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当时的[dāng shí de, ㄉㄤ ㄕˊ ㄉㄜ˙,    /   ] of that time; former [Add to Longdo]

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Or even before that, when the world was young.[CN] 或是再以前的时代 当时的世界还年轻 The Time Machine (1960)
- Ja. - It was all over.[CN] 当时的情况是那样子... Shoah (1985)
Yeah, it looked like something that... scares the birds.[CN] 小鸟看见她当时的样子也会吓怕 Sophie's Choice (1982)
I don't think so. You should've seen the look on his face.[CN] 我可不这样认为 你最好能看见他当时的那张脸 Mary Poppins (1964)
made to the then-president of the United States... by the chairman of the presidential committee.[CN] 总统委员会主席 送给当时的美国总统的报告 Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972)
The way she screamed. And the way she looked. Scared.[CN] 她当时的尖叫声, 还有她当时的样子,让人恐惧 Blackboard Jungle (1955)
Andrey was at the time 33 years old.[CN] 当时的安德烈也就33岁 The Sacrifice (1986)
I wish you could've seen Miss Cathy then.[CN] 我愿你看到 当时的凯茜小姐 Wuthering Heights (1939)
Mrs. Robinson, I mean do you feel like telling me what were the circumstances?[CN] Robinson夫人, 你可以把当时的情景告诉我吗? The Graduate (1967)
He was a black-uniformed, strutting animal whose function in life was to give pain, and like his colleagues of the time he shared the one affliction most common amongst that breed known as nazis:[CN] 他是个黑袍在身、趾高气扬的衣冠禽兽 活着就是给人带来痛苦 正如当时的同僚一样 Deaths-Head Revisited (1961)
The idea was... the shark comes to the nearest man and he starts pounding, hollering and screaming.[CN] 当时的想法是 万一鲨鱼过来 前面的人就大叫大喊 Jaws (1975)
There's period furniture in the drawing room.[CN] 在画室有当时的家具 The Living Dead Girl (1982)
I'm confused by your attitude to LaTour.[CN] 我现在还不明白你当时的心态 The Paradine Case (1947)
Napoleon was not only an emperor, he was a king[CN] 拿破仑是当时的皇帝,他就是国王 Robert et Robert (1978)
Oh! it was a sight to behold![CN] 噢当时的情景我现在还记得很清楚 The Killers (1946)
I was a failure then.[CN] 当时的我一无所成 Gaslight (1944)
Kids in those days weren't raised on Dr, Spock, they were raised on the tide table, [CN] 当时的孩子不是被斯波克博士抚养大的 他们被潮汐表抚养大的 The Night Strangler (1973)
Of course I didn't mean the things I said.[CN] 当然我当时的话不是说真的 What Ever Happened to Aunt Alice? (1969)
He cheated! He adapted. He overcame.[CN] 他使作,他应付当时的情况 Heartbreak Ridge (1986)
You'd age me 10 years but under the circumstances I forgive you.[CN] 你早就该和我商量 但是基于当时的环境 我原谅你了 The Dark Mirror (1946)
I remember thinking: I bet he will be at that funeral.[CN] 我记得当时的想法 , "我打赌他会出现在葬礼中." Darling (1965)
Once Shanghai had fallen, the Japanese forces advanced up the Yangtze valley to threaten the then-capital of China, Nanking.[CN] 一旦上海沦陷, 日本军队就向长江河谷推进 以威胁中国当时的首都, 南京 Banzai! Japan: 1931-1942 (1973)
It suggested who it was, obviously, then Walker Commander.[CN] 而这个人, 当然, 就是当时的 (弗雷德里克·约翰·"强尼")沃克舰长 Wolf Pack: U-Boats in the Atlantic - 1939-1944 (1974)
And his wife, and his sons ' wives also.[CN] 在当时的世代 挪亚是个完美的人 The Bible: In the Beginning... (1966)
And it was home I came to, brothers not realizing, in the state I was in where I was, and had been before.[CN] 我也来到了一个"家" 老兄... 当时的状态下 我完全不知道 我来到了过去曾经来过的地方 A Clockwork Orange (1971)
When I heard the notice on the war[CN] 当我听到关于战争爆发的新闻时 我当时的想法是, "将会发生什么呢?" Japan: 1941-1945 (1974)
Apparently Prof. Azuma and Prof. Funao of Tohto University corresponded on topics other than the research.[CN] 听说当时的状况是东教授 和东都大学的船尾教授 互相交换了一两封 与研究无关的信 The Great White Tower (1966)
