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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
万年[wàn nián, ㄨㄢˋ ㄋㄧㄢˊ,   /  ] ten thousand years #18,983 [Add to Longdo]
万年[Wàn nián, ㄨㄢˋ ㄋㄧㄢˊ,   /  ] Wannian county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi #18,983 [Add to Longdo]
万年历[wàn nián lì, ㄨㄢˋ ㄋㄧㄢˊ ㄌㄧˋ,    /   ] ten thousand year calendar; Islamic calendar introduced to Yuan China by Jamal al-Din 紮馬剌丁|扎马剌丁 #67,910 [Add to Longdo]
万年县[Wàn nián xiàn, ㄨㄢˋ ㄋㄧㄢˊ ㄒㄧㄢˋ,    /   ] Wannian county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi #83,384 [Add to Longdo]
万年前[wàn nián qián, ㄨㄢˋ ㄋㄧㄢˊ ㄑㄧㄢˊ,    /   ] ten thousand years ago [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
万年筆[まんねんひつ, mannenhitsu] (n) ปากกาหมึกซึม

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
万年[まんねん, mannen] (n) (1) ten thousand years; (2) eternity; (P) [Add to Longdo]
何万年[なんまんねん, nanmannen] (n-t) (See 万年) tens of thousands of years [Add to Longdo]
高野の万年草[こうやのまんねんぐさ;コウヤノマンネングサ, kouyanomannengusa ; kouyanomannengusa] (n) (uk) Climacium japonicum (species of moss) [Add to Longdo]
高野の万年蘚[こうやのまんねんごけ;コウヤノマンネンゴケ, kouyanomannengoke ; kouyanomannengoke] (n) (uk) Climacium japonicum (species of moss) [Add to Longdo]
子持万年草[こもちまんねんぐさ;コモチマンネングサ, komochimannengusa ; komochimannengusa] (n) (uk) Sedum bulbiferum (species of stonecrop) [Add to Longdo]
雌の万年草[めのまんねんぐさ;メノマンネングサ, menomannengusa ; menomannengusa] (n) (uk) Sedum rupifragum (species of stonecrop) [Add to Longdo]
鶴は千年亀は万年[つるはせんねんかめはまんねん, tsuruhasennenkamehamannen] (exp) Cranes live for 1000 years, turtles live for 10, 000 years [Add to Longdo]
万年候補[まんねんこうほ, mannenkouho] (n) ever unsuccessful candidate; persistent candidate [Add to Longdo]
万年床[まんねんどこ, mannendoko] (n) leaving a bed unmade [Add to Longdo]
万年新造[まんねんしんぞう, mannenshinzou] (n) woman of perennial youth [Add to Longdo]
万年青[まんねんせい;おもと, mannensei ; omoto] (n) Japanese rhodea (plant of the lily family); Rhodea japonica [Add to Longdo]
万年青年[まんねんせいねん, mannenseinen] (n) man of perennial youth; man who never loses his youthful vigor [Add to Longdo]
万年雪[まんねんゆき, mannenyuki] (n) perpetual snow [Add to Longdo]
万年草[まんねんぐさ;マンネングサ, mannengusa ; mannengusa] (n) (uk) stonecrop (Sedum spp.) [Add to Longdo]
万年茸[まんねんたけ, mannentake] (n) (See 霊芝) bracket fungus (Ganoderma lucidum - formerly Fomes japonicus) [Add to Longdo]
万年通宝[まんねんつうほう, mannentsuuhou] (n) ancient Japanese coinage first minted in 760 CE [Add to Longdo]
万年筆[まんねんひつ, mannenhitsu] (n) fountain pen; (P) [Add to Longdo]
万年暦[まんねんごよみ, mannengoyomi] (n) perpetual calendar (for reckoning lucky and unlucky days) [Add to Longdo]
雄之万年草[おのまんねんぐさ;オノマンネングサ, onomannengusa ; onomannengusa] (n) (uk) needle stonecrop (Sedum lineare) [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
This pen has run dry.この万年筆はインクが切れた。
This fountain-pen is as good as any I have ever used.この万年筆は私が今までに使ったどれにも劣らない。
It was this fountain pen that I bought in Paris.私がパリで買ったのはこの万年筆です。
I have lost my new fountain pen.私は新しい万年筆をなくしてしまった。
I've lost my fountain pen. I have to buy one tomorrow.私は万年筆をなくしてしまった。明日買わなければならない。
My father gave me a new fountain pen.父は私に新しい万年筆をくれました。
Do you have a fountain pen with you?万年筆を持っていますか。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You all right, mate? Man, feel these currents, eh?[CN] 在1000万年中 它不断的 Indian Ocean Coastal Waters (2008)
