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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
肿块[zhǒng kuài, ㄓㄨㄥˇ ㄎㄨㄞˋ,   /  ] swelling; growth; tumor; lump [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Thought he'd found a lump.[CN] 认为他发现了一个肿块 Arthur (2011)
See this small lump here?[CN] 看到这里的小肿块 Love 911 (2012)
Even though she's awake, the swelling can cause confusion or memory loss, erratic mood swings.[CN] 即使她清醒了 肿块也可能引起混乱或者失忆 情绪不稳定 The Vow (2012)
- OK, that was a bump.[CN] - 好了,这是一个肿块 The Odd Couple II (1998)
We don't know how the Higgs itself got a mass.[CN] 我们不知道 希格斯粒子本身是如何得到一个肿块 Particle Fever (2013)
All right, look, we got reported that a guy in bulky shit dropped off all the fucking, uh...[CN] 好了,你看,我们已被告知... 这一个主题... 非常可疑敷肿块... Hell and Back Again (2011)
In an area full of tics.[CN] 淤血肿块 写在病例里 Barbara (2012)
Diagnosed with a multiple calcific lipomatosis tumor, causing pain, attaining a mass the size of an orange on the left shoulder.[CN] 她被诊断为多发钙化性脂肪瘤, 疼痛难忍。 并且在左肩部有一个橘子大小的肿块 There Be Dragons (2011)
We purposely keep patients with traumatic brain injuries in a comatose state in order to calm their systems and allow the brain time to heal itself while the swelling subsides.[CN] 我们故意让脑外部受伤的患者 保持昏迷状态,这是为了保持他们的系统平静 让大脑在肿块消退过程中有充分时间自己康复 The Vow (2012)
When I was a little tyke, everybody thought neutrinos had no mass.[CN] 当我还是一个小泰克 每个人都认为中微子 有没有肿块 The Zero Theorem (2013)
Sometimes, due to the way the swelling tissue presses against the skull, [CN] 有时候,由于肿块组织挤压到颅骨 The Vow (2012)
A MASS, EVERYONE ELSE HAD ONE.[CN] 肿块,其他人有一个。 A Dangerous Place (2012)


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