I wanted to check what I remember with what your wife remembers.[CN] 我想要跟你太太确认当时的状况 The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970)
I thought about waiting for him and letting him have it... but there was a good chance in my condition I might miss... so I decided to crawl away like a poisoned dog.[CN] 我本来想在那等他 然后用枪打死他... 可是我当时的身体状况 我很可能会打不中... 我决定偷偷的爬走 像条中毒的狗 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)
I was so lonely then much more than you could have guessed.[CN] 当时的我非常孤独 那种孤独感不是你能够体会的 El Sur (1983)
His head was badly crashed[CN] 当时的情形,他的头被撞烂 The Five Billion Dollar Legacy (1970)
I guess I didn't realise how it looked.[CN] 我大概没意识到当时的局面 The Blue Dahlia (1946)
Because they came from the undressing barracks.[CN] 当时的感受是怎样? Shoah (1985)
But what man and woman feel at that time is quite different[CN] 但是男人和女人当时的感受 是很不同的 Diary of a Shinjuku Thief (1969)
- Yes, that and... a look in my eyes.[CN] -是的,还要加上... 我当时的深情眼神 The Tarnished Angels (1957)
Farmers were poor in those days. That's what Dad was, a farmer.[CN] 当时的农民生活贫困 家父就是一个农民 All About Eve (1950)
- Splendid.[CN] 这看当时的需要了 Water (1985)
Two old people were putting wood into a stove... lF YOU DON'T think ABOUT something, it DOESN'T exist ... and the old woman said the stove was now like their son.[CN] 两个老人把木头放到火炉里... 存在即被感知 ...老妇说,当时的 炉子就像他们的儿子 322 (1969)
In the year 180 A.D., the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, was leading his Roman legions against the Germanic tribes along the Danube frontier.[CN] 西元一百八十年, 当时的皇帝 是马卡斯. 亚烈留斯 The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964)
But such did not happen, although the insistence of Admiral Raeder that at the time it was Commander of the German Navy.[CN] 但这一点并没有实现, 尽管当时的德国海军总司令 雷德尔海军上将不断地提出请求 Wolf Pack: U-Boats in the Atlantic - 1939-1944 (1974)
Our hero's next adventure concerns a lady in circumstances from which any gentleman would instinctively wish to free her - but of which any man who was not a gentleman might instantly want to take advantage.[CN] 我们主人公的下一个历险 与一位女士有关 当时的情况令任何男士 Tom Jones (1963)
Marilyn's the stewardess.[CN] 玛丽莲是当时的空姐 Save the Tiger (1973)
Few French generals ever bothered to inspect, let alone meet, their troops, but then their commander-in-chief, General Gamelin, rarely set foot outside his headquarters.[CN] 极少有法国将军费心去视察 更不用说去会见他们的部队 不过他们当时的总司令, 甘末林将军, 也基本不涉足他的司令部外 France Falls: May-June 1940 (1973)
This is not '33 and Mr. Prokosch knows you'll do the job.[CN] 因为我知道依当时的情形注定要失败的 正如你能看到的一样 杰里能看透过去,并预知未来 把未来设计得很美妙 Contempt (1963)
I remember that day.[CN] 我没法从脑袋里把当时的 细节都抹去 Lovefilm (1970)
Put yourselves in my situation.[CN] 你们设身处地地为当时的我想想 Spur der Steine (1966)
Their sole landmarks are the taste of the moment and the markings on the walls.[CN] 他们唯一的标记 是当时的感受 和留在墙上的记号 La Jetée (1962)
I had a date with the captain of the basketball team.[CN] 我当时的舞伴是篮球队队长 l had a date with the captain of the basketball team. Carrie (1976)
What sounded like truth today was often mere excuses.[CN] 今天听上去像真相的,只是当时的道歉 Spur der Steine (1966)
But sir, we had no choice. It was the hijacker gang again.[CN] 当时的情形完全是因为那个冷血杀手 In the Line of Duty (1986)


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