The planet has experienced climate change before.[CN] 但通常历时数千年或数百万年 Six Degrees Could Change the World (2008)
During the radioactive crisis, Dave, your cat and her kittens were safely sealed in the hold, and they've been breeding there for three million years, and have evolved into the life form you just saw in the corridor[JP] あなたの猫は出産後 放射能の中を生き延びて― 子孫が300万年の間に あの姿に進化したのです The End (1988)
Cetaceans, better known as dolphins and whales, have been roaming the oceans for millions of years.[CN] 鲸类动物,我们熟悉的 有海豚和鲸鱼 已漫游海洋百万年 Dolphins and Whales 3D: Tribes of the Ocean (2008)
The giant river valleys, created millions of years ago, act like immense funnels.[CN] 形成于千百万年前的巨大河谷 如同巨大的漏斗一般 Shangri-La (2008)
You think the colours will remain vibrant down through time?[JP] 数百万年で色の濃さが 落ちないと思う? RRRrrrr!!! (2004)
It took us 10, 000 years to cut down half of the world's forests, [CN] 我们用了1万年的时间 砍伐了世界上一半的森林 Aftermath: Population Zero (2008)
Sir, if pens didn't work in outer space why didn't the astronauts use a pencil?[JP] 宇宙で万年筆や ボールペンが使えないなら... 鉛筆を使えば良いのでは? 3 Idiots (2009)
Three million years![JP] 300万年? The End (1988)
Earth? That's three million years away![JP] 300万年も私を独りに? Future Echoes (1988)
This is the snow more than 300 thousand years ago[JP] およそ30万年も前に 降り積もった雪が Nankyoku ryôrinin (2009)
No, the only thing we're sure of is it was buried four million years ago.[JP] ただ 400万年前に 埋められたことは間違いない 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
And this was the only shower you could find within a million years?[CN] 这一百万年里 你只能找到这一个浴室吗? Episode #2.5 (2008)
"Love You for 10,000 Years."[JP] "一万年 愛す" Chungking Express (1994)
That only happens every 640.000 years.[JP] そして、それは 64万年に1度 起きるという 2012 (2009)
Plutonium will be radioactive for 240 thousand years.[CN] 钚辐射则会持续24万年 Aftermath: Population Zero (2008)
This is the measure we have used for 10, 000 years.[JP] これは1万年間使っている方法だ Observer Effect (2005)
Some of those skulls are over 200, 000 years old. Have a bit of respect.[JP] 20万年前の頭蓋骨なんだ 少しは敬意を払え! The Blind Banker (2010)
That's where the CO2 nightmare ended for the Cretaceous Period and ours began.[CN] 天然矿汇吸收 然后埋藏在地底深处 再经过数百万年 多余二氧化碳逐渐石化 Six Degrees Could Change the World (2008)
Millions of years ago, most of Australia's rainforests gradually dried and became open woodlands.[CN] 数百万年前 大部分澳洲雨林逐渐干涸 成了开阔的林地 Australia: Land of Parrots (2008)
Fountain pens and ballpoint pens don't work in outer space[JP] 宇宙では 万年筆や ボールペンは使えない 3 Idiots (2009)
Three million years.[JP] 300万年です The End (1988)
It's absorbed through natural carbon sinks in the oceans and plants, and buried deep in the Earth.[CN] 历时数百万年 让许多物种得到抗衡机会 逐渐适应改变 Six Degrees Could Change the World (2008)
A period of extreme volcanic activity floods the atmosphere with six times the CO2, sending the average global temperature skyrocketing.[CN] 地球已经有一次成功记录 白垩纪也曾出现严重全球暖化现象 时间在距今1亿4千4百万年 至6千5百万年前 Six Degrees Could Change the World (2008)
Ethically, as well as technologically... . ..they were a million years ahead of humankind... . ..for in unlocking the mysteries of nature... . ..they had conquered even their baser selves.[JP] 倫理的に、また、技術的にも・・ 彼等は、人類よりも 100万年進んでいた・・ ・・そして自然における全ての 謎を解明し・・ Forbidden Planet (1956)
Not in a million years, no.[JP] 100万年後も"いいえ"だ Bad JuJu (2007)
In the three million years we have been away, it is my fond hope that mankind has abolished war, cured all disease, and gotten rid of those little western saloon doors you get in trendy clothes shops, [JP] この300万年間では、 人間が平和になったり、 すべて病を治したり、 Balance of Power (1988)
