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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: clean; purify; cleanse; exorcise; Manchu Dynasty
On-yomi: ジョウ, セイ, jou, sei
Kun-yomi: きよ.める, きよ.い, kiyo.meru, kiyo.i
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: , , Rank: 1383
[] Meaning: pure; clean; unspoiled
On-yomi: ジョウ, セイ, jou, sei
Kun-yomi: きよ.める, きよ.い, kiyo.meru, kiyo.i
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: ,

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[jìng, ㄐㄧㄥˋ, ] Japanese variant of 淨|净 #202,628 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary (UNAPPROVED version -- use with care )  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
超音波洗[ちょうおんぱせんじょう, chouonpasenjou] (n) เครื่องล้างชิ้นงานแบบมีอัลต้าโซนิค
の際[Senjo no sai, Senjo no sai] Cleaning time, See also: S. 掃除

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
土宗[じょうどしゅう, joudoshuu] (n) Pure Land sect (of Buddhism); Jodo (sect) #11,699 [Add to Longdo]
土真宗[じょうどしんしゅう, joudoshinshuu] (n) Jodo Shinshu (offshoot of the Jodo sect); (P) #12,074 [Add to Longdo]
[じょうか, jouka] (n, vs, adj-no) purification; cleanup; (P) #13,758 [Add to Longdo]
[せんじょう, senjou] (n, vs, adj-no) washing; cleaning; laundering; (P) #15,474 [Add to Longdo]
[じょうすい, jousui] (n) clean water; (P) #16,197 [Add to Longdo]
[じょうど, joudo] (n) (1) { Buddh } Pure Land (esp. the Western Pure Land paradise of Amitabha); (2) (abbr) Pure Land Buddhism; (P) #17,545 [Add to Longdo]
[せいじょう(P);しょうじょう, seijou (P); shoujou] (adj-na, n, adj-no) pure; clean; purity; (P) #18,781 [Add to Longdo]
ご不;御不[ごふじょう, gofujou] (n) (pol) (See 不) bathroom [Add to Longdo]
胃洗;異洗(iK)[いせんじょう, isenjou] (n, vs) stomach pumping; gastric irrigation; gastric lavage; gastric suction; gastrolavage [Add to Longdo]
胃洗[いせんじょうき, isenjouki] (n) stomach pump [Add to Longdo]
温水洗便座[おんすいせんじょうべんざ, onsuisenjoubenza] (n) bidet toilet; washlet [Add to Longdo]
極楽[ごくらくじょうど, gokurakujoudo] (n) { Buddh } (See 阿弥陀) Sukhavati (Amitabha's Pure Land) [Add to Longdo]
欣求[ごんぐじょうど, gongujoudo] (n) seeking rebirth in the Pure Land [Add to Longdo]
九品[くほんじょうど, kuhonjoudo] (n) (obsc) (See 極楽土) Amitabha's Pure Land (composed of nine levels) [Add to Longdo]
空気清[くうきせいじょうき, kuukiseijouki] (n) air cleaner [Add to Longdo]
高清度ステンレス鋼[こうせいじょうどステンレスこう, kouseijoudo sutenresu kou] (n) (obsc) high-purity stainless steel [Add to Longdo]
資金洗[しきんせんじょう, shikinsenjou] (n, vs) money laundering [Add to Longdo]
[じじょう, jijou] (n, vs) self-purification; self-cleansing; (P) [Add to Longdo]
作用[じじょうさよう, jijousayou] (n) autopurificatory activity (in the natural world) [Add to Longdo]
能力[じじょうのうりょく, jijounouryoku] (n) self-cleansing power; being capable of purifying oneself [Add to Longdo]
寂光[じゃっこうじょうど, jakkoujoudo] (n) { Buddh } paradise [Add to Longdo]
[じょうえ, joue] (n) white robe or costume [Add to Longdo]
[じょういき, jouiki] (n) sacred ground [Add to Longdo]
