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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: unble, -unble-
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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
unbleached(adj) ซึ่งไม่ได้ฟอกสี
unblemished(adj) ซึ่งไม่มีมลทิน, See also: ซึ่งไม่มีมลทิน, ซึ่งบริสุทธ, ซึ่งไม่ด่างพร้อย, Syn. unpolluted, unsoiled, Ant. blemished, polluted
unbleached cotton thread(n) ด้ายดิบ, See also: ด้ายที่ไม่ย้อมสี

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
unblemished(adj) ไม่ด่างพร้อย, ไม่มีมลทิน, บริสุทธิ์

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Even the Ryslampa wire lamps of environmentally-friendly unbleached paper.(เพลง) ลา ลา ลา ลา ลา ลา ลา ลา ลา.. Fight Club (1999)
Unblemished war record.ประวัติ ใสสะอาด The Water Horse (2007)
Your transcript is a series of unblemished a's.ผลการเรียนของเธอไม่มีด่างพร้อยมาตลอด You've Got Yale! (2009)
You are no longer a girl, unblemished by the world.คุณจะไม่มีหญิงสาวคนหนึ่ง ที่ยอดเยี่ยมจากทั่วโลก Monsters (2012)
I know firsthand that that soul of yours is... far from unblemished.ฉันเป็นคนแรกที่รู้ว่า วิญญาณของนายนั้น มัน... ไกลจากคำว่าบริสุทธิ์ Sin (2013)
In the past, they were unable to find an unblemished red heifer, but now...ในอดีตพวกเขาไม่สามารถ หาวัวสาวขนแดงที่ไม่มีตำหนิได้ แต่ตอนนี้... Jehoshaphat (2015)
== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_manTwo and a half Men S11E03 - This Unblessed Biscuit This Unblessed Biscuit (2013)

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
เกลี้ยงเกลา(adj) smooth, See also: clear, even, clean, unblemished, Syn. สะอาด, เนียน, หมดจด, Ant. กร้าน, หยาบ, ขรุขระ, สาก, กระด้าง, Example: เสาใต้ถุนเรือนเป็นต้นไม้กลมปอกเปลือกจนได้เนื้อไม้ที่เกลี้ยงเกลา ดูแห้งกร้านแต่แข็งแรงรองรับตัวบ้าน
แผ้ว(adj) clean, See also: shinning, bright, clear, spotless unblemished, Syn. สดใส, สะอาด, หมดจด, บริสุทธิ์, ผ่องแผ้ว, แผ้วผ่อง, Example: เด็กคนนี้หน้าตาแผ้วผ่องใสดี ท่านคงจะชอบ
วิมล(adj) clean, See also: pure, stainless, flawless, chaste, unblemished, Syn. ใส, สะอาด, กระจ่าง, บริสุทธิ์, Ant. ขุ่น, สกปรก, เลอะ, Thai Definition: ที่ปราศจากมลทิน, ที่ไม่มีตำหนิ, Notes: (บาลี/สันสกฤต)
ด้ายดิบ(n) cotton yarn, See also: unbleached cotton thread, Example: ผ้าผืนนี้ทอด้วยด้ายดิบ, Thai Definition: ด้ายที่ยังไม่ได้ฟอก
สะอาด(adj) clean, See also: immaculate, spotless, unblemished, flawless, pure, unpolluted, untainted, Ant. สกปรก, Example: บาดแผลบริเวณหน้าท้องควรกดบนแผลด้วยผ้าสะอาดเพื่อห้ามเลือด
สะอาด(adj) clean, See also: immaculate, spotless, unblemished, flawless, pure, unpolluted, untainted, Ant. สกปรก, Example: บาดแผลบริเวณหน้าท้องควรกดบนแผลด้วยผ้าสะอาดเพื่อห้ามเลือด
เกลี้ยงเกลา(v) be sleek, See also: be smooth, be even, be neat and clean, be unblemished, Syn. หมดจด, Ant. กร้าน, หยาบ, หยาบกร้าน, Example: ใบหน้าของหล่อนเกลี้ยงเกลา สะอาดสะอ้าน แต่สีหน้าดูเฉย มองไม่ถนัดว่าทุกข์หรือสุข

