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