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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
下来[xià lai, ㄒㄧㄚˋ ㄌㄞ˙,   /  ] to come down; (after verb of motion, indicates motion down and towards us, also fig.); (indicates continuation from the past towards us); to be harvested (of crops); to be over (of a period of time); to go among the masses (said of leaders) #975 [Add to Longdo]
接下来[jiē xià lái, ㄐㄧㄝ ㄒㄧㄚˋ ㄌㄞˊ,    /   ] to accept; to take; next; following #3,498 [Add to Longdo]
停下来[tíng xià lái, ㄊㄧㄥˊ ㄒㄧㄚˋ ㄌㄞˊ,    /   ] to stop #10,159 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The next play.[CN] 接下来的骗局 The Long Con (2006)
I'll pull the car over, you know.[CN] 如果不行的话 我可以停下来 Nightmare (2006)
It might fall off and someone could trip.[CN] 它可能会掉下来 而别人有可能因此而摔倒 Live Free or Die (2006)
One of the oldest local houses left.[CN] 那是一桩大买卖 那是小镇遗留下来的最老的房子之一 Route 666 (2006)
I know it's my fault. I know I shouldn't have let you take off the rubber.[CN] 我知道这都是我的错 我知道我不该让你把套摘下来 The Ride (2006)
You think this feast pays for itself?[CN] 你觉得整个庆典要用的钱 会从天上掉下来? The Ride (2006)
- You need to write it down?[CN] - 你要写下来吗? The Long Con (2006)
We're on shift for the next four hours. Nobody's coming down here.[CN] 接下来四小时都是我们执班 没人会过来这里 The Hunting Party (2006)
Yeah. I got there just in time to see the girl take the swan dive.[CN] 我到那里的时候刚好看到她掉下来 Shadow (2006)
Body drops and hits the water at about 110 miles per hour.[CN] 尸体掉下来扎进水里 速度大约每小时110英里 Watch (2006)
- Get back here.[CN] 卡博 下来 There's Something About a War (2006)
Get down![CN] 你给我下来! My Kung Fu Sweetheart (2006)
Please just cut me down. My name is Henry Gale.[CN] 求你放我下来 我叫亨利盖尔 One of Them (2006)
-We just stopped for gas and, uh, the guy at the gas station saved our lives.[CN] 停下来给车子加油 加油站的人救了我们的命 Scarecrow (2006)
Cut off his pisciatil' and feed it to him.[CN] 得把他的老二割下来喂他吃 Live Free or Die (2006)
I'll be your math teacher for the next year[CN] 接下来的一年 我会是你们的数学老师 The Professor and His Beloved Equation (2006)
What if the stove falls over and there's a fire?[CN] 如果炉灶掉下来起火了怎么办? The Professor and His Beloved Equation (2006)
Now sit down.[CN] 现在给我坐下来 Live Free or Die (2006)
The Lord chose me to reward the just and punish the wicked and your brother is wicked and he deserves to die just as Layla deserves to live.[CN] 上帝选择了我来惩恶扬善 你兄弟是邪恶的 他是该死的 就象Leila应该活下来一样 Faith (2006)
For sure. I request your permission to have Stephan over.[CN] 肯定会的 我请求大家同意让斯蒂芬留下来 Sweet Mud (2006)
If it's any consolation, she probably froze to death, or died of lack of oxygen before she dropped.[CN] 让人稍感安慰的是 她恐怕在掉下来之前 就冻死或者缺氧窒息而死了 Watch (2006)
I was taking baggage from terminal six to terminal eight, a suitcase falls off.[CN] 我从把行李从6号货站拉到8号 有个行李箱掉下来了 Watch (2006)
Then shouldn't we stop and... maybe ask for directions somewhere?[CN] 那我们是不是应该停下来... 问一下方向什么的? 10 Items or Less (2006)
- We were lucky the roof held. - Did anyone hear that Yma Sumac scream when the ceiling fan came down?[CN] 我们很幸运屋顶没有塌下来 有人听到YMA SUMAC的惊叫声了吗? Johnny Cakes (2006)
Someone has to take care of the button.[CN] 总有人要留下来看着按钮 The Hunting Party (2006)
Get down![CN] 下来吧! My Kung Fu Sweetheart (2006)
I can't even imagine what they're going through.[CN] 我难以想象她们接下来要怎么过 Nightmare (2006)
By the way, the next smallest amicable numbers are 1184 and[CN] 顺便提一下 接下来最小的一对亲和数是 和1210 The Professor and His Beloved Equation (2006)
Get back to me when you're sober, Ron.[CN] RON 你冷静下来后再来找我 Moe n' Joe (2006)
That was Ron.[CN] 吊扇吊下来的时候吗? 真是不应该啊 Johnny Cakes (2006)
So I can write it down. You keep tabs on gifts?[CN] 我得写下来 你把礼金记帐? Mr. & Mrs. John Sacrimoni Request (2006)
Woman splats from a plane.[CN] 女人啪的一下从飞机上掉下来 Watch (2006)
You sure they didn't stop for gas or something?[CN] 你确定他们没有停下来加油或其他什么? Scarecrow (2006)
Did you hear anything before the body hit?[CN] 尸体掉下来之前你听到什么吗? 飞机? Watch (2006)
- Next?[CN] - 接下来? The Long Con (2006)
I wanna stay.[CN] 我想留下来 Sweet Mud (2006)
So, what's next?[CN] 接下来怎么做? Collision (2006)
I can't stay.[CN] 我不能留下来 The Hunting Party (2006)
I'll be right down![CN] 我马上下来 Members Only (2006)
St. Anthony's the week after next.[CN] 接下来的一周就是 St. Anthony的纪念庆典了 The Ride (2006)
Did you hear anything before the body hit?[CN] 尸体落下来之前你听到什么吗? Watch (2006)
Well, maybe they were on john doe's body when he was dumped in the trunk.[CN] 也许羊毛原粘在无名氏身上 他被放进后备箱时掉落下来 Collision (2006)
It'll calm you down[CN] 这会让你平静下来 The Professor and His Beloved Equation (2006)
I'LL STAY IF YOU WANT TO PEE OR ANYTHING.[CN] 如果你想上厕所什么的我会留下来 Join the Club (2006)
Who are you? We just want to talk to you.[CN] Max 冷静下来 你是谁 Nightmare (2006)
Let's take a beat and think about this. Maybe we got Holmes' m.o. wrong.[CN] 先静下来想想 也许我们把Holmes的杀人地点想错了 No Exit (2006)
Can't. My draft orders came, I'm outta here in an hour.[CN] 不能 我的服役令下来了,一小时后就走 Sweet Mud (2006)
- So, what's next?[CN] - 接下来呢? The Long Con (2006)
We can try and keep him comfortable at this point but I give him a couple weeks at most, maybe a month.[CN] 我们现在能让他暂时稳定下来 但我看他过不了几个礼拜 最多一个月 Faith (2006)
Maybe he'll want to stay.[CN] 也许他想留下来 Sweet Mud (2006)


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