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输送[shū sòng, ㄕㄨ ㄙㄨㄥˋ,   /  ] transport; carry #9,061 [Add to Longdo]
输送媒介[shū sòng méi jiè, ㄕㄨ ㄙㄨㄥˋ ㄇㄟˊ ㄐㄧㄝˋ,     /    ] transport medium [Add to Longdo]

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Record?[CN] 美国和平队,冷战期间建立的 像发展中国家输送美国价值观的组织】 犯罪记录 So It Goes (2014)
Brilliant. Then send the transport immediately.[CN] 大, 提供输送机, Jupiter Ascending (2015)
Do your ducts seem old-fashioned, out-of-date?[CN] 你的输送管是不是旧款 落伍了? Brazil (1985)
The canister from the crime scene is a remnant of a long-defunct pneumatic tube mail network that once ran beneath the city.[CN] 你要我们帮你存款吗 Finch? 犯罪现场的罐子 是废弃的气压输送管邮件网络的遗物 Asylum (2015)
Then directly onto the television screens in all our homes in this exciting new age of mass media.[CN] 接着就在这个令人振奋的大众传媒新时代里 直接输送至千家万户的电视荧屏上 The Eichmann Show (2015)
We have to keep cross-country routing intact... in case we need to move troops between states.[CN] 我们必须保持全国的路线完整的按指定路线输送 以防万一我们需要在州之间派遣军队 Atlas Shrugged: Who Is John Galt? (2014)
But the gas comes in pipes, ma'am.[CN] 但煤气是经由管线输送的 Gaslight (1944)
We did locate the area where the transmission originated.[CN] 我们确实找到 输送起源的地区。 WarGames (1983)
If that was all grass-fed beef 382 people would be fed on the land.[CN] 如果这一切都是草饲牛肉 382人会 在陆地上进行输送。 Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014)
As simple as that sounds... that's one of the things that keeps him going.[CN] 就是这么简单 我们的球队为他输送了继续走下去的动力 When the Game Stands Tall (2014)
then just concentrate with your mind and transmit your desire to that person.[CN] 输送到他的身上去,那就成了 { \cH00FFFF }{ \3cH000000 }and transmit your desire to that person. Biao jie, ni hao ye! III zhi da ren jia dao (1993)
In late 2009, according to a Worldwatch report cattle is responsible for 51% of greenhouse gas emissions and transport about 13%.[CN] 在2009年年底,根据 一个世界观察报告 牛是负责51% 的温室气体排放 和输送约13%。 Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014)
It has to be delivered upright and only to Michael Nicholson.[CN] 它必须被竖直输送 只有迈克尔・尼科尔森。 Muffin Top: A Love Story (2014)
Central Services' new duct designs are now available in hundreds of different colors to suit your individual taste.[CN] 中央服务站的新输送管设计 现在有几百种不同颜色 配合个人喜好 Brazil (1985)
AND I TRIED THE LANDLINE LISTED, BUT GOT NOTHING.[CN] 而且我尝试输送路线 列出了,但是什么也没得到。 Varsity Blood (2014)
Hi, there. I want to talk to you about ducts.[CN] 嗨,我想跟你谈输送管的事 Brazil (1985)
There's not enough manpower coming in from 4.[CN] 四区没有足够的劳动力输送过来 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (2015)
We've been monitoring the sun very closely for decades and the solar energy output hasn't changed.[CN] 我们这几十年来一直在密切的观测太阳 We've been monitoring the Sun very closely for decades, 而太阳输送的能量一直都没有变过 and the solar energy output hasn't changed. The World Set Free (2014)
Who would think that so pretty a toy could be a purveyor to the gallows and the prison?[CN] 谁会想到如此美的饰物竟是 向绞刑架和监狱输送罪犯的供应商呢? The Blue Carbuncle (1984)
- John, feed it a tapeworm. - Too risky.[CN] -约翰,给它输送一个蠕虫。 WarGames (1983)
But then they went and cut the blimmen, whatchamacallit.[CN] 但是上一家住户走的时候 把输送管道给切断了 Housebound (2014)
Is that where you hang off the bed and blood rushes to your head and he chokes you a little bit, [CN] 是,如果你挂在床 并且将血液输送到头部, 他窒息你, My Man Is a Loser (2014)
Walter's capsule separates from the rocket, parachutes deploy from there, and he just...[CN] 增压的过程中就会输送氧气 这样系统就能连接 It Isn't the Fall That Kills You (2016)
