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街区[がいく, gaiku] (n) block (of land) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Welcome to my neighborhood. 2240 Lillibridge.[CN] 欢迎来我的街区 莉利桥2240号 A Band Called Death (2012)
Lived in the same neighborhoods.[CN] 住同一个街区 lived in the same neighborhoods. The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2012)
Now eastbound through the alley at twenty hundred block from Hooper.[CN] 现在胡珀两千街区,向东穿过小巷行驶 End of Watch (2012)
Next block there would be an underground garage.[CN] 下一个街区 有个地下车库 Cosmopolis (2012)
I run the block! You feel me?[CN] 这个街区特么是爷管的,你知道么 Freelancers (2012)
I don't want anybody getting out of this area, not in a five-block radius![CN] 我不想任何人 离开这个区域,或者半径五个街区 Freelancers (2012)
I wanted to personally assure you that we're locked down here. We're completely safe.[CN] 我亲自向你保证所有街区都已被封锁,不用担心人身安全的问题 Alex Cross (2012)
Eastbound through the alley at twenty hundred block from Hooper.[CN] 胡珀两千街区,向东穿过小巷行驶 End of Watch (2012)
- Really? No, it's literally two blocks up to the left.[CN] 就在两个街区外的左手边 To Rome with Love (2012)
I have 20 square blocks locked down. 20 blocks. Locked down.[CN] 整整封锁了20个街区,20个街区都封锁了 Alex Cross (2012)
People got shot on our block, nobody ever cut our rent.[CN] 我们街区也有人被打死 可没见谁给我们减租 House at the End of the Street (2012)
The streets are dangerous, we don't control them all.[CN] 街上很危险,我们并没有控制所有的街区 What the Day Owes the Night (2012)
It's okay. Our school's two blocks that way.[CN] 还不错吧 我们的学校就在两个街区之外 Gone (2012)
Now, she taught me to use our barrio's walls as a canvas to tell your story and your story...[CN] 现在 她教我们把街区的墙壁 当成帆布来诉说你们的故事 而你们的故事... From Prada to Nada (2011)
These streets belong to me.[CN] 这些街区属于我的 Spring Breakers (2012)
Get a little respect in the neighborhood, maybe a little payback.[CN] 街区里面收到尊敬, 或者得到一点好处 Freelancers (2012)
See, we grew up in the black community, so...[CN] 要知道,我们成长在黑人街区... A Band Called Death (2012)
There's a board-and-care facility 15 blocks from here.[CN] 离这15个街区有个医疗中心 Pilot (2012)
- Take the next right, go down one block you'll come to a gelato shop, walk one block and turn left.[CN] 下一个路口右转,过一个街区 你会看到一家冰淇淋店 再过一个街区 To Rome with Love (2012)
Thirteen x nine is requesting additional supervisors to the four thousand block at Naomi.[CN] 13区9组在娜奥米四千街区处要求额外监察 End of Watch (2012)
I got my own kiosk, one block from the boardwalk.[CN] 我有了自己的售货亭, 一个街区的浮桥。 Imogene (2012)
See, we are never gonna be safe in our own neighborhood.[CN] 看到了吧 我们在自己的街区都不安全 Bad Ass (2012)
And it's only a half a block from the Alibi.[CN] 她家离Alibi酒吧才差半个街区 A Beautiful Mess (2012)
Every Fourth of July, our neighbors, the Warrens, throw a big party for the whole block.[CN] 每次国庆日 邻居沃伦一家就会为整个街区开派对 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (2012)
An incisor two blocks east.[CN] 两个街区以东有颗门牙 Rise of the Guardians (2012)
And I want a team in those neighborhoods where he picks up the children.[CN] 我要在这些街区的一个团队 他拿起孩子。 Trade of Innocents (2012)
