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街区[がいく, gaiku] (n) block (of land) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Hardly two blocks away meet the man who is to be the final occupant of that booth.[CN] 在还不到两个街区远处... 最后一个使用这个电话亭的人 就在这里 Phone Booth (2002)
About 12 square blocks, straight into downtown.[CN] 大约12个街区, 直通市中心 The Hunted (2003)
He lives in a pink house eight blocks from here on Carl Street.[CN] 他住在幢粉红的房子里 离这里八个街区,在卡尔大街 Bad Boys II (2003)
- Round the block.[CN] 街区周围呀 Formula 51 (2001)
CIA will be tracking you on satellite back in Los Angeles, in contact with me and the chopper waiting ten blocks away.[CN] 中情局会一直在洛杉矶跟踪你 有架直升机在10个街区远的地方等你 A Dark Turn (2003)
There was a burglary on Mason Street, about four blocks from here.[CN] 在离这里四个街区Mason街发生了一起抢劫 Blood Work (2002)
For the most part, he's lived in shit neighborhoods, held shit jobs... and is now knee-deep into a disastrous second marriage.[CN] 大部分时候,他住在烂街区,干着烂工作... 现在陷于不幸的第二次婚姻。 American Splendor (2003)
I circled the block every three miles.[CN] 每三英里我就绕着街区转圈 Rendezvous (2002)
You ain't Detroit, I'm the D You the New Kid on the Block[CN] 你不是Detroit的代表,我才是D 你在街区里只是个新来的 8 Mile (2002)
Up, up, up 6 7 blocks is around the corner?[CN] $起,起,起$ 67个街区就是你说的, 拐个弯就到? Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004)
Radar, sonar, thermo-imaging, odor-matrixing to detect a non-residential cat from three blocks away.[CN] 雷达,声纳,体热和气味侦测器 可以侦测出三个街区内的外来猫 喂,你们好 Cats & Dogs (2001)
It's the next block. Make a right.[CN] 下个街区 往右拐 Millennium Approaches: The Messenger (2003)
About 2 blocks up[CN] 就在往前走两个街区的地方 Monster (2003)
We're two blocks from the signal.[CN] 我们离信号有两个街区的距离 Truth Takes Time (2003)
Like the two zone numbers?[CN] 92、93 听起来像是两个街区的号码 District B13 (2004)
Now, the hotel is just a few blocks from the theater.[CN] 旅馆就剧院几个街区 Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004)
A three-block area has been evacuated.[CN] 3个街区的人已经撤了出去 主演: 露辛达. The Mothman Prophecies (2002)
the 900 block, you need to redeploy all your people this area. - seal off a 10- block radius.[CN] 你必须重新部署你的人到这个区域, 封锁以10个街区为半径的区域 Day 3: 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. (2003)
One made a stop 10 blocks east of here. We got officers searching that area.[CN] 一辆在东面10个街区处靠站了, 我们的警官正在搜查那个区域 Day 3: 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. (2003)
He's three blocks east. We can get a police escort![CN] 往东走三个街区,我们有警员护送! House of Sand and Fog (2003)
Your ride's a half a block ahead.[CN] 前面半个街区处有辆车接你们 The Getaway (2003)
About three more blocks. Right after North Avenue.[CN] 大约再过三个街区 就在北大街后 Ladder 49 (2004)
Just a walk around the block.[CN] 街区走走 Ally's Birth (2001)
It's not for another two blocks.[CN] 还要两个街区才到啊 If Only (2004)
He's a two-time loser, lives a mile from where Gloria Torres was shot and works four blocks from where an HK was stolen in December.[CN] 他是犯了两次事的 住在离Gloria被射杀的地方一里的地方 工作的地方离12月HK被偷的地点4个街区 Blood Work (2002)
They don't believe in territories, they've got informants on every block, and, I'm afraid to say, in every law enforcement organization.[JP] 彼らは縄張りを信じてない 彼らは全ての街区で情報提供者がいる そして 言うのが怖いわ Brotherhood (2014)
Not one, 27. Twenty-seven blocks?[CN] 不是一个,是二十七个街区 二十七个街区 The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
Then I want you to set up roadblocks in a 5 mile radius and coordinate SAT surveillance, traffic cameras, everything we have got[CN] 同时在5个街区范围内设立路障 使用空中巡逻, 卫星监控, 交通摄像等 所有方法来找他 Day 3: 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. (2004)
- Get faster off the blocks?[CN] - 赶快走出街区 Man on Fire (2004)
We've rigged the lower level with enough C-4 to level the entire city block.[CN] 我们在地下室里安装了C -4炸药 足够摧毁整个街区 Firebomb (2003)
- Get faster off the blocks.[CN] 没错,赶快走出街区 Man on Fire (2004)
It's cold. He walked from Montparnasse.[CN] 那天好冷,他从蒙巴纳斯(街区)走来 The Gleaners and I: Two Years Later (2002)
He must've grew up in a White neighbourhood.[CN] 他一定是在白人街区长大的 National Security (2003)
9293, the two zones we're in.[CN] 92、93,我们所在的街区 District B13 (2004)
Step on it.[CN] - 那离这只有2个街区.. Taxi (2004)
I kinda had to abandon my car in this 50-foot snowdrift, then walk 20 blocks to get here.[CN] 事实上, 我把我的车子扔在了半呎深的雪堆里 然后走了20个街区才到的这 Snow Day (2002)
We've rigged the lower level with enough C-4 to level the entire city block.[CN] 我们在地下室里安装了C -4炸药 足够摧毁整个街区 A Free Agent (2003)
Why don't you take a lap around the block, Lionel?[JP] 何で街区の周りで 保護しないんだ ライオネル? Deus Ex Machina (2014)
Get Edison on the phone. Kill the power to the whole block.[CN] 给爱迪生打电话 让他切断真个街区的电源供应 Spider-Man (2002)
Besides I just had to look for the most gauche house on the block.[CN] 而且 我只要找这个街区最难看的房子就行了. Queen of the Damned (2002)
You have to go 42 blocks in 7 1/2 minutes or your ass is fired.[CN] 你还有7分半钟可以赶到44街区去 赶不到的话就撅屁股滚蛋吧 Spider-Man 2 (2004)
I'm two blocks away.[CN] 就在两个街区 Son of the Bride (2001)
I want LAPD notified, roadblocks at appropriate intersections, and an ambulance standing by.[CN] 我想要LAPD的资料和 在恰当路口的街区位置 一辆救护车随时待命 The Box: Part 2 (2002)
They each carry a payload of six laser-guided missiles, most of which could take out half a city block.[JP] 彼らはそれぞれのペイロードを運ぶ 6レーザー誘導ミサイルの、そのほとんどが 半分街区を取り出すことができます。 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. (2014)
One block, but they are one ways so you'll be better off on foot.[CN] 一个街区,不过都是单行线,所以你最好跑过去 Day 3: 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. (2003)
Oh, let me guess. It's just a few blocks from here.[CN] 我猜猜看,离这里只有几个街区 Kinsey (2004)
You'd have to take out a city block to kill the power.[CN] 必须要切断一个街区的全部供电设施 The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
They are close the block off and search We must be separated![CN] 他们正封锁街区进行搜捕 我们必须分开! Ruby & Quentin (2003)
He's going south on Vine, 2 blocks below Hill[CN] 他在凡恩大街向南行驶, 希尔大街两个街区以南 Day 3: 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. (2004)
This whole block is vacant. Let it all burn.[CN] 这整个街区都是空的 让他们都烧了 Ladder 49 (2004)

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