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摇晃[yáo huàng, ㄧㄠˊ ㄏㄨㄤˋ,   /  ] to rock; to shake; to sway #16,294 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Please prepare the situation room for radio standby.[CN] 大楼的轴心在摇晃如果倾斜十度以上 就吹哨子 Episode #1.8 (2016)
Are you ready to get loud?[CN] -我们就这样摇晃 Hamburg × Hamburg (2016)
Shaky.[CN] - 摇摇晃晃的 2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984)
It's gonna shake.[CN] 接着你会感到摇晃 Room (2015)
- Shake your pretty Little head. - Act tall with the wild gang[CN] 摇晃你可爱的头 一一起伸长 Labyrinth (1986)
Crazy neighbors.[CN] Rickety bed. 摇晃晃的席梦思。 Zootopia (2016)
- Shake it. - What?[CN] 摇晃 ﹣什么? The Beantown Bailout Job (2009)
And there was a backyard, and we had a hammock, and we would swing in the hammock, and we would eat ice cream.[CN] 那里有后院,有吊床 我们会在吊床上摇晃,还会去吃冰淇淋 Room (2015)
For 30 years, rain or shine... riding in a crowded train.[CN] 工作三十年 风里来雨里去的... 总在拥挤的电车摇摇晃晃的 Good Morning (1959)
Is it blood rushing through my head or is the shake not making any sense?[CN] 是血冲昏我的头还是摇晃没有意义呢 Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015)
What about that speed wobble?[CN] 摇晃还有没有啊? The World's Fastest Indian (2005)
He went staggering up towards the woods saying he was gonna find his wife and drag her home if it killed him.[CN] 他摇摇晃晃地走向森林 不停地说他要找他妻子 如果这没要他命就带她回家 The Trouble with Harry (1955)
All of a sudden she looks my way.[CN] 嘿 { \3cH000000\fs30 }Hey. 奶子和屁股在风里摇晃着 { \3cH000000\fs30 }tits and ass jiggling in the breeze. Home (2016)
When that happens, the Earth quakes.[CN] 到了那时 大地开始摇晃 When that happens, the Earth quakes. The Lost Worlds of Planet Earth (2014)
Shimmy, shimmy, cocoa pop, shimmy, shimmy, rock.[CN] 摇晃,可可汽水,樱桃在顶端 好的 Morgan (2016)
kahistelevatko all of the Puska ones, birds.[CN] - 要多注意观察。 树枝是不是摇晃,小鸟是不是被惊动了 A zori zdes tikhie... (2015)
Like if you were shaking an empty spray paint can.[CN] 像是有人在摇晃一只空喷漆罐 Salud (2011)
Oh, no![CN] 摇晃会让她感觉更糟糕! No! Jiggling makes her feel worse! Ice Age: Collision Course (2016)
Ice cream, soda pop, vanilla on the top.[CN] 亲爱的宝贝,别放开我 摇晃,可可汽水,摇晃,晃 Morgan (2016)
Jiggy Jelly.[CN] 节奏小鸡 摇晃果冻 土豆泥 Funky Chicken. Ice Age: Collision Course (2016)
The gentle swaying of the ship.[CN] 船儿轻轻的摇晃 The gentle swaying of the ship. The Hero of Color City (2014)
Look. There he is. Long and jiggly.[CN] 看,他在那里,身长又爱摇晃 Open Season 2 (2008)
♪ F is is for ♪[CN] { \fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs21\bord1\shad1\2cH111211\b0 }她的手中 有摇晃的热火 { \fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\bord1\shad1\2cH111211\b0 }# With her fist a -flailing fire # The F Word (2016)
There are lots of things to remember... lefts and rights and bobbing and weaving.[CN] 这里有太多的东西要记住... 左击和右击 干扰性一定还有摇晃 The Bells of St. Mary's (1945)
Then it decided to see what happens if you shake the ant farm.[CN] 然后决定试试 摇晃蚂蚁农场 观察反应 Then it decided to see what happens if you shake the ant farm. M.I.A. (2015)
