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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
北朝[Běi cháo, ㄅㄟˇ ㄔㄠˊ,  ] the Northern Dynasties 386-581 #55,183 [Add to Longdo]
北朝[Nán běi cháo, ㄋㄢˊ ㄅㄟˇ ㄔㄠˊ,   ] Northern and Southern dynasties (420-589) #33,609 [Add to Longdo]
北朝[Běi cháo xiǎn, ㄅㄟˇ ㄔㄠˊ ㄒㄧㄢˇ,    /   ] North Korea [Add to Longdo]
魏晋南北朝[Wèi Jìn Nán Běi Cháo, ㄨㄟˋ ㄐㄧㄣˋ ㄋㄢˊ ㄅㄟˇ ㄔㄠˊ,      /     ] Wei, Jin and North-South dynasties; generic term for historic period 220-589 between Han and Sui [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
北朝[きたちょうせん, kitachousen] (n, name) ประเทศเกาหลีเหนือ

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
北朝[ほくちょう, hokuchou] (n) Northern Dynasty #17,896 [Add to Longdo]
北朝[きたちょうせん, kitachousen] (n) North Korea; (P) #3,229 [Add to Longdo]
北朝[なんぼくちょう, nanbokuchou] (n) Northern and Southern Dynasties (in Japan [Add to Longdo]
北朝時代[なんぼくちょうじだい, nanbokuchoujidai] (n) period of the northern and southern dynasties (in China, 5th-6th c. CE in Japan, 1336-92) [Add to Longdo]
北朝鮮人[きたちょうせんじん, kitachousenjin] (n) (sens) North Korean person [Add to Longdo]
魏晋南北朝時代[ぎしんなんぼくちょうじだい, gishinnanbokuchoujidai] (n) Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties period (220-589 CE) [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Today's topic is "the problem of Japanese people abducted by North Korea".今日のトピックは「北朝鮮による日本人拉致問題」です。
That's just how cunning North Korea (and China) is.それだけ北朝鮮は(中国も)狡猾なんです。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
He was brought across the DMZ as a child after his father was executed for crimes against the North Korean state.[JP] 北朝鮮での犯罪行為で 父親が処刑 奴が子供のころに 非武装地帯へ Olympus Has Fallen (2013)
The only countries with this kind of capability are Russia, North Korea, maybe China.[CN] 有此能力的国家包括 俄罗斯,北朝鲜,也许还有中国 Transformers (2007)
You can live with us okay?[CN] 投奔到北朝鲜来生活吧,好吗? Joint Security Area (2000)
Then I want to speak with the Premiere of North Korea on a secure line.[JP] 安全な方法で北朝鮮と 対話したい Olympus Has Fallen (2013)
This room on the DMZ is one of the few places set up for meetings between the North and South Koreans.[CN] 这个房间位于非军事区 是少数南、北朝鲜开会之处 Inside North Korea (2007)
Kim Jong-un's military forces targeted an uninhabited South Pacific island with a 15-megaton thermonuclear ICBM.[JP] 北朝鮮の金正恩が 南太平洋島の無人島を 15メガトンの大陸間弾道ミサイルで The Interview (2014)
maybe you can explain, then, how our latest satellite imagery shows north korea doubling its naval activity.[JP] 君は説明できるかもしれないな、 最新の人口衛生画像で北朝鮮の Transformers (2007)
Oliver was found on an island called Lian Yu in the North China Sea.[JP] オリバーは島で見つかった 北朝鮮の中国海 リアンユウと呼ばれる島 The Huntress Returns (2013)
It doesn't matter South or North Korea.[JP] 北朝鮮か韓国かは 問題ではありません Life in a Day (2011)
That's the bad Korea.[CN] 坏人都是北朝鲜的啊! The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation (2007)
The DMZ, or de-militarized zone, is a 4 km-wide buffer that runs 238 km along the border of North and South Korea.[CN] 非军事区DMZ 是南北朝鲜边界4公里宽、238公里长的缓冲区 Inside North Korea (2007)
Seven North Korean spies were shot to death today[CN] 7个北朝鲜的间谍被打死了. The Quiet Family (1998)
They want to repatriate this body along with more than 50 Korean War remains they believe belong to the North.[CN] 他们要遣送这具尸体 及在朝鲜战争中丧命的50具北朝鲜人尸首 Inside North Korea (2007)
We've got Iraq, Iran, North Korea.[CN] 我们有伊拉克问题 伊朗问题 北朝鲜问题 Schmidt Happens (2005)
North Korea may be a brick wall, but it's not one on which I shall bang my head.[CN] 北朝鲜就像一堵砖墙,不过我可不想自己往上碰个头破血流。 Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)
We got enough security to invade North Korea and Suweidi...[CN] 这里的军力都能进攻北朝鲜和苏威迪了 The Kingdom (2007)
I figured North Korea for last.[JP] 北朝鮮が最後だとわかってた G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013)
NK'd look at us. We'd look at them.[CN] 北朝鲜人大眼瞪小眼 Felon (2008)
