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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
拥抱[yōng bào, ㄩㄥ ㄅㄠˋ,   /  ] to embrace; to hug #4,871 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
We embrace in front of a mirror[CN] 我们在镜子前拥抱 Diary of a Shinjuku Thief (1969)
... andhisrighthanddoth embraceme.[CN] 他的右手拥抱着我 The Bible: In the Beginning... (1966)
... asthenightcoverstheday.[CN] 像黑夜拥抱光明 The Bible: In the Beginning... (1966)
I can feel strong arms hugging me.[CN] 我能感觉到强壮的胳膊拥抱 The Laughing Woman (1969)
She'd like to cuddle up to me[CN] 她愿意拥抱着我 She'd like to cuddle up to me Viva Las Vegas (1964)
When you walk in, you don't know if she's gonna embrace you or holler on you, right?[CN] 当你回家时 你甚至都不知道她会拥抱你... ... 还是河东狮吼 对吧? Sex and the Single Girl (1964)
Dad and mom embraced and I was born from a peach[CN] 爸爸和妈妈拥抱了一下 我是从桃子里生出来的 Diary of a Shinjuku Thief (1969)
I didn't know how many obstacles I'd have to overcome before we could embrace each other.[CN] 在我们能互相拥抱之前 我不知道我得克服多少障碍 Happy End (1967)
My right arm covers you...[CN] 我的右手拥抱着你... The Bible: In the Beginning... (1966)
Blood gushed out, and in that moment somehow I too was stabbed. You fell toward me, and I caught and embraced you.[CN] 然后我抓住你,拥抱你 我们都倒在地上 Death by Hanging (1968)
Are they for embracing men?[CN] 是为了拥抱男人吗 Diary of a Shinjuku Thief (1969)


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