At the --[CN] 在 - [ 呼吸摇摇晃晃 ] Proxy (2013)
Weaving, that's right. And bobbing.[CN] 摇晃,是的 和干扰性移动 The Bells of St. Mary's (1945)
Okay.[CN] 摇晃10秒 20th Century Women (2016)
- If it swings, put a mute in your horn.[CN] - 如果它会摇晃,你的车喇叭就不会吼 High Society (1956)
I'm saying I'm on green grass with palm trees waving overhead.[CN] 我是说我在绿草地上 有棕榈树在头顶摇晃而已 Sahara (1943)
We can't have no eight-ton boats banging around loose.[CN] 我不能让它们摇摇晃晃的 Away All Boats (1956)
I tell you, I see that light. She wink on. She wink off.[CN] 告诉你们,我看见灯光了 忽闪忽灭的 摇摇晃 The Long Voyage Home (1940)
♪ SHAKE IT, BABY ♪[CN] 摇晃,宝宝 Earth Girls Are Easy (1988)
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I didn't tell you? What's he doing, the grind or the freak?[CN] 他在干嘛 是摇晃还是搞怪啊? Communication Breakdown (2014)
We shook up pretty bad.[CN] 我们摇晃得非常厉害 We shook up pretty bad. Love Boat (2015)
Tell me about these men... these rich, respectable old men who sit and rock on that huge piazza.[CN] 请告诉我这些人... 这些有钱的,可敬的老男人 那些在那巨大的广场坐着,摇晃 Saratoga Trunk (1945)
I felt the table absolutely shaking under my hands.[CN] 我真切的感受到 桌子在我的手底下摇晃 Blithe Spirit (1945)
You're shaking the room. You need to stop.[CN] 你在摇晃这个房间 你得停下了 You're shaking the room. One of Us (2015)
I don't have to go on deck, Cap. I can hear it from right down here.[CN] 强烈摇晃就可能再裂开 The Finest Hours (2016)
OK. Um... Take this hand here and give me that hand and just rock back and forth.[CN] 行 Okay. 然后左右摇晃吧 and just rock back and forth. The Keys (2015)
The boat was moving a lot, so I chipped her tooth.[CN] 那船还摇摇晃晃的 弄得我还磕到了她牙齿 The boat was moving a lot, so I chipped her tooth. The Matrimonial Momentum (2015)
And another thing, you have to be weaving.[CN] 还有另外你要注意保持摇晃这个动作 The Bells of St. Mary's (1945)
Something to remind him of his past here on the island. Family. Friends.[CN] 那晚我看到他摇摇晃晃地走上楼,我以为他是喝醉了。 The Impossible Murder (2017)
Pretty badly hurt, she staggers down the stairs[CN] 被伤得很重, 她摇晃着走下楼 The Blue Gardenia (1953)
Stop rocking the chair like that![CN] 别那么摇晃椅子! Jealousy Is My Middle Name (2002)
You can guess the rest.[CN] 她重重推了他 他摇晃得像卡通一样 The 9th Life of Louis Drax (2016)
'Cause when you party like a savage Speak like a poet[CN] 扩张宇宙 让它颤抖和摇晃 Everybody Wants Some!! (2016)
Once you've collected all your sandbags, two tribe members will Sandbags, two tribe members will attempt to land those sandbags Attempt to land those sandbags on wobbly platforms.[CN] 两名部落成员要试图把 沙袋投到摇晃的平台上 Blood Is Blood (2014)
Up for hunahpu. Jon with a really good rhythm on Jon with a really good rhythm on swinging that bag.[CN] Jon很有节奏地摇晃那个袋子 Make Some Magic Happen (2014)
When I go down, this thing is gonna shake.[CN] 我下去的时候 机身会摇晃 When I go down, this thing is gonna shake. Young Hearts Spark Fire (2015)

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