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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
镇静剂[zhèn jìng jì, ㄓㄣˋ ㄐㄧㄥˋ ㄐㄧˋ,    /   ] tranquilizer #48,655 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Then he says he'll get me a sedative and that he understands everything quite well.[CN] 然后他给我打镇静剂 他明白应该如何处理 Wild Strawberries (1957)
He's now in the operating room. He's sedated. They're almost done.[CN] 他现在在手术室我们给他打了 镇静剂手术就快结束了 Europe '51 (1952)
We had to get the interns to administer a sedative.[CN] 我们只好让实习医生开了点镇静剂 Cry of the City (1948)
Not yet, he's still sedated.[CN] 还不行,他的镇静剂还没醒 Europe '51 (1952)
- Give her a sedative.[CN] - 给她注射镇静剂 Episode #2.3 (1990)
I believe I prescribed a sedative for you, didn't I?[CN] 我给你开了镇静剂,不是吗 Sorry, Wrong Number (1948)
There was nothing stronger than a few grains of phenobarbital.[CN] 只有少量的镇静剂 Strangers in the Night (1944)
-Sedative.[CN] -镇静剂 Cry of the City (1948)
Can't you give him a hypo, Doc? Something to knock him out, put him to sleep?[CN] 能打支镇静剂 让他睡会吗? Twelve O'Clock High (1949)
- tranquillising pill every hour.[CN] - 每小时服用一次镇静剂药片。 Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
- Yes. You might bring Mr. De Winter a sedative.[CN] 需要 你可以拿支镇静剂给德温特先生 Rebecca (1940)
(Irene) When did they inject him ?[CN] 他们什么时候给他打的镇静剂 Europe '51 (1952)

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