化槽[じょうかそう, joukasou] (n) septic tank; tank for purifying water; (P) [Add to Longdo]
化装置[じょうかそうち, joukasouchi] (n) purifier [Add to Longdo]
[じょうか, jouka] (n) sacred fire [Add to Longdo]
[じょうかい, joukai] (n) sacred ground; the Pure Land [Add to Longdo]
[じょうけつ, jouketsu] (n) blood purification; depuration [Add to Longdo]
御原令[きよみはらりょう, kiyomihararyou] (n) (abbr) (See 飛鳥御原律令) Asuka Kiyomihara Code (689 CE) [Add to Longdo]
[じょうざい, jouzai] (n, adj-no) cleansing of sins [Add to Longdo]
[じょうざい, jouzai] (n) monetary offering; donation [Add to Longdo]
[じょうしゃ, jousha] (n, vs) clean or fair copy [Add to Longdo]
[じょうしょ, jousho] (n, vs) clean copy [Add to Longdo]
水器[じょうすいき, jousuiki] (n) water filter; water purification system [Add to Longdo]
水場[じょうすいじょう, jousuijou] (n) water purification (filtering) plant [Add to Longdo]
水地[じょうすいち, jousuichi] (n) (clean-water) reservoir [Add to Longdo]
土教[じょうどきょう, joudokyou] (n) Pure Land teachings [Add to Longdo]
土三部経[じょうどさんぶきょう, joudosanbukyou] (n) (See 無量寿経, 阿弥陀経, 観無量寿経) three major sutras of Pure Land Buddhism [Add to Longdo]
瑠璃[じょうるり, joururi] (n) type of dramatic recitation accompanied by a shamisen (associated with the Japanese puppet theater) [Add to Longdo]
瑠璃語り;瑠璃語(io)[じょうるりかたり, joururikatari] (n) (See 瑠璃) joruri reciter [Add to Longdo]
[じょうれい, jourei] (n) exorcism [Add to Longdo]
人形瑠璃[にんぎょうじょうるり, ningyoujoururi] (n) (1) (See 瑠璃) Japanese puppet theatre in which a narrative is accompanied by a shamisen; (2) (See 文楽) older and more neutral name for bunraku [Add to Longdo]
[ちりじょうずい, chirijouzui] (n) ceremonious clapping and rubbing of the palms (sumo) [Add to Longdo]
清い(P);[きよい, kiyoi] (adj-i) (See 清らか) clear; pure; noble; (P) [Add to Longdo]
清め;[きよめ, kiyome] (n) purification [Add to Longdo]
清める;める[きよめる, kiyomeru] (v1, vt) to purify; to cleanse; to exorcise [Add to Longdo]
潔白[せいじょうけっぱく, seijoukeppaku] (n, adj-na, adj-no) upright and clean-handed; pure in heart and with a clean conscience [Add to Longdo]
[せいじょうど, seijoudo] (n) (degree of) cleanliness; cleanliness factor [Add to Longdo]
無垢[せいじょうむく, seijoumuku] (n) purity; spotlessness [Add to Longdo]
西[せいじん;せいちん, seijin ; seichin] (n) toilet in a Zen temple [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
The air is very pure in the mountains.山中では空気はとても清だ。
He cleansed the wound before putting on a bandage.包帯をする前に彼は傷を洗した。
There are frequent instances of malicious door-to-door selling, such as pushing water purifiers on people after carrying out water quality tests without permission.勝手に水質検査を行ったあげく水器を売りつけるなど、悪質な訪問販売が多発しています。
Please exercise every caution against cowboy salesmen of water purifiers and fraudulent-test sales.くれぐれも水器の悪質訪問販売業者や無料点検商法にはご注意ください。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- Excuse me for intruding.[JP] - 言語が洗されると 1984 (1984)
I only eat organic. The cleaner my body is, the more intensely I feel the V.[JP] 自然食しか食べないの 体を化すると感度が増すのよ The Fourth Man in the Fire (2008)
