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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
締め[しめる, shimeru] (vt) บิด, ขันให้แน่น เช่น 水栓を締める ปิดก๊อกน้ำให้สนิท
締め切り[しめきり, shimekiri] (n) เส้นตาย
締め切り日[しめきりび, shimekiribi] (n) วันครบกำหนดเส้นตาย, Syn. 締め切り

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
締め括る[しめくくる, shimekukuru] จบ สรุป
締め括り[しめくくり, shimekukuri] จบ สรุป

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
締め[しめ, shime] (n) summing up; judo choking (strangling) techniques; (P) #15,345 [Add to Longdo]
締めくくり;締め括り[しめくくり, shimekukuri] (n) conclusion; end; completion; summing up; supervision [Add to Longdo]
締めくくりをつける;締め括りをつける[しめくくりをつける, shimekukuriwotsukeru] (exp, v1) to bring to a finish; to complete [Add to Longdo]
締め[しめて, shimete] (adv) in all; all told [Add to Longdo]
締めひも[しめひも, shimehimo] (n) adjustable strap; bracer; lacing [Add to Longdo]
締める(P);〆る;緊める[しめる, shimeru] (v1, vt) (1) (締める only) to tie; to fasten; (2) (締める, 〆る only) to total; to sum; (3) (締める, 緊める only) to be strict with; (4) (締める only) to economize (economise); to cut down on; (5) to make sushi adding a mixture of vinegar and salt; (P) [Add to Longdo]
締め括る;締めくくる[しめくくる, shimekukuru] (v5r, vt) to bind firmly; to superintend; to bring to a finish [Add to Longdo]
締め[しめがね, shimegane] (n) buckle; clamp; clasp [Add to Longdo]
締め固める[しめかためる, shimekatameru] (v1, vt) to compact [Add to Longdo]
締め高;締高;乄高[しめだか, shimedaka] (n) sum; total [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Nigirishimeta kobushi wo mata nigirishimeta[CN] 握り締めた拳をまた握り締め One Piece: Episode of Alabaster - Sabaku no Ojou to Kaizoku Tachi (2007)
He knew that the morrow's battle would be the most dreadful of all those he had taken part in, and the plain possibility of death presented itself to him vividly, almost like an awesome certainty.[JP] 明 日 の戦いは 過去最大 の激戦にな ろ う 今 度 こ そ死ぬか も しれぬ 疑いのない思いが 彼の胸を締めつ けた War and Peace, Part III: The Year 1812 (1967)
Give me the seat belts.[JP] ベルトを締めてくれ Brainstorm (1983)
I always had a knot there, and now... it'sgone.[JP] 締め付けられるような感じが 消えたわ Léon: The Professional (1994)
Wait a minute, how can he keep you off the globe?[JP] ちょっと待て。 奴はどうやって君らを地上から締め出す気だ? What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)
Okay, fasten all.[JP] はい。 じゃみんな 安全のためにベルトを締め Manny & Lo (1996)
The dog-legged clincher there.[JP] 締め具だ Beauty and the Beast (1991)
If I find you idle, if you do a bad job, if you patch up the steel instead of forging it new then I'll flay your craven hide, you'll get a drubbing you won't forget![JP] お前がへまなつなぎ方をしたら 俺はお前を締め上げる 仕上げは俺から習うのだ Siegfried (1980)
Pyle, you had best square your ass away and start shitting me Tiffany cuff links or I will definitely fuck you up.[JP] ケツの穴を引き締めろ! ダイヤのクソをひねり出せ! さもないとクソ地獄だ Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Remember, it must be ready tonight.[JP] 締め切りは今夜ですよ The Great Mouse Detective (1986)
If he gets its coils around you your limbs will shatter like glass![JP] しっかりと締め付けた相手の 手足はガラスのように砕ける Siegfried (1980)
- No, sir. Get your head and your ass wired together or I will take a shit on you.[JP] ケツの穴 引き締めんと おれの大グソ ぶっかけるぞ! Full Metal Jacket (1987)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
締め[しめる, shimeru] sich_schliessen [Add to Longdo]
締め[しめる, shimeru] festschnueren, zusammenschnueren [Add to Longdo]
締め出す[しめだす, shimedasu] aussperren, ausschliessen [Add to Longdo]
締め切り[しめきり, shimekiri] letzter_Termin, -Schluss [Add to Longdo]

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