That's like sending troops to Afghanistan.[CN] 就好像是往阿富汗输送士兵 That's like sending troops to Afghanistan. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015)
All afternoon, we watch men have been transferred to the SS Tacoma, the German merchantman which has moved up close to the Graf Spee.[CN] 整个下午,很多人转移到了SS·塔可马 德国商船继续向格拉夫·斯佩海军上将号输送物资 Pursuit of the Graf Spee (1956)
It also gives off huge fogs[CN] 还会输送出大烟雾 The Last Adventure (1967)
I'm told the distribution line that controls the pinch point caused the outages. BAPCO, one of your companies.[CN] 我听说是控制投球区的输送线 引起了停电 BAPCO也是你的公司 Chapter 19 (2014)
Who fixed your ducts?[CN] 谁修了输送管? Brazil (1985)
Our famous solex in the still down there transmits heat to the thermal generators.[CN] 在热交换器的太阳能感应器 把热力输送到发热器 The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)
I feel like I'm on a conveyor belt.[CN] 我感觉好像输送带 Think Like a Man Too (2014)
And a deal is a promise.[CN] 我需要这个笔记本我的顶部输送。 Wonder Woman (2017)
Then simply place the container in the pneumatic tube and presto, [CN] 只要把容器放在气动输送管 咻 ? (2006)
In Crematoria II and III, Zyklon gas crystals were poured in by a so-called "SS disinfection squad,"[CN] 被"纳粹党卫军消毒小队" 运送到毒气室 通过屋顶的管道输送 在四号和五号火葬场入口的地方 Shoah (1985)
You are ready to be transported.[CN] 您 准备好被输送。 Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead (2014)
That's exactly what we expect from greenhouse warming but the opposite of what increased solar output would cause.[CN] 这是符合温室效应规律的 That's exactly what we expect from greenhouse warming, 与太阳输送能量的增加 but the opposite of what increased solar output The World Set Free (2014)
Delivery will have to be made to the address that the card is registered to, so you'll have to be home to sign for the items.[CN] 输送将要制成 到的地址是 该卡被注册到, 所以你必须要 在家签收物品。 Plastic (2014)
I just... I needed some new inspiration.[CN] 输送压力是疯狂的。 Hard Target 2 (2016)
Aleksey's new father-in-law took CIA money in exchange for a pledge to help keep the kids in his teip from going bad guy.[CN] 车臣通过汽车向外输送圣战分子 Chechnya exports jihadis by the busload. Brian Finch's Black Op (2015)
Van Horne. Pneumatic transit. I can't believe it.[CN] 范霍恩,气流输送道 真难以置信 Ghostbusters II (1989)
Command vehicle to transport:[CN] 司令机呼叫输送中队 Patlabor: The Movie (1989)
Meteorites of the type that hit Nakhla are the vehicles of a natural interplanetary transit system that sends rocks between the planets.[CN] 像纳卡拉这样类型的陨石 Meteorites of the type that hit Nakhla 就是星际间天然的运输系统 are the vehicles of a natural interplanetary transit system 它在行星之间输送石块 that sends rocks between the planets. The Immortals (2014)
What else did he say? He didn't say anything? Come on, you're hedging.[CN] 他是不是还说了别的 想要跟你利益输送 All the President's Men (1976)
Prepare hangar for game simulation transport.[CN] 准备游戏模拟输送. TRON (1982)
He's gonna need a couple units in the O.R.[CN] 手术时需要给他输送血液 He's gonna need a couple units in the O. R. Kill Screen (2015)
The old pneumatic transit system, it's still here.[CN] 古老的气流输送道 竟然仍然存在 Ghostbusters II (1989)
Put him in the conveyor.[CN] 把他放到输送带上 Licence to Kill (1989)
They slowed down when the convey passed.[CN] 他们放慢时, 输送过去。 The Hornet's Nest (2014)
Maya's blood through your system...[CN] 通过你的循环系统 再输送回来 Human Trials (2014)
Then the driver got under the van to hook up the pipe that fed the gas into the van.[CN] 然后司机就跑到车下 用钩钩住输送管 气体通过那条管进入货车 Shoah (1985)


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