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
บริสุทธิ์[børisut] (adj) EN: innocent ; unblemished ; clean ; sincere  FR: innocent ; non coupable
ด้ายดิบ[dāi dip] (n, exp) EN: unbleached cotton thread ; raw cotton yarn
ผ้าดิบ[phā dip] (x) EN: unbleached cloth
สะอาด[sa-āt] (adj) EN: clean ; tidy ; immaculate ; spotless ; unblemished ; flawless ; pure ; unpolluted ; untainted  FR: propre ; net

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

WordNet (3.0)
unbleached(adj) not artificially colored or bleached, Syn. uncolored, undyed
unblemished(adj) free from physical or moral spots or stains, Syn. unmarred, unmutilated, Ant. blemished
unblended(adj) not blended or mixed together, Ant. blended
unblessed(adj) not provided with something desirable

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a. Not blemished; pure; spotless; as, an unblemished reputation or life. Addison. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ 1st pref. un- + bless. ] To deprive of blessings; to make wretched. [ Obs. ] Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ } a. [ Pref. un- not + blessed, blest. ] Not blest; excluded from benediction; hence, accursed; wretched. “Unblessed enchanter.” Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Unblessed

a. Unblessed. [ R. ] Sylvester. [ 1913 Webster ]


See abolishable.
See absolvable.
See absurd.
See abundant.
See accordant.
See adoptable.
See adventurous.
See affable.
See affectionate.
See afraid.
See alliable.
See allowable.
See alterable.
See ambiguous.
See ambitious.
See amendable.
See -American.
See amusive.
See angular.
See anxious.
See apocryphal.
See apostolic.
See apparent.
See appeasable.
See applausive.
See appreciable.
See apprehensible.
See apprehensive.
See approachable.
See artificial.
See artistic.
See assailable.
See attainable.
See attentive.
See authentic.
See available.
See bailable.
See bearable.
See beautiful.
See beliefful.
See believable.
See beneficial.
See benevolent.
See blamable.
See blemishable.
See blissful.
See boastful.
See bold.
See bookish.
See bounteous.
See bribable.
See brotherly.
See burdensome.
See businesslike.
See busy.
See candid.
See canonical.
See captious.
See careful.
See celestial.
See ceremonious.
See challengeable.
See changeable.
See chary.
See chastisable.
See cheerful.
See cheery.
See childish.
See chivalrous.
See choleric.
See christianlike.
See circumspect.
See civic.
See classible.
See classic.
See classical.
See cleanly.
See clear.
See clerical.
See clerklike.
See close.
See cloudy.
See clubbable.
See coagulable.
See cogitable.
See collectible.
See comic.
See commendable.
See commercial.
See communicable.
See communicative.
See compact.
See companionable.
See compassionate.
See compellable.
See competitive.
See complaisant.
See compliant. See complimentary.
See concealable.
See concurrent.
See conditionate.
See confinable.
See confutable.
See congealable.
See congenial.
See conjugal.
See conjunctive.
See conquerable.
See consecrate.
See containable.
See contaminate.
See contradictable.
See contrite.
See convenable.
See conventional.
See conversable.
See conversant.
See convertible.
See coquettish.
See cordial.
See corpulent.
See correspondent.
See corruptible.