- "Iceman."[CN] 《冰人四万年》 The Andromeda Strain (2008)
But it's no surprise to see some other manifestation of that chemical reaction down there, 'cause it's pretty powerful.[CN] 我们回到了3500万年前 Atlantic Ocean (2008)
It's dark and gloomy and just very lifeless by the looks of things.[CN] 我们回到了3500万年前 Atlantic Ocean (2008)
And these rare bulbous formations around the stalactites and stalagmites, found almost nowhere else on Earth, can reveal when the sea level changed.[CN] 已经有几十万年 今天有1.5千万人住在地中海沿岸 Mediterranean Sea (2008)
. ..a half a million years ago.[JP] ・・50万年前のもだ Forbidden Planet (1956)
Neither of our species is what it was a million years ago, nor what it'll become in the future.[JP] どちらの種族も100万年になんであったか あるいは将来何になるかではない Terra Prime (2005)
It's been buried for millions of years, Daniel.[CN] 它已被埋了几百万年了 Stargate: The Ark of Truth (2008)
- You would not, not in a million years. - Pienaar.[JP] - 百万年経ってもしないわ Invictus (2009)
Then it goes up. We're going back in time now 650, 000 years.[JP] ここで上昇しています 65万年前に戻りましょう An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
The machine is 10 thousand years old it is survived earthquakes, pressure changes the tectonic changes of boards.[CN] 这个机器已经有一万年的历史了 它经历了地震 压力改变 地壳运动 Mutant Chronicles (2008)
A 20, 000-year-old frozen fish man who was thawed out by scientists.[JP] 2万年 凍結していた半魚人で 科学者による解凍後− Monsters vs. Aliens (2009)
Revived three million years later, [JP] 300万年後 リスターが甦って Balance of Power (1988)
Over the last 30 million years, the Indian subcontinent has been pushing northwards into Eurasia.[CN] 在过去的3000万年间 印度次大陆持续向北挤压欧亚大陆 Shangri-La (2008)
Revived three million years later, [JP] 300万年後 リスターが甦って Future Echoes (1988)
Deep inside the Earth, they've found what they've been looking for, spectacular sculptural rock formations that shouldn't even be here.[CN] 证据表明6 -8万年前 地中海跟浅 Mediterranean Sea (2008)
She's made a whole series of descents and ascents perfectly as planned.[CN] 这些洞穴是经过南海几百万年的冲刷而成 Southern Ocean (2008)
Guess what, I've been back millions of years in the past and... almost got eaten by giant scorpions.[CN] 你猜怎么着 Steve 我回到了几百万年前... 还差点被一只大蝎子吃掉了 Episode #2.5 (2008)
Studying climates in the past has given Hansen a window onto the dangers posed by global warming.[CN] 全球暖化带来的威胁 过去一百万年来的气温从未比 Six Degrees Could Change the World (2008)
It took us 10, 000 years to force our will on the planet.[CN] 我们花了一万年时间将我们的意愿 强加于这个星球 Aftermath: Population Zero (2008)
Giant pandas are thought to have originated in southwest China millions of years ago, but they're no longer found in Yunnan.[CN] 大熊猫被认为在几百万年 前起源于中国的西南部 大熊猫现在已经在云南绝迹 Shangri-La (2008)
I understand there's a layer down there, and this layer is kind of suspended around about 20 metres.[CN] 跟是3500万年前很接近 Atlantic Ocean (2008)
The ice surrounding the object it's nearly twenty thousand years old.[JP] 周辺の氷は 約2万年前の物 Man of Steel (2013)
I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but dinosaurs and man, two species separated by 65 million years of evolution have just been suddenly thrown back into the mix together.[JP] 早急な結論は出せないが─ 6500万年の進化で 隔てられた恐竜と人間が─ 突然 同じ世界で共存する Jurassic Park (1993)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
万年筆[まんねんひつ, mannenhitsu] Fuellfederhalter [Add to Longdo]


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