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桑那[sāng nà, ㄙㄤ ㄋㄚˋ,  ] a sauna (bath) #432,198 [Add to Longdo]
亚利桑那州[Yà lì sāng nà zhōu, ㄧㄚˋ ㄌㄧˋ ㄙㄤ ㄋㄚˋ ㄓㄡ,      /     ] Arizona #52,445 [Add to Longdo]
亚利桑那[Yà lì sāng nà, ㄧㄚˋ ㄌㄧˋ ㄙㄤ ㄋㄚˋ,     /    ] Arizona #77,249 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
People across America are watching Arizona, seeing how we implement this law, ready to jump on even the slightest misstep.[CN] { \fn方正黑体简体\fs16\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F }此为亚利桑那州长 简·布鲁尔 哪怕出了一点点闪失我们都将备受责难 { \3cH202020 }ready to jump on even the slightest misstep. News Night 2.0 (2012)
I am here to announce the first Universal Congress of The Cause to be held May 21st, 1950, in Phoenix, Arizona, a city named for that glorious bird, whose resurrection from the ashes fits our own.[CN] 我在此宣布 第一届源教全球会议 将于1950年5月21日 在亚利桑那州的凤凰城召开 The Master (2012)
If you're just joining us, a gunman in Arizona...[CN] 如果你刚打开电视 一名枪手于亚利桑那... I'll Try to Fix You (2012)
Yuma, Arizona, and Colorado Springs, Colorado.[CN] 亞利桑那州尤馬和 科羅拉多州的科羅拉多泉 The Ones You Love (2012)
Arizona residents overwhelmingly favor spending that money.[CN] 亚利桑那居民强烈支持此项开支 { \3cH202020 }Arizona residents overwhelmingly favor spending that money. News Night 2.0 (2012)
What we know so far is that Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and 12 others were shot when a gunman opened fire at a local town hall in Tucson, Arizona.[CN] 目前的消息是 加布里埃尔议员 与其余12人 在亚利桑那州图森市 召开市民大会时 遭到枪击 I'll Try to Fix You (2012)
Are you serious? There are far too many leather shops in Arizona as it is.[CN] 亚利桑那州满地都是皮革店 The Gang Gets Trapped (2011)
Arizona's got the right idea, boy--[CN] 亚利桑那州的做法最好... Summertime (2012)
Look at this! Spring training in lovely Scottsdale, Arizona.[CN] 快看 在亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔的春训 Lay the Favorite (2012)
"about Arizona doing well on Obama's Race to the Finish initiative."[CN] 奥巴马的"力争上流"教改 { \3cH202020 }also like to talk about Arizona doing well 在亚利桑那州的实施效果很好 { \3cH202020 }on Obama's Race to the Finish initiative. News Night 2.0 (2012)
Each year, bats migrate across 1, 000 miles of desert from central Mexico to Arizona.[CN] 蝙蝠每年从墨西哥中部到亚利桑那 迁徙穿过一千五百多公里沙漠 Survival (2012)
Ross Fernholm, a former Arizona State Patrolman, who now runs the all-volunteer Independence Border Guards in Yuma, and Gwen Lalley, a junior at the University of New Mexico and the second runner-up in last night's Miss USA pageant, [CN] a former Arizona State Patrolman { \fn方正黑体简体\fs16\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F }尤马 亚利桑那州城市 News Night 2.0 (2012)
Decades of federal inaction have led to a dangerous and unstable situation on Arizona's border.[CN] 联邦政府几十年的不作为让亚利桑那边境 { \3cH202020 }Decades of federal inaction have led to a dangerous News Night 2.0 (2012)
The very same program which allowed a criminal illegal alien who was deported into Mexico to cross back over our border into Arizona one month later.[CN] 同样的程序 允许罪犯 谁是非法移民 被驱逐到墨西哥 又回到了我们的边界 一个月后到亚利桑那州。 Border Run (2012)
This greenhouse is so hi-tech that the team can control the amount of food and light the plants receive from the comfort of their office in the University of Arizona.[CN] 温室的科技含量很高 队员们从亚利桑那州立大学 舒服的办公室里 就能控制植物接收的养分和光照量 The Epic Journey (2011)
The clock is ticking and my future executive vice president is stuck somewhere in Arizona.[CN] 时间在流逝,我的未来 执行副总裁 在亚利桑那州的某个地方被卡住。 A Valentine's Date (2011)
So you're in favor of the recent Arizona immigration law?[CN] 所以,你赞成 最近美国亚利桑那州移民法呢? Border Run (2012)
She went to a healing vortex workshop in Sedona.[CN] She went to a healing vortex workshop in Sedona. (注: Sedona,一座位于凤凰城以北的亚利桑那州城市) Goats (2012)
He says I should soak up as much of the Sonoran sun as I can.[CN] 他说我该趁着这个机会尽情享用所诺兰的日光 He says I should soak up as much of the Sonoran sun as I can. (注: Sonoran,横跨亚利桑那州,加州和墨西哥西北端三地的条状沙漠带) Goats (2012)