See corruptive.
See costly.
See counselable.
See countable.
See counterfeit.
See courteous.
See courtierlike.
See courtly.
See crafty.
See creatable.
See critical.
See crystalline.
See cultivable.
See curious.
See customary.
See dangerous.
See daughterly.
See dead.
See deceivable.
See decidable.
See decipherable.
See declinable.
See decomposable.
See definable.
See delectable.
See deliberate.
See delightful.
See deliverable.
See democratic.
See demonstrable.
See demonstrative.
See deniable.
See derogatory.
See descendible.
See describable.
See desirable.
See desirous.
See despondent.
See devout.
See diaphanous.
See diligent.
See diminishable.
See discernible.
See disciplinable.
See discordant.
See discoverable.
See dissolvable.
See distinguishable.
See dividable.
See divine.
See domestic.
See doubtful.
[ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Undomestic, Undivine, Undividable, Undistinguishable, Undissolvable, Undiscoverable, Undiscordant, Undisciplinable, Undiscernible, Undiminishable, Undiligent, Undiaphanous, Undevout, Undespondent, Undesirous, Undesirable, Undescribable, Undescendible, Underogatory, Undeniable, Undemonstrative, Undemonstrable, Undemocratic, Undeliverable, Undelightful, Undeliberate, Undelectable, Undefinable, Undecomposable, Undeclinable, Undecipherable, Undecidable, Undeceivable, Undead, Undaughterly, Undangerous, Uncustomary, Uncurious, Uncultivable, Uncrystalline, Uncritical, Uncreatable, Uncrafty, Uncourtly, Uncourtierlike, Uncourteous, Uncounterfeit, Uncountable, Uncounselable, Uncostly, Uncorruptive, Uncorruptible, Uncorrespondent, Uncorpulent, Uncordial, Uncoquettish, Unconvertible, Unconversant, Unconversable, Unconventional, Unconvenable, Uncontrite, Uncontradictable, Uncontaminate, Uncontainable, Unconsecrate, Unconquerable, Unconjunctive, Unconjugal, Uncongenial, Uncongealable, Unconfutable, Unconfinable, Unconditionate, Unconcurrent, Unconcealable, Uncomplimentary, Uncompliant, Uncomplaisant, Uncompetitive, Uncompellable, Uncompassionate, Uncompanionable, Uncompact, Uncommunicative, Uncommunicable, Uncommercial, Uncommendable, Uncomic, Uncollectible, Uncogitable, Uncoagulable, Unclubbable, Uncloudy, Unclose, Unclerklike, Unclerical, Unclear, Uncleanly, Unclassical, Unclassic, Unclassible, Uncivic, Uncircumspect, Unchristianlike, Uncholeric, Unchivalrous, Unchildish, Uncheery, Uncheerful, Unchastisable, Unchary, Unchangeable, Unchallengeable, Unceremonious, Uncelestial, Uncareful, Uncaptious, Uncanonical, Uncandid, Unbusy, Unbusinesslike, Unburdensome, Unbrotherly, Unbribable, Unbounteous, Unbookish, Unbold, Unboastful, Unblissful, Unblemishable, Unblamable, Unbenevolent, Unbeneficial, Unbelievable, Unbeliefful, Unbeautiful, Unbearable, Unbailable, Unavailable, Unauthentic, Unattentive, Unattainable, Unassailable, Unartistic, Unartificial, Unapproachable, Unapprehensive, Unapprehensible, Unappreciable, Unapplausive, Unappeasable, Unapparent, Unapostolic, Unapocryphal, Unanxious, Unangular, Unamusive, Un-American, Unamendable, Unambitious, Unambiguous, Unalterable, Unallowable, Unalliable, Unafraid, Unaffectionate, Unaffable, Unadventurous, Unadoptable, Unaccordant, Unabundant, Unabsurd, Unabsolvable, Unabolishable

