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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
血流[xuè liú, ㄒㄩㄝˋ ㄌㄧㄡˊ,  ] blood flow [Add to Longdo]
血流漂杵[xuè liú piāo chǔ, ㄒㄩㄝˋ ㄌㄧㄡˊ ㄆㄧㄠ ㄔㄨˇ,    ] enough blood flowing to float pestles (成语 saw); rivers of blood; blood bath #331,477 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
血流[けつりゅう, ketsuryuu] (n) blood flow [Add to Longdo]
血流障害[けつりゅうしょうがい, ketsuryuushougai] (n) impeded blood flow [Add to Longdo]
血流量[けつりゅうりょう, ketsuryuuryou] (n) (volume of) blood flow [Add to Longdo]
肺血流[はいけつりゅう, haiketsuryuu] (n) pulmonary blood flow [Add to Longdo]

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People sweat for them. Give their lives for them.[CN] 人们流血流汗 凑钱交税 The Tax Man Cometh (2006)
He and Martin knocked their heads in half a year ago.[CN] 他和马丁半年前 打得头破血流的 Dead in 3 Days (2006)
Okay, the mutagen is now entering his bloodstream.[JP] よし 変異原は今 彼の血流に入ってる Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
Blood everywhere, gasoline, searing heat.[CN] - 血流成河 汽油滚滚 热浪灼人 Do You Regret What We Did? (2007)
They help circulate.[JP] 血流の循環を促進します Ip Man 3 (2015)
All I want to do is end the bloodline, extirpate it, and start another, afresh.[JP] バグウエル族の血流を終わらせて、 新しい家族を作りたい Bad Blood (2007)
A single minute of poor blood flow to the brain, a single second of open bleeding...[CN] 一分钟一分钟的废血流向脑部 一秒一秒地滴血 Something the Lord Made (2004)
Calisthenics stimulates the heart, which increases blood flow to the frontal lobe, which stimulates deductive thinking.[JP] 容疑者が いない 柔軟体操は 心臓を刺激して 前頭葉への血流が増加する Solve for X (2013)
Changing the course of blood.[CN] 改变血流 Something the Lord Made (2004)
The blood flows more freely down there so one doesn't have to suck as hard.[JP] 血流量が多いから― 強く吸う必要がない Escape from Dragon House (2008)
And by dumping struggling and dying steers through metal chutes onto blood soaked floors, with their breathing tubes and gullets dangling out, [CN] 通过金属槽 将垂死挣扎的动物倾倒 在血流成河的地板上 动物的内脏纷纷坠出身体外 Earthlings (2005)
I can feel the flow to the lungs.[CN] 我能感觉到通往肺部的血流 Something the Lord Made (2004)
We failed to get the higher blood pressure but we did get higher blood flow.[CN] 没有造出高血压 但血流增大了 Something the Lord Made (2004)
You're bleedin' like a stuck pig.[CN] 你血流如注 Planet Terror (2007)
Once it enters the bloodstream, it immediately starts to break down the immune system.[JP] いったん、血流に入ると 免疫系を破壊し始める In Extremis (2013)
From the inside out , our bodies are overwhelmed with new sensations our pulse raises, our blood pressures rises[CN] 我们的身体内部, 也渐渐被新的情感所控制 我们血流加速,血压也在上升 Inside the Living Body (2007)
I got beat up because of you.[CN] 因为你我才被打得头破血流的 Chapter Five 'Hiros' (2006)
- Eat a little, for the blood circulation.[JP] - 少し食べろ 血流が良くなる Look Who's Back (2015)
But, eventually, I came to recognize, when the destiny of a great fortune is at stake, men's greed spreads like a poison in the bloodstream.[JP] それでも、だんだん分かってきた 巨大な遺産の命運が 決まろうとする時には 人の強欲は血流中の毒がごとく拡散し The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
When injected directly into the bloodstream, it affects the thalamus region of your brain.[JP] 直接血流に注入すると 脳の視床部に影響を与える Vertigo (2013)
blood on the walls[CN] 血流成河 The Ladies Who Lunch (2005)
