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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
示威游行[shì wēi yóu xíng, ㄕˋ ㄨㄟ ㄧㄡˊ ㄒㄧㄥˊ,     /    ] a (protest) demonstration [Add to Longdo]

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"who tried to block the demonstration, "including fascist Mayor Aliani.[CN] "想要破坏示威游行 1900 (1976)
Student demonstrations in Paris raged into their third day, threatening the very stability of the French government.[CN] 在巴黎的学生示威游行 标志着第三天 威胁的表现 法国当局的稳定。 The Invisible Circus (2001)
On February of 2003 ten million people around the world marched to demonstrate against the war in Iraq.[CN] 2003年2月,来自世界各地的两千余万人 举行了反对伊拉克战争的示威游行 Why We Fight (2005)
You may have suppressed a very small strike but in doing so you have started a very large demonstration.[CN] 你们可能镇压了一次小罢工 但你却引发了 一个大规模的示威游行 The Painted Veil (2006)
When he appeared outside the courthouse this afternoon, a free man... it touched off a wild, mob-like demonstration.[CN] 当他今天下午被判无罪释放出现在法庭外时 民众发动了犹如暴动般的示威游行 Magnum Force (1973)
- Gestapo has been on ground alert ever since.[CN] - 威利,你忘记女大学生们前几天 在德国博物馆前面的示威游行了? - 差点就成功了 - 就这件事,盖世太保已经一级戒备状态了 Sophie Scholl: The Final Days (2005)
He doesn't believe in guns. He goes on marches.[CN] 他反对使用枪枝 他还上街示威游行 Tabula Rasa (2004)
Mike, they backed locals in Oka in a fight with Mohawks over building a golf course on their burial site, they beat up protesters at Kanehsatake.[CN] 在欧加印地安人保卫祖坟 免成为高球场的混战中 他们加入当地人 鞭打示威游行的人 The Insider (1999)
It also focuses on strikes and demonstrations, unionizing and explosives.[CN] 谈到了罢工、示威游行 工会、爆炸 State of Siege (1972)
No protests, no demonstrations.[CN] 没有示威游行,没有抗议人潮 You've Got Mail (1998)
Why did the Russians make a stand at Moscow?[CN] 为什么俄国人在莫斯科 示威游行? Sahara (1943)
My cousin, Roberto Ussoni, one of the organizers of the demonstration, was also a leader in the underground movement in Venice.[CN] 我表兄罗伯托 尤索尼 是示威游行的组织者之一 也是威尼斯地下革命运动领袖 Senso (1954)

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