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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
输送[shū sòng, ㄕㄨ ㄙㄨㄥˋ,   /  ] transport; carry #9,061 [Add to Longdo]
输送媒介[shū sòng méi jiè, ㄕㄨ ㄙㄨㄥˋ ㄇㄟˊ ㄐㄧㄝˋ,     /    ] transport medium [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
輸送[ゆそう, yusou] (n, vs) transport; transportation; (P) #1,510 [Add to Longdo]
おおすみ型輸送[おおすみがたゆそうかん, oosumigatayusoukan] (n) Osumi class vehicle transport ship [Add to Longdo]
ピギーバック輸送[ピギーバックゆそう, pigi-bakku yusou] (n) piggyback system [Add to Longdo]
ピストン輸送[ピストンゆそう, pisuton yusou] (n) shuttle [Add to Longdo]
医療輸送[いりょうゆそうき, iryouyusouki] (n) medical transport (plane) [Add to Longdo]
貨物輸送[かもつゆそう, kamotsuyusou] (n) freight traffic (transportation); freightage; shipment [Add to Longdo]
海上輸送[かいじょうゆそう, kaijouyusou] (n) marine transport; carriage by sea [Add to Longdo]
海上輸送[かいじょうゆそうろ, kaijouyusouro] (n) marine transportation routes [Add to Longdo]
軍事輸送[ぐんじゆそう, gunjiyusou] (n) military transport [Add to Longdo]
軍用輸送[ぐんようゆそうき, gunyouyusouki] (n) military transport [Add to Longdo]
輸送ヘリコプター[けいゆそうヘリコプター, keiyusou herikoputa-] (n) light transport helicopter [Add to Longdo]
航空輸送[こうくうゆそう, koukuuyusou] (n) air transportation; air transport; transport by air [Add to Longdo]
受動輸送[じゅどうゆそう, judouyusou] (n) (See 能動輸送) passive transport [Add to Longdo]
振替輸送[ふりかえゆそう, furikaeyusou] (n) transfer (of passengers or freight) [Add to Longdo]
超音速輸送[ちょうおんそくゆそうき, chouonsokuyusouki] (n) supersonic transport; SST [Add to Longdo]
長距離輸送[ちょうきょりゆそう, choukyoriyusou] (n) long-distance transportation (transport, haulage) [Add to Longdo]
低温輸送[ていおんゆそう, teionyusou] (n) refrigerated transport [Add to Longdo]
鉄道輸送[てつどうゆそう, tetsudouyusou] (n) rail transport (transportation, transit); transport by rail [Add to Longdo]
電力輸送[でんりょくゆそう, denryokuyusou] (n) electric power transmission [Add to Longdo]
道路輸送[どうろゆそう, douroyusou] (n) road transport [Add to Longdo]
能動輸送[のうどうゆそう, noudouyusou] (n) (See 受動輸送) active transport [Add to Longdo]
輸送[ゆそうか, yusouka] (n) (See 輜重兵) Transportation Corps (Service branch of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force) [Add to Longdo]
輸送艦艇[ゆそうかんてい, yusoukantei] (n) military transport vessel [Add to Longdo]
輸送[ゆそうき, yusouki] (n) transport [Add to Longdo]
輸送機関[ゆそうきかん, yusoukikan] (n) (means of) transport [Add to Longdo]
輸送[ゆそうしゃ, yusousha] (n) (See 輸送) transport truck; transport vehicle [Add to Longdo]
輸送手段[ゆそうしゅだん, yusoushudan] (n) means of transportation; means of transport [Add to Longdo]
輸送[ゆそうせん, yusousen] (n) transport ship; troop ship [Add to Longdo]
輸送[ゆそうひ, yusouhi] (n) shipping charges; transportation expenses [Add to Longdo]
輸送問題[ゆそうもんだい, yusoumondai] (n) { comp } transportation problem [Add to Longdo]
輸送[ゆそうりょう, yusouryou] (n) traffic; volume or quantity of goods transported [Add to Longdo]
輸送[ゆそうりょく, yusouryoku] (n) carrying power; transportation (carrying) capacity [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
This aircraft company deals with freight only.この航空会社は貨物輸送だけを取り扱っています。
The ship transports raw materials from Indonesia.その船は原料をインドネシアから輸送している。
The electric machine must have been broken during shipping.その電気器具は輸送中にこわれたのにちがいない。
After all, their form of transport produces no pollution at all.何といっても、彼らの輸送形態は公害を全く引き起こさない。
The current rate is about one airplane crash every two weeks, measuring all serious accidents to all types of transport jets.現在の飛行機墜落は2週間ごとにほぼ1件の割合で、あらゆる重大事故があらゆるタイプの輸送用ジェット機に起こっている。