...a sole source of information that reports that the Arizona congresswoman[CN] 告知 亚利桑那州众议员 I'll Try to Fix You (2012)
Look... you can't charge me for being in the Arizona desert.[CN] 听着... 我是你不能收取 在亚利桑那州的沙漠。 Border Run (2012)
" In the Arizona Prison..."[CN] 在亚利桑那州监狱... Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me (2012)
Arizona prison stats.[CN] 亚利桑那监狱数据 { \3cH202020 }Arizona prison stats. -谢谢 News Night 2.0 (2012)
- I've never left Arizona.[CN] - 我从来没有离开亚利桑那州。 Amber Alert (2012)
SB 1070 passed the Arizona House last week, and a few days later, passed the State Senate.[CN] 1070号法案上周由亚利桑那众议院表决通过 { \3cH202020 }SB 1070 passed the Arizona House last week 没过几天 州参议院也表决通过 { \3cH202020 }and a few days later passed the State Senate. News Night 2.0 (2012)
I've been down to Tucson, and I've been up north, but I've never left Arizona.[CN] 我一直下降到图森, 而且我一直北上, 但我从来没有离开亚利桑那州。 Amber Alert (2012)
John McCain wins the New Hampshire primary, a huge comeback for the Senator from Arizona.[CN] 约翰·麦凯恩赢得了新罕布什尔州初选 来自亚利桑那的参议员 上演绝地反击 Game Change (2012)
Say... Scottsdale, Arizona.[CN] 比如說,去亞利桑那州的 斯科特斯德市 Frankenweenie (2012)
You hear about Sodhi in Arizona?[CN] 你说那个亚利桑那的锡克教徒? That Sikh in Arizona? (注: The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2012)
They keep escalating the conversation into evil curses and opening leather shops in Arizona.[CN] 还有在亚利桑那州开皮革店 在亚利桑那州开皮革店? The Gang Gets Trapped (2011)
I used to do this in a work gang in southern Arizona.[CN] 我以前做这个工作 在亚利桑那州南部的团伙。 Big Sur (2013)
Parked in a storage facility in Arizona, waiting for replacement parts that nobody can find.[CN] 停在亚利桑那州的储藏基地 等着不知道什么时候能找到的零件来修理 Cosmopolis (2012)
You're going to have nine minutes with Jan Brewer, nine minutes with La Raza.[CN] { \fn方正黑体简体\fs16\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F }亚利桑那州州长 { \fn方正黑体简体\fs16\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F }旨在维护拉美裔群体权益的组织 News Night 2.0 (2012)
Word come that the Apaches was riding towards a settlement called Arivaca.[CN] 阿帕奇部落的人 在向叫做亚利桑那的殖民地扩进 Cowboys & Aliens (2011)
It's not in Arizona.[CN] 不算在亚利桑那州 { \3cH202020 }It's not in Arizona. News Night 2.0 (2012)
Estimates are that illegal immigrants cost Arizonans $2.7 billion a year.[CN] Estimates are that 非法移民每年消耗亚利桑那州27亿美元 { \3cH202020 }illegal immigrants cost Arizonans $2.7 billion a year. -这个问题需要解决吗 News Night 2.0 (2012)
Let us relocate you to Arizona instead of New Orleans.[CN] 早知去阿利桑那洲,不来纽奥良 Colombiana (2011)
The only reason he sent me to Arizona is he didn't want his judge friends knowing he had a junkie daughter.[CN] 他之所以把我送到亚利桑那州来 就是因为他不想让他的法官朋友看到 他有个吸毒的女儿 Closing Arguments (2011)
Coakley is in Arizona, attending the Hawaiian Tropic regionals.[CN] 他在亚利桑那州 看夏威夷小姐选美 Hall Pass (2011)
I mean, we should just drive and drive and drive and not look back.[CN] 我们应该去亚利桑那州开个进口皮革店 The Gang Gets Trapped (2011)
" She's never left Arizona."[CN] "她从来没有离开亚利桑那州。" Amber Alert (2012)
A local Tucson newspaper is reporting that Arizona Congresswoman[CN] 据图森当地报纸报道 亚利桑那州众议员 I'll Try to Fix You (2012)
- Never left Arizona.[CN] - 永远不要离开亚利桑那州。 Amber Alert (2012)
He was visiting his daughter in Arizona?[CN] 他去亚利桑那看闺女了? Closing Arguments (2011)
Leather shop in Arizona?[CN] 去亚利桑那州开皮革店? 你们说真的吗? The Gang Gets Trapped (2011)
You could keep the deceased in Arizona, have the services here.[CN] 你可以保持死者在亚利桑那州, 有服务。 Best Man Down (2012)
I checked. She's in rehab in Arizona.[CN] 我查过了 她在亚利桑那州的一间戒毒所 Closing Arguments (2011)
How are we not supposed to fantasize about opening up imported leather shops in Arizona?[CN] 我们怎么就不能幻想下 在亚利桑那州开皮革店呢? The Gang Gets Trapped (2011)
Michigan to Montana, Alabama to Arizona, that's still free America right now.[CN] 密西根到蒙大拿, 阿拉巴馬到亞利桑那州 目前都還是自由的美國。 Red Dawn (2012)
A little after noon today, Congresswoman Gabby Giffords was shot while holding a town hall meeting in Tucson, Arizona.[CN] 今日正午过后 议员加布里埃尔・吉福德斯 在亚利桑那图森市的市民大会上遭到枪击 I'll Try to Fix You (2012)


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