See accommodating.
See aching.
See ailing.
See aiming.
See alarming.
See altering.
See appreciating.
See approving.
See aspiring.
See assisting.
See attempting.
See attending.
See bearing.
See befitting.
See beginning.
See believing.
See bleaching.
See bleeding.
See blemishing.
See blenching.
See blossoming.
See blushing.
See boding.
See branching.
See breathing.
See burning.
See calculating.
See ceasing.
See changing.
See charming.
See communicating.
See complaining.
See complying.
See conceiving.
See conducing.
See confessing.
See conniving.
See consenting.
See considering.
See conspiring.
See consulting.
See consuming.
See contending.
See contriving.
See conversing.
See convincing.
See dawning.
See decaying.
See delaying.
See depending.
See derogating.
See deserving.
See desiring.
See despairing.
See detesting.
See deviating.
See differencing.
See discerning.
See discording.
See discriminating.
See disobliging.
See dispensing.
See dissembling.
See dissolving.
See distinguishing.
See distracting.
See disturbing.
See doubting.
See dreading.
See drooping.
See ebbing.
See echoing.
See edifying.
See ending.
See enduring.
See engaging.
See enjoying.
See entering.
See enterprising.
See entertaining.
See envying.
See existing.
See fadging.
See fading.
See fainting.
See faltering.
See fearing.
See feigning.
See fighting.
See fitting.
See flagging.
See flattering.
See flinching.
See folding.
See forbearing.
See foreboding.
See foreseeing.
See forgiving.
See giving.
See grudging.
See harming.
See heeding.
See hesitating.
See hoping.
See hurting.
See importing.
See imposing.
See improving.
See interesting.
See intermitting.
See intoxicating.
See inviting.
See jarring.
See laboring.
See lingering.
See listening.
See loving.
See meddling.
See meriting.
See mistrusting.
See moving.
See murmuring.
See obliging.
See observing.
See offending.
See opening.
See pardoning.
See paying.
See perceiving.
See performing.
See perishing.
See pitying.
See pleasing.
See possessing.
See preaching.
See prepossessing.
See presuming.
See pretending.
See prevailing.
See prevaricating.
See profiting.
See promising.
See proving.
See quailing.
See questioning.
See reasoning.
See recalling.
See reclining.
See recurring.
See referring.
See reflecting.
See refunding.
See refusing.
See rejoicing.
See relaxing.
See relishing.
See remembering.
See repenting.
See repining.
See reproving.
See repulsing.
See resisting.
See resolving.
See resting.
See returning.
See rewarding.
See sanctifying.
See satisfying.
See searching.
See seeing.
See setting.
See shrinking.
See sinking.
See sleeping.
See slipping.
See slumbering.
See speaking.
See stinting.
See stirring.
See stooping.
See submitting.
See sufficing.
See suiting.
See surging.
See suspecting.
See sweating.
See swerving.
See sympathizing.
See tasting.
See thriving.
See tiring.
See toiling.
See trading.
See trembling.
See trespassing.
See trifling.
See vacillating.
See varying.
See walking.
See wandering.
See waning.
See wasting.
See wavering.
See weeping.
See winking.
See winning.
See withdrawing.
See withering.
See wondering.
See working.
See writing.
See yielding.
----- and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

The above classes of words are unlimited in extent, and such compounds may be formed by any writer or speaker at will from almost all the adjectives or participles in the language, excepting those which have a recognized and usual negative correspondent with the prefix -in. No attempt will be made, therefore, to define them all in this Dictionary; many will be omitted from its Vocabulary which are negations of the simple word, and are readily explained by prefixing a not to the latter. Derivatives of these words in -ly and -ness will also, for the most part, be omitted for the same or similar reasons. [ 1913 Webster ]

There will be inserted as separate articles with definitions, the following: -- [ 1913 Webster ]

1. Those which have acquired an opposed or contrary, instead of a merely negative, meaning; as, unfriendly, ungraceful, unpalatable, unquiet, and the like; or else an intensive sense more than a prefixed not would express; as, unending, unparalleled, undisciplined, undoubted, unsafe, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. Those which have the value of independent words, inasmuch as the simple words are either not used at all, or are rarely, or at least much less frequently, used; as, unavoidable, unconscionable, undeniable, unspeakable, unprecedented, unruly, and the like; or inasmuch as they are used in a different sense from the usual meaning of the primitive, or especially in one of the significations of the latter; as, unaccountable, unalloyed, unbelieving, unpretending, unreserved, and the like; or inasmuch as they are so frequently and familiarly used that they are hardly felt to be of negative origin; as, uncertain, uneven, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. Those which are anomalous, provincial, or, for some other reason, not desirable to be used, and are so indicated; as, unpure for impure, unsatisfaction for dissatisfaction, unexpressible for inexpressible, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