The public transportation system runs like clockwork.公共の交通輸送機関は正確に動いています。
Many goods are now transported by air.今では多くの貨物が飛行機で輸送されている。
Today automobiles have taken the place of horses as the principal means of transportation.今日主要な輸送手段としては、自動車が馬にとって代っている。
My baggage was lost in transit.私の手荷物は輸送中に紛失した。
The good were transported by ship.商品は船で輸送された。
The Government transported goods to the island by helicopter.政府はその島にヘリコプターで物資を輸送した。
His discovery gave rise to a revolution in transport.彼の発見は輸送における革命をもたらした。
The box was crushed during transport and the contents flew out.輸送中に箱が拉げて中身がとび出した。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
There is a cargo plane scheduled to depart lax at 8:00 pm to mexico city.[JP] 夜の8時発 L. A. 空港で チャーターした貨物輸送機は ―― The Italian Job (2003)
Cue the truck.[JP] 輸送車が来る Groundhog Day (1993)
And get to your transports.[JP] あなたも輸送船へ急いで Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Transport, this is Solo. Take off. I can't get to you.[JP] 輸送船 こちらソロ 離陸しろ こっちは間に合わない Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
One ogre tank, three monkey wagons.[JP] 戦車1台、捕虜輸送車3台 Goodbye to All That (2008)
There's a military base 37 miles from that port. Scramble whatever you can. sir.[JP] 軍事基地が59km先の港にある 輸送機を送れ Eagle Eye (2008)
Your wife, Claire, will cover transport.[JP] あなたの妻、クレア、輸送をカバーします。 。 Mission: Impossible (1996)
A transport ship is returning the Tellarite ambassador to his homeworld.[JP] 輸送船がテラライト大使を 故郷に送り届けている The Aenar (2005)
-I don't see an armored truck.[JP] 輸送車は見当たらないわ Eagle Eye (2008)
I'm getting ready to head back to the transport.[JP] 輸送船に戻る準備をしているので Episode #1.2 (2003)
The energy shield can only be opened for a short time... so you'll have to stay very close to your transports.[JP] エネルギー・シールドの 開放時間は短いので 各自担当の輸送船に 密着してください Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
-Go to the armored truck.[JP] 輸送車に向かいなさい Eagle Eye (2008)
The planes must be readied for transport.[JP] なぜ遅れる? 輸送のために飛行機を準備しなければなりません Storm Front, Part II (2004)
And a good lawyer could prove that, but you're not getting a lawyer.[JP] 諦めろ 来るのは 弁護士でなく輸送車だ Tribes (2008)
- Stay into that pipe, Tania. Stay in.[CN] -待在輸送管裡,塔妮亞 Enemy at the Gates (2001)
no suspects identified or even arrested any idea who is responsible for what may be the largest-scale cyber-terror attack that's ever been mounted in the United States.[JP] 殺人の意図か または輸送機関の混乱か しかし容疑者は 誰一人つかまっていません 責任の所在はいったい 何処にあるのでしょうか? Eagle Eye (2008)
That's enzen from transpo.[JP] エンゼン君。 輸送を。 The Legend (2008)
What's your complaint?[JP] 輸送隊に入れないでくれと 頼みに来たんだ Tikhiy Don (1957)
Now, that's strange. What's a cargo ship doing this close to the Frontier?[JP] 輸送船がここで 何をしてるんだ The Last Starfighter (1984)
For 30 years, a bigwig politician continued giving taxpayers' money illegally to companies loyal to him.[CN] 某知名國會議員 30年來將人民的稅金 輸送至自己名下的企業 The Negotiator: The Movie (2010)
I want a safe transport ship with an untraceable jump system, okay?[JP] 安全な輸送船が欲しいんだ 追跡されないジャンプ システム付きだ、わかったか? Episode #1.2 (2003)
- We can cut off his transportation.[JP] - 私たちは彼の輸送を遮断することができます。 Mission: Impossible (1996)
While I was looking for food, I also blew up their ammo transport.[JP] 食料を探していた時 私は彼らの弾薬輸送所を爆発させた Assembly (2007)
The first transport is away. The first transport is away.[JP] 第一輸送船 突破 Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
One will be carrying a briefcase. then return to the van.[JP] 1人はブリーフ・ケースを所持しています 武器が輸送車の中に入っています Eagle Eye (2008)
