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乌贼[wū zéi, ㄨ ㄗㄟˊ,   /  ] cuttlefish #48,188 [Add to Longdo]

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Cuttlefish protect their eggs by hiding them as deep as possible in the branches of the coral so that other fish cannot eat them.[CN] 为了防止其他鱼类将卵吃掉 乌贼将卵尽可能深地藏在珊瑚中 Planet Ocean (2012)
It's the kingdom of the vampire squid, a prehistoric cousin of the squid.[CN] 这是乌贼的史前远亲——吸血乌贼的天下 Planet Ocean (2012)
Their parents travel thousands of miles to collect the fish and squid they need to stay warm and to grow.[CN] 它们的双亲飞行数千公里 为它们捕鱼和乌贼 这样才能让它们保暖并且生长 Spring (2011)
The vampire squid has blue blood laced with copper.[CN] 吸血乌贼蓝色的血液中含有铜 Planet Ocean (2012)
Or what, squid?[CN] - 要是不捡呢 乌贼? Liberty (2013)
Let's get this bullet out before the squid wakes up.[CN] 趁这小乌贼还没醒来 把子弹挖出来 Liberty (2013)
Or the raft will disintegrate, or what do you think? Giant squid?[CN] 或是被巨大乌贼吞掉吗 Kon-Tiki (2012)
They return with a kilogram of fish and squid in their bellies, feed their chicks and then go off again to repeat the process.[CN] 它们在肚子里带回一公斤鱼和乌贼 喂完雏鸟后再次启程,周而复始 Autumn (2011)
The giant squid was thought to be a myth until 2004. - What's up?[CN] 巨型乌贼直到2004年才被承认 I'll Try to Fix You (2012)
Like that time I used babies as squid bait.[CN] 比如那次我用婴儿当乌贼钓饵 The Pirates! Band of Misfits (2012)
So, I'm guessing this creature bleeds it's prey like a leech, consuming the blood like some sort of Vampyroteuthis.[CN] 我猜测此物以吸血为生 类似蚂蟥 和某些吸血乌贼是近亲 Grabbers (2012)
- Vampyroteuthis.[CN] -吸血乌贼 Grabbers (2012)


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