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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
强度[qiáng dù, ㄑㄧㄤˊ ㄉㄨˋ,   /  ] strength; intensity #3,957 [Add to Longdo]
发光强度[fā guāng qiáng dù, ㄈㄚ ㄍㄨㄤ ㄑㄧㄤˊ ㄉㄨˋ,     /    ] luminous intensity #107,405 [Add to Longdo]
压力强度[yā lì qiáng dù, ㄧㄚ ㄌㄧˋ ㄑㄧㄤˊ ㄉㄨˋ,     /    ] pressure (as measured) [Add to Longdo]
磁感应强度[cí gǎn yìng qiáng dù, ㄘˊ ㄍㄢˇ ㄧㄥˋ ㄑㄧㄤˊ ㄉㄨˋ,      /     ] magnetic field density [Add to Longdo]
辐射强度[fú shè qiáng dù, ㄈㄨˊ ㄕㄜˋ ㄑㄧㄤˊ ㄉㄨˋ,     /    ] radiation intensity [Add to Longdo]

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90%. 85%.[CN] 无线信号强度减弱中 Radio signals strength decreasing. Arrival (2016)
Three weeks ago, one of our experimental exoskeletons... designed to increase the strength of the infantrymen of the future... was stolen from one of our research labs.[CN] 三个星期前,我们的实验外骨骼之一... 设计增加了强度 未来的步兵的... 从我们的研究实验室1被偷了。
Old school. Worked them tough beats under Gates.[CN] 在Gates的带领下让他们高强度工作 Worked them tough beats under Gates. Maybe Tomorrow (2015)
And every 23rd wave that comes to shore is twice as long and twice as strong as the one that came before it.[CN] 每到23号海浪冲击海岸的强度 与范围都会比往常增强一倍 Dark House (2014)
It was an actual possibility.[CN] 然后十年前 他们终于想出办法 And then ten years ago, they finally figured out a way 造出了足够强度的帆布来建造电梯 to make the canvas strong enough to build the elevator. Headquarters! (2015)
The intensity of radiation from a star, even an exploding star, falls off rapidly with distance.[CN] 恒星放出的辐射强度 The intensity of radiation from a star, 即使是一颗爆炸的恒星 even an exploding star, 随着距离急剧下降 falls off rapidly with distance. Sisters of the Sun (2014)
Kind of a red. Like a lot of noise.[CN] 红色,我喜欢的强度。 Spy (2015)
A plant molecule evolved that was both strong and flexible, a material that could support a lot of weight, yet bend in the wind without breaking.[CN] 一个植物分子在强度和弹性方面都获得了进化 A plant molecule evolved that was both strong and flexible, 这种材料可以支撑很大的重量 a material that could support a lot of weight, 也可以在风中弯曲而不折断 yet bend in the wind without breaking. The Lost Worlds of Planet Earth (2014)
There's a kill switch in my eye.[CN] 每个出口派两个人守卫 菲茨 有讯号了吗? 长官 讯号强度94% 死亡战士肯定在里面 Eye Spy (2013)
Earthquakes can rise and fall in intensity during their duration...[CN] 地震时 地震强度的变化取决于... Earthquakes can rise and fall in intensity during their duration depending... San Andreas (2015)
Part of the tightest security checks an American city not under riot conditions has ever experienced.[CN] 对一个非动乱期的美国城市 安全警戒的强度是前所未有的 Best of Enemies: Buckley vs. Vidal (2015)
So, just take the ultra-fortified[CN] 所以 只需要拿下海德拉高强度戒备的城堡 So, just take the ultra Maveth (2015)
She'd been taking her mother's money a bit at a time.[CN] 她一直靠着母亲留下的钱勉强度日 Roommate (2013)
Later on, I'll be asking which vegetable has the greatest torsional strength - ie, which can withstand the greatest twisting load before rupture?[CN] 稍后 我会询问哪种蔬菜的 抗扭强度最好 就是说能在断掉前 Alan Partridge (2013)
The strength and angle of the signal to the cell site puts Cheryl and Lizzie in the same place, [CN] 通向基站的信号强度及角度 说明雪莉和丽希在同一处地点, Protection: Part 2 (2015)
Because of the high level of impact, keep your body loose, right?[CN] 由于会发生高强度挤压 Because of the high level of impact, - 大家保持身体放松 好吗? - 好的 Project Almanac (2015)
Hess also found that the radiation was just as strong at night as in daylight.[CN] 赫斯还发现 Hess also found that the radiation 辐射在白天和晚上的强度是一样的 was just as strong at night as in daylight. Unafraid of the Dark (2014)
Tip to tip, the intensity of the burn drops 20%.[CN] 提示给小费,烧伤的强度下降20%。 Angle of Attack (2014)
Radiation levels aren't too bad out here.[CN] 这里的辐射强度没那么大 Going Nuclear (2014)
Look, with Matty gone, I have expenses, and the death benefit helped, but...[CN] 马蒂去世后 日子挺拮据 靠他的抚恤金我们勉强度日 但... RICO (2015)
Solar intensity over the northwestern Atlantic was at a 12-month high last week, [CN] 上周西北大西洋的太阳辐射强度 Solar intensity over the northwestern Atlantic 达到了12个月中的最高点 was at a 12 -month high last week, Dead Men Tell Long Tales (2015)
Radiation levels are only slightly elevated outside the containment building.[CN] 核反应堆保护壳外面的辐射强度 只是高那么一点点 Going Nuclear (2014)