That's right, North Korea, everybody.[CN] 是的,没错,来自北朝 The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation (2007)
I just sold Playboy TV to North Korea.[CN] 我刚刚把《花花公子》电视节目 卖到了北朝 Aquamansion (2005)
Thinking about your lost cat, you Northern folk?[CN] 思考丢失的猫 北朝民歌? 2001 Maniacs (2005)
It is not at all accidental that when President names our enemies in the 2002 State of the Union message as "the access of evil".[CN] 所以在布什总统2002年国情咨文中 提到伊拉克、伊朗、北朝鲜这些"邪恶轴心"国家时 Why We Fight (2005)
Get me our expert on North Korea.[JP] 北朝鮮の専門家を 呼んでくれ Olympus Has Fallen (2013)
I believe that's North Korea.[JP] - 皆さん、そちらのスクリーンにご注目を... 北朝鮮か Iron Man 2 (2010)
I will be traveling to Pyongyang, North Korea, to conduct the first globally broadcast interview with President Kim Jong-un.[JP] 私は北朝鮮の平壌に旅行します グローバル化された インタビューを行うために 金正恩と The Interview (2014)
Ain't it just like you Northern folk?[CN] 是不是跟你一样北朝民歌? 2001 Maniacs (2005)
It's headed north for the port town on Mount Drummond, and you are no longer the only one seeking the star.[CN] 它正向北朝著Drummond山上的港口飛去 你也不再是唯一一個尋找星星的人了 Stardust (2007)
Hey, attention. Our first contestant halls from North Korea.[CN] 注意了,我们第一位选手来自北朝 The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation (2007)
Damn North Koreans. Wait.[CN] - 该死的北朝鲜人! The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation (2007)
The Supreme Leader will grant a one-hour interview to Mr. Skylark from inside North Korea.[JP] 最高指導者は間もなくお見えになる 北朝鮮に対して敬意を The Interview (2014)
North Korea's in the Olympics, right?[JP] 北朝鮮でオリンピックを? The Interview (2014)
They still view us as imperialists and hold us responsible for dividing the country between North and South.[CN] 朝鲜仍就视美国为帝国主义者 责怪我们导致南北朝鲜分裂 Inside North Korea (2007)
We can't go any further into Korea without the risk of being shot or arrested.[CN] 我们不能更加靠近北朝鲜了,否则就有可能被击毙或被逮捕。 Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)
Al Qaeda pays ten times as much North Koreans too.[CN] 基地组织会支付10倍金额的,北朝鲜也会的。 Day 3: 8:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. (2003)
Those on my left, welcome to Communist North Korea.[CN] 在我左边的各位,欢迎你们来到共产主义的北朝鲜。 Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)
-i'm sorry, that's not correct. -excuse me, young lady.[JP] この種の能力を持つのはロシア、 北朝鮮、それとも中国だ Transformers (2007)
Maybe you can explain, then, how our latest satellite imagery shows North Korea doubling its naval activity.[CN] 那么我想请你给我解释 北朝鲜加倍了他们的国防? Transformers (2007)
Including MS-13, the Sinaloa Cartel, [JP] MS -13や麻薬組織や 北朝鮮政府の金だ Judgement (2011)
- Yes, North Korea?[JP] - 北朝鮮? Iron Sky (2012)
Iran, or gone right to the black market.[JP] 北朝鮮や、イラン、中国、 ブラックマーケットでな Iron Man 2 (2010)
You want us to assassinate the leader of North Korea?[JP] 北朝鮮の指導者を暗殺しろと? The Interview (2014)
Hmm.[JP] これも調べるべきかも それは 北朝鮮が実は 世界最大の The Red Team (2013)
He lives in North Korea. We can't go there.[JP] 北朝鮮に住んでいて 行くことができない The Interview (2014)
North Korea, Russia, I have a Mendez everywhere.[JP] 北朝鮮 ロシア メンデスは幾らもいる Machete Kills (2013)
- All right, North Korea. Sit down.[JP] - わかりましたよ北朝鮮 着席を Iron Sky (2012)
Came from North Korea. Send us to South Korean embassy.[CN] (我是北朝鲜来的) 准备好水 Crossing (2008)
They're the sneaky, bad Korea, man.[CN] 那些狡猾的坏家伙都是北朝鲜的 The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation (2007)
Target now moving north towards the market.[CN] 目标相北朝市场走去. The Contractor (2007)
When we are allowed a view of North Korea, the village we see is just another piece of propaganda - no one lives there.[CN] 即使当我们被允许清晰地观看北朝鲜, 我们能够看到的村子也不过只是宣传战的一部分--村子里根本无人居住。 Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)
here's the image your special ops team was able to retrieve from the base attack.[JP] そして明らかにロシアでも北朝鮮 でもない 我々は侵略について話をしている んだろう? Transformers (2007)

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