Actually, the money-laundering aspect is fairly straightforward.[JP] 資金洗なら 簡単にできる 4 Days Out (2009)
They are the earthly means that serve to cleanse your souls and cancel the spots of sin that you committed.[JP] その世俗的な行為は精神を化し 罪を償い悔い改める手段なのです The Magdalene Sisters (2002)
You put hand soap in the dishwasher again?[JP] 食器洗機に また石けんを入れたのか? Knight Rider (2008)
Silver bullets. Do I look like the Lone Ranger to you?[JP] ウィンディゴ用よ 銀の化の特性を読んだの Heart of Ice (2007)
All right, 1 6, 000 laundered at 75 cents on the dollar minus my fee, which is 1 7 percent...[JP] 資金洗する場合 1ドルは75セントと 私の報酬として 17%を引くと― 4 Days Out (2009)
Seems like he likes doing the wash[JP] 彼は洗をして好きなように思える Howl's Moving Castle (2004)
Officials say that an estimated 300, 000 civilians-- men, women, and children-- have been killed as part of general benjamin juma's campaign of ethnic cleansing.[JP] 当局の発表によればベンジャミン・ジュマ将軍の 民族化作戦によって殺害された 民間人男女、子供は Day 7: 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. (2009)
Tell them to prepare a stomach wash for luminous poisoning.[JP] 胃洗して 蛍光毒を出すように D.O.A. (1949)
Have, uh, WALL-E cleaned.[JP] ウォーリー を洗しろ WALL·E (2008)
He hasn't been decontaminated. Jacques![JP] まだ化されて無いぞ ジャック! Finding Nemo (2003)
Jason cleans their, uh, drug and, um, girl money for them.[JP] ジェイソンはそこで 資金洗を ドラッグや売春のお金を Ladies in Red (2008)
In a Rico case, if you can charge one of them with a felony...[JP] 資金洗は立派な犯罪行為だ The Dark Knight (2008)
This bank was another drop for the mob. that makes five.[JP] ここを含む5ヶ所の銀行で ギャングの資金洗 The Dark Knight (2008)
At the top we'll put "Purgatory"... "Canterbury Tales," anything relating to the 7 deadly sins.[JP] リストを作る "罪篇" Se7en (1995)
You guys gotta listen. I tried this power cleanse.[JP] 体内洗をやってみたの Lost in Translation (2003)
Ablution. a humble sign of friendship from a stranger who's come into your house.[JP] 君の'家'に住んでた男からの Orientación (2007)
Operation Cleanup has, well, failed.[JP] 作業システムが その 故障しまして WALL·E (2008)
And how did you come to be in this state of purgatory?[JP] "いかにしてこの罪にいたったのか?" Heart of Fire (2007)
"Right here is where the US Congress passed the clean Air Act."[JP] 連邦議会が大気化法を通した 理由はここだ An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Continue: "Bulldog. " Delay: "Cycle. " Abort is "Washdown. "[JP] 続行は「ブルドッグ」 遅れは「サークル」 中断は「洗 Behind Enemy Lines (2001)
- Lab safety equipment. We're also gonna have an emergency eye wash station.[JP] 安全対策だ 目の洗器も用意した Pilot (2008)
The purification rite at a shrine that was about to be relocated... was interrupted by a raccoon posing as the shrine guardian.[JP] 神社での化の儀式 つまり、再配置されるとしていた... アライグマによって中断された 神社の守護者を装った。 Pom Poko (1994)
Okay, that was not a cleansing spell he performed.[JP] 彼は化呪文を 行ってなかった Deadly Departed (2007)
Hello. Some kind soul has had mine cleaned.[JP] こんにちは ある種の精神は私を化してくれる The Quiet American (2002)
All right, so if we're dealing with a woman in white, dad would have found the corpse and destroyed it.[JP] 俺たちはあの白いドレスの女を追ってるけど 父さんなら埋められた遺体を化してるだろ Pilot (2005)