They don't believe in territories, they've got informants on every block, and, I'm afraid to say, in every law enforcement organization.[JP] 彼らは縄張りを信じてない 彼らは全ての街区で情報提供者がいる そして 言うのが怖いわ Brotherhood (2014)
I got 17 minutes to go 22 blocks.[CN] 我得在17分钟内赶到22个街区远的地方 Safety in Numbers (2012)
I'm about two blocks away. I see it.[CN] 是,长官我在两街区外,我看到了 Chronicle (2012)
Works as a counselor in a youth probation facility a few blocks over.[CN] 在几个街区远的少管所当顾问 War of the Roses (2012)
Sony reds with bird's-eye views or hood blues[CN] 摄像头监视着每个街区 Freelancers (2012)
Walk one block, make a right, go up two blocks and take another right.[CN] 过一个街区右转 再过两个街区右转 To Rome with Love (2012)
How do you guys like this neighborhood?[CN] 你们觉得这个街区怎么样? Gone (2012)
I noticed a couple of blocks from here a pretty nice motel.[CN] 但是我看到几个街区外有一家很不错的旅馆 The Sessions (2012)
Why don't you take a lap around the block, Lionel?[JP] 何で街区の周りで 保護しないんだ ライオネル? Deus Ex Machina (2014)
Oh, well, this is kind of weird, but we live a few blocks over, and my brother hasn't been home in a few days.[CN] 呵呵,好了, 这是很怪的, 但是我们住在几个街区过来, 和我哥一直未回家 在几天内。 Besties (2012)
Recruiting station's, like, two blocks that way.[CN] 新兵征募站过两个街区不就到了么 Summer Loving (2012)
- Two blocks this way.[CN] - 走这过去两个街区 Entanglement (2012)
They each carry a payload of six laser-guided missiles, most of which could take out half a city block.[JP] 彼らはそれぞれのペイロードを運ぶ 6レーザー誘導ミサイルの、そのほとんどが 半分街区を取り出すことができます。 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. (2014)
I want you to jam the cell grid. We'll take out twenty square blocks minimum in all directions.[CN] 对私人无线通信进行干扰,范围至少覆盖周围20个街区 Alex Cross (2012)
We take the J train to the 4, the 4 to Grand Central, change trains to Riverdale and walk three blocks to his fancy new stable.[CN] 再由4号线转中央车站 然后转火车去河谷站 最后下车走3个街区 就到他华丽的新家了 And the Secret Ingredient (2012)
Them dudes is straight-off-the-block, no-joke murderers, killers and baseheads... motherfucking nightmares walking.[CN] 这些家伙在街区横冲直撞 不开玩笑的杀人犯 杀手和吸毒者... Spring Breakers (2012)
Notice from 10. Person Wanted.[CN] 51号街区发生情况, 请立刻去支援... The Hypnotist (2012)
Took out an entire block in California. Sixteen dead.[CN] 在加州有个炸了整个街区的 死了16个 A Beautiful Mess (2012)
Well, they just live a few blocks over there on Seventh.[CN] 他们就住在离这儿几街区的第七街区 Bad Ass (2012)
- Uh, so it's two blocks. - Uh-huh, two blocks.[CN] 走过两个街区 过两个街区 To Rome with Love (2012)
Exit the hotel, go right, down two blocks and to the left.[CN] 出饭店右转 过两个街区再左转 To Rome with Love (2012)
So you're telling us that you went to buy baby aspirin in a corner store on College street here, [CN] 你告诉我们你是去大学街这边便利店里买儿童阿司匹林的 这里你家可有18个街区 Leap of Faith (2012)
She was driving on the sidewalk... for three blocks and didn't even realize it... and then hit two pedestrians.[CN] 她在人行道上开车 开了三个街区 竟然没有意识到 然后撞了两个行人 Starlet (2012)
We found him a block away with two suitcases, cash, and a forged passport.[CN] 我们在一个街区外发现了他 带着两个大箱子 现金和假护照 War of the Roses (2012)


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