As loadmaster, you're in charge of everything that's brought aboard the aircraft?[JP] 君が輸送物資の管理を? Dog Tags (2008)
I'm not doing this.[JP] - 輸送車を襲撃するのか? Eagle Eye (2008)
the French police say you're transporting fugitives and you may have a hostage onboard.[JP] 卿、あなたは逃亡者を輸送している フランスの警察は言います... ...あなたはオンボードの人質 有していてもよいです。 The Da Vinci Code (2006)
Your Highness, we must take this last transport. It's our only hope.[JP] 姫 最後の輸送船に乗らなければ あれが最後の望みです Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
The heavy transport ships will leave as soon as they're loaded.[JP] 輸送船は彼らの搭乗が でき次第発進です Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
What's your complaint?[JP] 輸送隊に入れないでくれと 頼みに来たんだ Tikhiy Don II (1958)
Everything's on its way, Doctor.[JP] 輸送中だ The Crazies (1973)
We've got to call the hospital in Unity! We need an ambulance for those kids![JP] 総合病院に連絡して 患者を輸送すべきだ The Crazies (1973)
Only if there were runs on a lot of banks simultaneously would the bankers' credit bubble burst and the system come crashing down.[CN] 中央銀行會通過緊急輸送黃金的方式 支援地方性銀行 只有在擠兌同時出現於多個銀行時 Money as Debt (2006)
All troop carriers will assemble at the north entrance.[JP] 輸送船は北の入り口に集合させます Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
If you can make the next transport out, you should be back by the end of the week.[JP] "できるなら次の輸送機で 週末までに戻ってください" The Quiet American (2002)
As soon as each transport is loaded... evacuation control will give clearance for launch.[JP] 輸送船の荷積みが終わったら 直ちに発進の合図を行う Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
You think Gretchen and Bagwell are gonna get you Scylla but the people they're gonna steal it from have a plan to trick them.[JP] グレトゲンとバグウエルがスキラーを 渡すと思う? でもスキラーを盗む人間は、 -輸送の計画が... Selfless (2008)
And what we're going to do is send a rescue unit... to tend to the stalled harvester and get the base back on its feet.[CN] 我們的下一步行動是輸送一組救援小隊過來 幫助修理采能車 以使它能自己返回基地 Moon (2009)
We're going to boost it in transit.[JP] 輸送中に奪えばいい The Italian Job (2003)
Tonight's winner will be selected at random for relocation to The Island transported to the world's last paradise.[JP] 今夜の勝者は、島への移転のためにランダムに_選択されます... ...世界_最後の楽園に輸送 The Island (2005)
And now, what shall we use to conduct this beautiful current with?[CN] 什麼東西能用來輸送電流呢? 4 Days Out (2009)
Disguised as a cargo ship and using a secret imperial code... a strike team will land on the moon and deactivate the shield generator.[JP] 輸送船を装って 秘密のコードを使用し... 突撃チームが月に着陸 ジェネレータを破壊するのだ Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
Find me anything that can sustain heavy RPGs and small arms.[JP] 携行式ロケット弾と、小型武器に 対応できる輸送機がほしい。 Bang and Burn (2007)
I'm in logistics, and I'd like to ask you some questions[JP] 輸送に勤め、 基本のデザインについて、 The Legend (2008)
You should have chosen a safer route, and you should have personally overseen the transfer.[JP] 安全な経路を選ぶべきだった そして、自分自身でに輸送を 監督するべきだった Storm Front (2004)
There. Behind the pipes.[CN] 那兒, 在輸送管後面 Hollow Man (2000)
Harboring and transporting fugitives?[JP] 保有輸送 逃亡? The Da Vinci Code (2006)
I am to transport you to the residence.[JP] 私は、あなたを居住地に輸送します Forbidden Planet (1956)
We gotta hold them till all transports are away.[JP] 輸送船が逃げ切るまで 食い止めるんだ Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
輸送問題[ゆそうもんだい, yusoumondai] transportation problem [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
輸送[ゆそう, yusou] Befoerderung, Transport [Add to Longdo]

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