Ripping the trachea and esophagi from their throats is another egregious violation, since kosher animals are not to be touched until bleeding stops.[CN] 从它们的喉咙部位 撕裂气管或喉管 是另一件重大违背规定的事情 按照犹太式屠宰的动物 要等鲜血流光之后 才可以碰触它们 Earthlings (2005)
BROYLES: Here.[JP] 彼女の血流に注入された物質が Power Hungry (2008)
Customers will eat the food, but when it comes to other chefs, it's dog eat dog.[CN] 客人来吃顿饭 你们厨师就得争的头破血流 Confessions (2005)
'Nobody knows what's going on. There's a lot of blood and bodies.[CN] "没人知道到底怎么回事 只有血流成河,横尸遍野" Dawn of the Dead (2004)
But I see now... that blood will spill again.[CN] 现在看来... 又要血流成河了 Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003)
Obstructed the blood flow to his arm for about 30 minutes.[JP] 30分ほど腕への血流を塞いでた Tremors (2013)
Or I will let you bleed to death right here on this landing. Chase![CN] 要不然我让你的血流干死在这里。 Day 3: 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. (2003)
Bloodthirsty.[CN] 血流成河 Will You Tolerate This? (2006)
Once separated from the bloodstream... it can serve as a powerful agent to slow the spread of the virus.[JP] 血流から分離して... それはウイルスの増殖の速度を抑える ことができる Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015)
All right, sir, I've controlled his bleeding.[JP] わかりました 血流は制御しています Krieg Nicht Lieb (2014)
The streets will run red with blood.[CN] 街道即将血流成河 Sin City (2005)
After you die, your cells start leaking potassium into the bloodstream.[JP] 死後 細胞はカリウムを 血流に放出し始めるから Tremors (2013)
We need to dilute the poison in his bloodstream.[JP] 血流で 毒を希釈する必要がある Dead to Rights (2013)
Bled like hell.[CN] 血流如注 Mystic River (2003)
He needs a sedative in his bloodstream first.[JP] 彼は最初に 彼の血流に鎮静剤が必要だわ The Scientist (2013)
Gets the heart racing. And I know you like to stay fit.[JP] 血流にいいし 節制は好きですね The Watch (2012)
Lock up the misogynist pig and let him bleed to death.[CN] "狼"把这个歧视女人的猪锁在里面 让他血流干而死 Cry Wolf (2005)
Respiratory distress. His platelets are 20 and dropping.[CN] 他的血小板是20而且在下降 他的伤口会血流不止的 Role Model (2005)
A piece of that broke off, went up the vein, through her heart and blocked the blood flow to her lungs.[CN] 一小块掉了下来 随着血流 穿过她的心脏 堵在肺里 The Socratic Method (2004)
He used to be a police inspector in Goa... and has blood clotted in his head ever since a thief struck him with a stick[CN] 他过去是果阿的一个督察 而有一次他头破血流 一个贼用棒重击了他 Mujhse Shaadi Karogi (2004)
There's no trace of the virus in your bloodstream.[JP] 血流にはウィルスの痕跡はありません Divergence (2005)
With my own eyes I have seen the bloodshed in Poland and Russia.[CN] 我曾眼睁睁看到波兰、俄国血流成河 Sophie Scholl: The Final Days (2005)
I would do a hundred of these, get my blood pumping.[JP] 試験勉強をしてて疲れた時 これを100回やると 血流がよくなるんです Child Predator (2012)
Will you not be satisfied until rivers flow with blood and the world is submerged in turmoil?[CN] 你非要血流成河,天下大乱了 你的内心才能获得安宁吗? The Banquet (2006)
There's blood all over Phil.[CN] 血流了菲利普全身 The Test Dream (2004)
Attack, before we're all slaughtered.[CN] 上啊,杀他们个血流成河 A Very Long Engagement (2004)
Whatever was injected into her bloodstream[JP] 彼女の血流に注入された物質が The Cure (2008)
Blood all over my hand...[CN] 血流如注... Once Upon a Time in High School: The Spirit of Jeet Kune Do (2004)
The blood, I can't stop it![CN] 血流不止 Battle Royale II (2003)


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