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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
交易额[jiāo yì é, ㄐㄧㄠ ㄧˋ ㄜˊ,    /   ] sum or volume of business transactions; turnover #21,521 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
A lot of people are depositing bitcoin. We're getting more trading.[CN] 和比特币,我们的交易额越来越多 The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin (2014)
Her firm transacts $90 billion a year in trades.[CN] 她的公司每年交易额有九百亿美金 Let's Get to Scooping (2014)
Allée des Roses 10 Cap d'Antibes.[CN] 我等了你一晚上了 交易额从百分之七十降到54了 Möbius (2013)
We've stress tested this and we can handle about 500 times as much volume asmt.[CN] 我们抓紧测试 我们已经可以处理与之前500多倍的交易额 The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin (2014)
Goxwas thefirston thescene to take hold of the marketplace andtradingvolume startedtopickup.[CN] 是一个真正意义上的交易所 它成立后不久,交易额就开始上升 The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin (2014)
Stock exchange: down 0.4 No picture.[CN] 股市交易额下降百分之零点四 没有照片 See How They Fall (1994)
Spain issuer 8 million in bonds tomorrow.[CN] 西班牙这边有8亿的交易额 Möbius (2013)
We closed the deal at ten million dollars.[CN] 我们把交易额定为1000万美金 La Catedral (2015)
Atitspeak, satoshidicewasresponsible formorebitcointransactions thanallotheruses ofbitcoincombined.[CN] 巅峰时候, 中本聪骰子上面的交易额 远远超过其他 玩家之和 The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin (2014)
Tthree billion dollars of trade every year, they're desperate to ensure we renewed that contract.[CN] 每年的交易额有三十亿美元 他们迫切希望我们能够续签合约 Double Identity (2009)
- A work loose stock trades genius.[CN] 这是自由市场交易额 Möbius (2013)

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