1, 000 gallons of gas, air and water filtration, Geiger counter bomb shelter.[JP] 4000リットルのガソリン、 空気と水の洗機、ガイガーカウンター... ...核シェルター Tremors (1990)
-Clean this off for me.[JP] - これの洗 Dog Tags (2008)
I will empower you to one end alone... to give power back to the people of Rome... and end the corruption that has crippled it.[JP] 君に委ねる目的は ただ1つ ローマの実権を 市民の手に戻し- はびこる腐敗を化するのだ Gladiator (2000)
- Clean him![JP] - 彼を洗して Finding Nemo (2003)
"And of all thy filthiness,[JP] 「汝の不と」 The Dreamscape (2008)
I'll be the most powerful man in Hill Valley and I'm going to clean up this town.[JP] 市長になって 町を化してみせます Back to the Future (1985)
Well... it's like being in purgatory before going to heaven.[JP] さて・・・ 天国に行く前に 罪界はあるのかしら Fido (2006)
I bought a filter.[JP] 機がある Over (2009)
The photos you brought, they show a cleansing spell, the Wiccan equivalent of last rites.[JP] その写真は 化呪文を表してる ウィッカの最終儀式 Deadly Departed (2007)
I've put every money Launderer in Gotham behind bars but the mob is still getting its money out.[JP] 資金洗者は全員投獄したが ギャングの資金源は残ってる The Dark Knight (2008)
Yes, the Albuquerque office covers everything from drug-related money laundering to interdiction of illicit substances crossing the border.[JP] 君の仕事を説明して ここではドラッグ関連の 資金洗や― ABQ (2009)
Yeah. Parts.[JP] "神曲の罪篇"だが Se7en (1995)
Here's your receipt, and hand this claiming disc to your car wash professional. Thank you.[JP] レシートとカードです 洗員に渡してください Pilot (2008)
When the floodwaters washed their bodies up they called out to me.[JP] 彼らの身体が化された時 悲鳴を聞いたように Bad JuJu (2007)
And I hand it in to be cleaned, and someone cleans it and folds it neatly back in my drawer, but who?[JP] そして、私は 、洗されるべきそれを手渡し、誰かがそれをきれいに... ...、それは私の引き出し、 誰にきちんと折り返さ? The Island (2005)
The Aquascum 2003 is an all-purpose, self-cleaning... maintenance-free, salt water purifier... that is guaranteed to extend the life of your aquarium fish.[JP] アクアスカム2003は あらゆる用途に使用出来... 点検不要 塩水化機能付き... あなたの水槽の魚を 長生きさせます Finding Nemo (2003)
- Two days![JP] 間に合えば 胃の洗ができたが D.O.A. (1949)
Just a few grams of a pathogen introduced into the water supply.[JP] ほんの数グラムの病原体を 水施設に取り込むだけなんです Storm Front (2004)
Well, whatever it is, he should clean up this city here because it's like an open sewer.[JP] まあ... ... いずれにしても 街の化を あふれた下水のような 汚物だらけの街を Taxi Driver (1976)
"Purgatory", "Paradise Lost" and "Helter Skelter"... the fbi's computers will tell us.[JP] 誰かが熱心に 読んでいるかもしれない "罪篇"や"失楽園" Se7en (1995)
How much money are we laundering?[JP] する金額は? 4 Days Out (2009)
- The Seven Terraces of Purgation.[JP] - 罪界の高台か - そうだ Se7en (1995)
Its because I have to feed, to walk, wash, pick her ...[JP] その私が、歩くために、洗を供給しなければならないので、 彼女を指名してください ... Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
[ふじょう, fujou] Unreinlichkeit, Schmutz [Add to Longdo]
[じょう, jou] -rein [Add to Longdo]
[じょうか, jouka] Reinigung, Laeuterung [Add to Longdo]
[せいじょう, seijou] Reinheit, Sauberkeit [Add to Longdo]

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