To certain areas of his brain to kick it[CN] 给予高强度的电流刺激 to certain areas of his brain to kick it Forget Me Nots (2015)
Because it's highly radioactive in there.[CN] 因为那里的放射强度太高了 Going Nuclear (2014)
I know what we have to do to raise the beacon.[CN] 我知道该怎么提高信号台的信号强度了 Many Happy Returns (2014)
Over. Bravo. Also strength ten.[CN] B小队 信号强度10 总部 这里是A小队 Good Night (2013)
The bacteria glows when exposed to high levels of radiation.[CN] 细菌暴露在高强度的辐射之下时就会发光 Going Nuclear (2014)
My daddy always said a One-Foot Flyaway took the grace of a ballerina... and the strength of a steer wrestler.[CN] 我爸爸总是说一英尺的Flyaway 花了一个芭蕾舞演员的恩典... ... 和强度 的转向摔跤手。 Dakota's Summer (2014)
Okay. It's all this intensity.[CN] 好吧,就是这样的强度 Ride Along (2014)
Doctor says I should take up some low-impact activity, like drinking.[CN] 医生说我应该做些低强度运动 比如喝酒 Zero Day (2013)
A relatively nearby supernova might appear just as bright as one that was more powerful, but farther away.[CN] 一颗较近的超新星亮度看起来 A relatively nearby supernova might appear just as bright 也许就会和在较远地方爆发的超新星差不多 就算另一颗的爆发强度更大 as one that was more powerful, but farther away. Unafraid of the Dark (2014)
I've written a blog on the varying tensile strengths of different natural fibres.[CN] 我写了一篇博客 关于不同天然纤维 { \3cH202020 }I've written a blog on the varying 抗拉强度的差异 { \3cH202020 }tensile strengths of different natural fibres. The Empty Hearse (2014)
A down-on-his-luck actor barely scraping by?[CN] 一个勉强度日的过气演员? Need to Know (2013)
We're gonna have the white and the reds, separate service, different intensity.[CN] 这是正确的。 我们要去有白色和红军, 单独的服务,不同的强度。 Hot Tub Time Machine 2 (2015)
But there's another kind of supernova that comes in only one strength.[CN] 但还有另外一种超新星 But there's another kind of supernova 它只有一种爆发强度 that comes in only one strength. Unafraid of the Dark (2014)
Sir, I believe our response to be insufficient.[CN] 总统先生 我认为回应强度还不够 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. (2014)
You enjoy making fun of engineering so much; how do you quantify the strength of materials?[CN] 你那么喜欢拿工程学开玩笑 要如何量化材料强度? The Junior Professor Solution (2014)
I never believed he would call upon Linglesou to achieve that power we denied him.[CN] 并没有离开这个地方,直到他是"Angso"来实现 我们警告他,它的强度 Voodoo Possession (2014)
- Maybe I should check into the doctor-No, they would like you stunned two-headed cat, super strength, a man who does not have a penis[CN] - 也许我应该检查 医生不,他们会 像傻眼 双头猫,超强度, 谁没有一个男人的阴茎 Bad Johnson (2014)
... we have found incidents of photon intensity so great that particles can exist simultaneously in two spaces over great distances.[CN] 发现了光子强度极其高的情况 We have found incidents of photon intensity so great 致使粒子可以同时出现在相距甚远的 that particles can exist simultaneously in two spaces 两个空间里 over great distances. Frenemy of My Enemy (2015)
Over. Kilo-Alpha. Signal strength ten.[CN] A小队 信号强度10 Good Night (2013)
At least with the inhibitors i can get by but now, [CN] 抑制剂至少能让我勉强度日 但现在 Equals (2015)
Strength-to-weight ratio seems good.[CN] 强度重量比还不错 Strength -to -weight ratio seems good. The Pirate Fairy (2014)
It's similar to my experiments, but much more prolonged and intense.[CN] 这和我的实验相似 但持续时间更长 强度更大 Fight or Flight (2013)
I have difficulties socializing with other people I don't know, but I want to.[CN] 并不独特 我患有 It's not unique, I have... 高强度的自闭症 high functioning form of autism Which... 我的视角特别狭窄 means I have an extremely narrow focus, The Accountant (2016)
The signal strength.[CN] The signal strength. 信号强度 Furious 7 (2015)
We have to reinforce the connections. Reinf...[CN] 我们要增加连接部分的强度 We have to reinforce the connections. Purpose in the Machine (2015)
Every cog and coil is custom-engineered for size and strength.[CN] 每个齿轮和线圈都是根据目标而特别定制的尺寸和强度 Every cog and coil is custom -engineered for size and strength. Choke Hold (2014)
I don't have to go there every day and experience, you know, the intensity and the pressure, and I have a lot more freedom.[CN] 我没有每天都去那里 和经验,你知道, 强度和压力, 和我有更多的自由。 I Am a Girl (2013)
We have visual. Send signal strength.[CN] 图像正常 测试信号强度 Good Night (2013)


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