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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: avey, -avey-
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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
graveyard(n) สุสาน, See also: ป่าช้า, หลุมศพ
graveyard shift(n) ช่วงเวลาทำงานในตอนกลางคืนหรือตอนรุ่งสาง

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
graveyard(เกรฟ'ยาร์ด) n. สุสาน, ป่าช้า
slavey(สเล'วี) n. คนใช้ผู้หญิง

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
graveyard(n) สุสาน, ที่ฝังศพ, ป่าช้า

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
graveyard poetryกวีนิพนธ์สุสาน [วรรณกรรม ๖ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Turn the volume down, Davey.Stell den Ton leiser, Davey. We've Got Magic to Do (2005)
Oh, ma'am, I'm PFC Dunlavey.Ma'am. Ich bin Gefreiter Dunlavey. The Hive (2014)
Mr. Dunlavey, where do you call home?Mr. Dunlavey, wo sind Sie zu Hause? The Hive (2014)
Dr. Winter, sir, I'm Private First Class Dunlavey.Dr. Winter, Sir. Ich bin Obergefreiter Dunlavey. The Hive (2014)
PFC Dunlavey.PFC Dunlavey. Last Reasoning of Kings (2014)
Dunlavey.Dunlavey. Last Reasoning of Kings (2014)
It's Private Dunlavey, right?Gefreiter Dunlavey, oder? Last Reasoning of Kings (2014)
Private Dunlavey.Gefreiter Dunlavey. The Hive (2014)
Dunlavey, you are hereby promoted to the rank of E3 for bravery against enemy attack.Dunlavey, Sie werden hiermit in den Rang E3 befördert für Tapferkeit gegen Feindesangriff. The Hive (2014)
It's Private Dunlavey, right?Sie sind Gefr. Dunlavey? The New World (2014)
It's just you, Private Dunlavey?Nur Sie, Gefreiter Dunlavey? The Understudy (2014)
Could you give this to PFC Dunlavey?Kannst du das PFC Dunlavey geben? The Understudy (2014)
I'm sure Private McGreavey would agree with me, if he were able.Ich bin sicher, Gefreiter McGreavey stimmte mir zu, wenn er es könnte. The Garrison Commander (2014)
Two weeks ago, Private McGreavey made the mistake of wandering away from patrol.Vor zwei Wochen machte der Gefreite McGreavey den Fehler, sich von der Patrouille zu entfernen. The Garrison Commander (2014)
It was a sad day for Private McGreavey when he got stationed to Scotland.Es war ein trauriger Tag für den Gefreiten McGreavey, als er nach Schottland abkommandiert wurde. The Garrison Commander (2014)
Well, you can be sure that Private McGreavey's sentence was administered without benefit of trial.Sie können sicher sein, dass das Urteil des Gefreiten McGreavey ohne Verhandlung vollstreckt wurde. The Garrison Commander (2014)
You know what happened to my brother that night, don't you, Davey-boy?Du weißt, was mit meinem Bruder an dem Abend passiert ist, - nicht wahr, Davey-boy? Dyin' on a Prayer (2014)
Cole Dunlavey.Cole Dunlavey. The Second Coming (2014)
Wow, thanks, Davie B.Davey B! Live Fast, Diane Nguyen (2014)
Right, Mavey?Oder, Mavey? Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)
Mavey!Mavey! Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)
- Get in there, Mavey.- Mach mit, Mavey. Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)
Mavey, wait.Mavey, warte. Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)
It's not me. It's Mavey.Kam nicht von mir, sondern von Mavey. Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)
Mavey Wavey's saying she wants to leave.Wegen des Kindes. Mavey Wavey sagt, sie will weggehen. Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)
Of course, Mavey.Natürlich, Mavey. Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)
I'll tell him Mavey Wavey stories every night before bed.Jeden Abend vor dem Schlafengehen werde ich ihm Mavey-Wavey-Storys erzählen. Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)
I don't know, Mavey.Ich weiß nicht, Mavey. Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)
Mavey, I told you, it took me years to get this good.Mavey, ich habe dir gesagt, ich brauchte Jahre, um so gut zu werden. Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)
