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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
通畅[tōng chàng, ㄊㄨㄥ ㄔㄤˋ,   /  ] unobstructed; clear #14,565 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You're cleared for flight level 370, LTD-740.[CN] 飞行高度370通畅 LTD -740 Hijacked (2012)
The water never flowed better.[CN] 沟渠通畅 The Prince of Winterfell (2012)
I didn't see you there coming down this long, brightly-lit, unobstructed corridor walking straight towards me.[CN] 我没有看到你有这样下来 长,色泽明亮,通畅的走廊... ...走直朝着我。 Arthur (2011)
Gentlemen, keep your lines free. Those guys are busy at the other end.[CN] 先生们, 请保持通讯通畅, 另一方的联络将会很紧张 Lone Survivor (2013)
We make sure there is nothing left and go out the other side.[CN] 保证那里道路通畅, 然后向另一边推进 Lebanon (2009)
Just one of those days, Stu. Shit's not flowing.[CN] - 每个月总有那么几天不通畅 At the Movies (2012)
So I'm supposed to watch out for cops, fly the plane, make sure you got a clear lane and look out for homeless people coming out of the shadows?[CN] 这么说 我既得提防条子 开飞机 保证你们道路通畅 还得小心暗中冲出来的流浪汉? Need for Speed (2014)
Kleb, you better get Brookwell and you let him know that his[CN] Kleb, 通知所有人保持电话通畅,让他知道如果他不马上封锁市政厅 Alex Cross (2012)
Those streets are jammed, except for a few, specific, not-well-known routes.[CN] 街道拥挤 但总有几条鲜为人知的通畅小道 Resonance (2009)
My circulation is increasing and my fatigue is dissipating.[CN] 全身经血通畅,神清气爽 Thermae Romae II (2014)
You see, the energy source, the material that you need to keep the throat of a wormhole open is something so ex otic that we cannot produce it in the laboratory.[CN] 让虫洞一直保持通畅的... 能量和原料太特殊 所以无法在实验室中制造 Black Holes (2010)
Lots of people moving in and out of the city, so let's keep the roads moving, and we'll have a nice, quiet morning.[CN] 很多人会进出市区 我们要保持道路通畅 不要出事儿 Girls' Night Out (2012)

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