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衣子[yī zǐ, ㄧ ㄗˇ,  ] covering [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Yui child has the ability to upset the feelings of others[CN] 结衣子有感受他人不安的能力 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
Oh, do not interfere with the child Yui[CN] 不要妨碍结衣子哦 诶 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
Long time no see Yui child[CN] 好久不见 结衣子 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
Oh, Meiko, you're writing already?[CN] 芽衣子 就在这里开始写啦 Solanin (2010)
How a child does Yui sauce[CN] 怎么了呢 结衣子酱 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
-That's all I need to do, right?[CN] 芽衣子 The Black Devil and the White Prince (2016)
Why a band anyway?[CN] 为何是乐队啊 芽衣子 Solanin (2010)
Would you go on a ride with me?[CN] 芽衣子 加油 The Black Devil and the White Prince (2016)
Some do with Yui child together[CN] 还有一些跟结衣子在一起吗 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
Yui child is not given to you[CN] 结衣子是不会交给你的 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
Because the child's dream is Yui Yui child stuff[CN] 因为结衣子的梦是结衣子的东西 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
-Ta-dah![CN] 给芽衣子加油吧 The Black Devil and the White Prince (2016)
The more compassion Yui innocence of the child[CN] 就更加怜悯结衣子的纯真了 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
Do not know when you will use Yui child[CN] 不知道你何时还会利用结衣子 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
We in turn connected to the child's awareness of Yui[CN] 我们又连接到结衣子的意识了 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
How to settle child clothes[CN] 怎么了结衣子 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
Guteng Yui son also gone along with him[CN] 古藤结衣子也跟他一起不见了 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
-There are still two more tickets left.[CN] 要是芽衣子去的话我也想去 The Black Devil and the White Prince (2016)
You're too weak![CN] - 芽衣子 好厉害 - Yes The Black Devil and the White Prince (2016)
Here I am.[JP] (麻衣子) お待たせ Until the Lights Come Back (2005)
Yeah, Meiko is absolutely right![CN] 芽衣子是正确的 Solanin (2010)
Guteng Yui child classmate[CN] 古藤结衣子同学 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
Wanna play basketball with us?[CN] 芽衣子是最强的 The Black Devil and the White Prince (2016)
How annoying![CN] 芽衣子 The Black Devil and the White Prince (2016)
This club's closed. Too![JP] (麻衣子) ここのクラブもダメ Until the Lights Come Back (2005)
This is Yui sub sauce dream prince said it?[CN] 这就是结衣子酱说的梦王子吗 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
Could it be that it should Yui child abducted[CN] 难道说要把结衣子拐走吗 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
Yui sub sauce has been plagued with nightmares[CN] 结衣子酱一直饱受着噩梦困扰 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
Even though you were going up against a girl, you didn't have to go that hard![CN] 芽衣子你没事吧 The Black Devil and the White Prince (2016)
Yui child very strange[CN] 结衣子很奇怪 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
It's beautiful![JP] (麻衣子) うわぁ... きれい Until the Lights Come Back (2005)
It's weird and Meiko can't drink![CN] 不要随意的鼓动芽衣子啦 Solanin (2010)
Yui child[CN] 结衣子 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
I send the child back Yui[CN] 我送结衣子回来 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
Apparently, the amusement park we're going to has a legend.[CN] 芽衣子 去里面坐 The Black Devil and the White Prince (2016)
Guteng Yui child[CN] 古藤结衣子 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
Are you sure this is OK?[JP] (麻衣子) ヤバくない? ホントに Until the Lights Come Back (2005)
Keep away![JP] (麻衣子) 来ないで! Until the Lights Come Back (2005)
Yui son this morning really a nightmare[CN] 今天早上结衣子果然做了噩梦 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
If the link child clothes are gone together[CN] 如果连结衣子都一起消失了 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
-Ridiculously hard.[CN] 芽衣子对他... The Black Devil and the White Prince (2016)
Recently Yui child in a dream does not need me anymore[CN] 最近结衣子在梦里也不需要我了 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
Guteng Yui child who is?[CN] 古藤结衣子是谁 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
Yui while trying to open the sub-consciousness in the seal?[CN] 而结衣子的意识在试图打开封印 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
I understand it as Yui child has grown up[CN] 我把它理解为 结衣子已经长大了 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
Yui unreasonable forcing you to let you see her child dreams[CN] 你就无理强迫结衣子让你看她做的梦 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
I I like him.[CN] 芽衣子 The Black Devil and the White Prince (2016)
We got there[CN] 我们到了那里和结衣子酱 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
Maybe Yui child what to do concerning the boy's nightmare[CN] 说不定结衣子做了啥有关那个少年的恶梦 Akumu Chan the Movie (2014)
Hey...where are we going?[CN] 芽衣子呢 The Black Devil and the White Prince (2016)


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