Nothing, Mavey.- Was? Nichts, Mavey. Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)
Please, Mavey.Bitte, Mavey. Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)
Davey someone-or-other.- Ein Davey so-und-so. IX. (2015)
- Chair busted again, Davey?- Ist der Rolli wieder kaputt, Davey? The Bronze (2015)
You've been walking out with Davey, have you not? Mr Norrell's man?Du bist mit Mr. Norrells Davey ausgegangen, oder? Chapter Four: All the Mirrors of the World (2015)
Davey has not put it about.Davey hat es nicht rumerzählt. Chapter Four: All the Mirrors of the World (2015)
I checked those session times at the Davey, sir. They were definitely Marianna and Vincenzo's.Ich habe die Spielzeiten im Davey überprüft, Sir. Murder & Mozzarella (2015)
- Have Davey bring down the packing boxes.Davey soll die Kisten runterbringen. Chapter One: The Friends of English Magic (2015)
Do mind the spines, Lucas.- Davey, mit Handschuhen. Chapter One: The Friends of English Magic (2015)
Uh, after that, Gene Macadavey will take over until I get back.Danach springt Gene MacAdavey für mich ein, bis ich wieder da bin. Manchester by the Sea (2016)
Hey, Davey.Hey, Davey. Secret Sauce (2016)
Or you can use that blade and stop ol' Rapey Davey from becoming Dead-Alive Rapey Davey, save yourself, join the cause.Oder... du kannst das Messer nutzen, und Vergewaltiger-Davey davon abhalten, zu einem toten lebenden Vergewaltiger-Davey zu werden, rette dich selbst, schließ dich mir an. Something They Need (2017)
Zdraveyte, as the Bulgarians say.Zdraveyte, wie man in Bulgarien sagt. The Principle of Restricted Choice (2017)
Davey, I think I better go find Mrs. Riggs, that lady Captain Hollister told us about.Davey, Ich glaube, ich suche besser mal nach Mrs. Riggs, die Dame, von der uns Captain Hollister erzählt hat. The Big Trail (1930)
No. I want to stay here with Davey and watch them unload.Ich will lieber hier bei Davey bleiben und ihnen beim Abladen zusehen. The Big Trail (1930)
Well, you take good care of her, Davey.Gut, pass gut auf sie auf, Davey. The Big Trail (1930)
Careful of her, Davey.Vorsichtig mit ihr, Davey. The Big Trail (1930)
Davey, let's see if our wagon's down yet.Davey, lass uns nachsehen, ob dein Wagen schon unten ist. The Big Trail (1930)
I must join Davey.Ich will Davey sehen. The Big Trail (1930)
My mind is made up, Davey, and we're going to California.Ich habe mich entschieden, Davey, und wir gehen nach Kalifornien. The Big Trail (1930)
We're goin' again, Davey.Wir brechen wieder auf, Davey. The Big Trail (1930)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
aveyWorking so long on the graveyard shift made his health suffer badly.
aveyFreddy's been working the graveyard shift the past month, so he hasn't been able to see any of his friends who work normal hours.
aveyThey buried him in the graveyard by the church.
aveyHe was buried in this graveyard.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
ป่าช้า(n) cemetery, See also: graveyard, Example: การข่มขวัญให้เด็กกลัวจะขุดผีประเภทต่างๆ จากป่าช้ามาแสดงอภินิหาร, Count Unit: แห่ง, ที่, Thai Definition: ป่าหรือที่ซึ่งจัดไว้เป็นที่ฝังหรือเผาศพ
ฮวงซุ้ย(n) cemetery, See also: graveyard, Syn. หลุมฝังศพ, ฮวงจุ๊ย, Example: คราวใดที่รำลึกถึงคู่ชีวิต ซิ้มก็จะไปเซ่นไหว้ที่ฮวงซุ้ย พร้อมกับกราบไหว้อยู่เป็นประจำ, Count Unit: แห่ง, ที่, Thai Definition: ที่บรรจุศพของชาวจีน, Notes: (จีน)
สุสาน(n) graveyard, See also: cemetery, boneyard, boot hill, burial ground, burying ground, memorial park, necropolis, p, Syn. ป่าช้า, ฮวงซุ้ย, หลุมฝังศพ, Example: แต่เดิมที่ดินตรงนี้เคยเป็นสุสานเก่ามาก่อน จึงมีคนพบเห็นวิญญาณบ่อยๆ, Count Unit: แห่ง, Thai Definition: ที่ฝังศพผู้ตาย, Notes: (บาลี)
ที่ฝังศพ(n) cemetery, See also: grave, tomb, graveyard, sepulcher, crematorium, Syn. ที่ปลงศพ, หลุมฝังศพ, ป่าช้า, สุสาน, ฮวงซุ้ย