II. Un- is prefixed to nouns to express the absence of, or the contrary of, that which the noun signifies; as, unbelief, unfaith, unhealth, unrest, untruth, and the like. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ Compounds of this last class are given in full in their proper order in the Vocabulary. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Unwriting, Unworking, Unwondering, Unwithering, Unwithdrawing, Unwinning, Unwinking, Unweeping, Unwavering, Unwasting, Unwaning, Unwandering, Unwalking, Unvarying, Unvacillating, Untrifling, Untrespassing, Untrembling, Untrading, Untoiling, Untiring, Unthriving, Untasting, Unsympathizing, Unswerving, Unsweating, Unsuspecting, Unsurging, Unsuiting, Unsufficing, Unsubmitting, Unstooping, Unstirring, Unstinting, Unspeaking, Unslumbering, Unslipping, Unsleeping, Unsinking, Unshrinking, Unsetting, Unseeing, Unsearching, Unsatisfying, Unsanctifying, Unrewarding, Unreturning, Unresting, Unresolving, Unresisting, Unrepulsing, Unreproving, Unrepining, Unrepenting, Unremembering, Unrelishing, Unrelaxing, Unrejoicing, Unrefusing, Unrefunding, Unreflecting, Unreferring, Unrecurring, Unreclining, Unrecalling, Unreasoning, Unquestioning, Unquailing, Unproving, Unpromising, Unprofiting, Unprevaricating, Unprevailing, Unpretending, Unpresuming, Unprepossessing, Unpreaching, Unpossessing, Unpleasing, Unpitying, Unperishing, Unperforming, Unperceiving, Unpaying, Unpardoning, Unopening, Unoffending, Unobserving, Unobliging, Unmurmuring, Unmoving, Unmistrusting, Unmeriting, Unmeddling, Unloving, Unlistening, Unlingering, Unlaboring, Unjarring, Uninviting, Unintoxicating, Unintermitting, Uninteresting, Unimproving, Unimposing, Unimporting, Unhurting, Unhoping, Unhesitating, Unheeding, Unharming, Ungrudging, Ungiving, Unforgiving, Unforeseeing, Unforeboding, Unforbearing, Unfolding, Unflinching, Unflattering, Unflagging, Unfitting, Unfighting, Unfeigning, Unfearing, Unfaltering, Unfainting, Unfading, Unfadging, Unexisting, Unenvying, Unentertaining, Unenterprising, Unentering, Unenjoying, Unengaging, Unenduring, Unending, Unedifying, Unechoing, Unebbing, Undrooping, Undreading, Undoubting, Undisturbing, Undistracting, Undistinguishing, Undissolving, Undissembling, Undispensing, Undisobliging, Undiscriminating, Undiscording, Undiscerning, Undifferencing, Undeviating, Undetesting, Undespairing, Undesiring, Undeserving, Underogating, Undepending, Undelaying, Undecaying, Undawning, Unconvincing, Unconversing, Uncontriving, Uncontending, Unconsuming, Unconsulting, Unconspiring, Unconsidering, Unconsenting, Unconniving, Unconfessing, Unconducing, Unconceiving, Uncomplying, Uncomplaining, Uncommunicating, Uncharming, Unchanging, Unceasing, Uncalculating, Unburning, Unbreathing, Unbranching, Unboding, Unblushing, Unblossoming, Unblenching, Unblemishing, Unbleeding, Unbleaching, Unbelieving, Unbeginning, Unbefitting, Unbearing, Unattending, Unattempting, Unassisting, Unaspiring, Unapproving, Unappreciating, Unaltering, Unalarming, Unaiming, Unailing, Unaching, Unaccommodating

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
makellosunblemished [Add to Longdo]
ungebleichtunbleached [Add to Longdo]
ungemischt; ungesegnetunblended [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
原酒[げんしゅ, genshu] (n) unprocessed sake; unblended whisky (whiskey) [Add to Longdo]
生成り[きなり, kinari] (n) unbleached cloth [Add to Longdo]
繭紬[けんちゅう, kenchuu] (n) pongee (unbleached silk) [Add to Longdo]

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