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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
军医院[jūn yī yuàn, ㄐㄩㄣ ㄧ ㄩㄢˋ,    /   ] military hospital [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
This is inspector Kersten. He's been discharged from the military hospital.[CN] 这是克斯登警官,他从陆军医院转来这里 The Devil Strikes at Night (1957)
Alfred Matzerath, born in the Rhineland, was the favorite of all the nurses at the Silberhammer Hospital for his cheerful Rhenish ways.[CN] 他土生土长在莱茵地区 是军医院里深受女护士们 追捧的银厨师 他浑身上下散发着莱茵的浪漫气质 The Tin Drum (1979)
We don't have to see him. Just call that half-assed army hospital and tell them to get some Lipiodol ready for his stomach, and we'll go over and take some x-rays.[CN] 用不着看,通知那呆瓜军医院 叫他们准备利波多 MASH (1970)
Buddy, help me clear the traffic to get to the Army Hospital.[CN] 伙计,帮我开路去陆军医院 Crime Story (1993)
A blood test taken last week... at Bethesda Naval Hospital did in fact reveal... that Undersecretary of Defense Mike Bergstrom... was infected with the aids virus.[CN] 贝塞斯达海军医院上周... 血检结果证实... 国防部次长麦克•柏格史东... The Net (1995)
Please notify off-duty policemen to rush to the Army Hospital to be ready for a blood transfusion at any time.[CN] 请通知休班警员立刻赶去陆军医院 准备随时进行输血 Crime Story (1993)
But when I saw on his paper he worked in an American hospital where there are many drugs, and he could have taken some by mistake.[CN] 但文件上说他在美军医院工作 那里有许多药物 他可能不小心吃错药 MASH (1970)
- 4077th MASH?[CN] 4077战地军医院 MASH (1970)
Seaman Second Class, to Naval Hospital Guam, where the services of a chiropodist are available.[CN] 去海军医院 那里有手足病医生 Away All Boats (1956)
I'm hoping to get the patch off when I've checked at your naval hospital this afternoon, after I've interviewed Nimitz.[CN] 我希望能把眼罩摘了 不过得明天下午先到你们 海军医院去检查一下 等采访完尼米兹再说吧 Part III (1988)
Chief of Internal Medicine at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Hospital... says he's sure.[CN] 关达那摩湾海军医院的内科主任... 说他可以肯定 A Few Good Men (1992)
They're all whispering, and I just know it's about her.[CN] 为亚特兰大本地军医院基金募款 Gone with the Wind (1939)

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