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
บ่าว[bāo] (n) EN: servant ; slave ; slavey ; menial ; lackey ; stooge  FR: serviteur [ m ] ; esclave [ m, f ] ; valet [ m ] ; laquais [ m ] ; domestique [ m, f ] ; serf [ m ] ; subalterne [ m ] ; bonne [ f ] ; boniche [ f ] (pop.) ; servante [ f ] (anc.) ; larbin [ m ] (fam.) ; soufre-douleur [ m ]
กะกลางคืน[ka klāngkheūn] (n, exp) EN: night shift ; graveyard shift
ป่าช้า[pāchā] (n) EN: cemetery ; graveyard ; burial ground  FR: cimetière [ m ]
สุสาน[susān] (n) EN: graveyard ; cemetary ; tomb ; sepulchre = sepulcher (Am.) ; burial ground ; necropolis ; boneyard ; boot hil ; memorial park ; polyandrium; potter's field  FR: cimetière [ m ] ; nécropole [ f ]

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
peavey(n) a stout lever with a sharp spike; used for handling logs, Syn. dog hook, cant dog, peavy
cemetery(n) a tract of land used for burials, Syn. memorial park, burying ground, graveyard, necropolis, burial site, burial ground
skivvy(n) a female domestic servant who does all kinds of menial work, Syn. slavey

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. A yard or inclosure for the interment of the dead; a cemetery. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ } n. [ Said to be from the inventor's name. ] (Lumbering) A cant hook having the end of its lever armed with a spike; it is used for handling logs.
Syn. -- cant dog. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. + WordNet 1.5 ]

Variants: Peavey

n. A maidservant. [ Colloq. & Jocose Eng. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Zool.) The snow goose. [ Canadian, & Local U. S. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

Japanese-Thai-English: Saikam Dictionary
墓地[ぼち, bochi] TH: หลุมฝังศพ  EN: graveyard

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Friedhof { m }graveyard [Add to Longdo]
Kirchhof { m }; Gottesacker { m }graveyard [Add to Longdo]
Nachtdienst { m }; Nachtschicht { f }graveyard shift (work hours between midnight and 8 a.m.) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
墓地[ぼち(P);はかち, bochi (P); hakachi] (n) cemetery; graveyard; (P) #5,129 [Add to Longdo]
墓所[ぼしょ;はかしょ;はかどころ, bosho ; hakasho ; hakadokoro] (n) graveyard #5,444 [Add to Longdo]
奥つ城所[おくつきどころ, okutsukidokoro] (n) (arch) graveyard; cemetery [Add to Longdo]
森閑とした[しんかんとした, shinkantoshita] (adj-f) still; quiet; silent as a graveyard [Add to Longdo]
天気輪[てんきりん, tenkirin] (n) (1) weather wheel; pillar found near graveyards and temples with a wheel attached to it that can be used to communicate with the dead, as well as for divination; (2) (See 太陽柱) sun pillar [Add to Longdo]
墓園;墓苑[ぼえん, boen] (n) (See 霊園) cemetery; graveyard [Add to Longdo]
墓場[はかば, hakaba] (n) graveyard; cemetery [Add to Longdo]
埋葬地[まいそうち, maisouchi] (n) burial place (ground); cemetery; graveyard [Add to Longdo]

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