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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
输送[shū sòng, ㄕㄨ ㄙㄨㄥˋ,   /  ] transport; carry #9,061 [Add to Longdo]
输送媒介[shū sòng méi jiè, ㄕㄨ ㄙㄨㄥˋ ㄇㄟˊ ㄐㄧㄝˋ,     /    ] transport medium [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
A city of uniformly sized vegetables... waits every day for the hundreds of trucks... that will take them to the continent's supermarkets.[CN] 大小一致的蔬菜每天等着 几百辆卡车 输送到欧洲各地 Home (2009)
It would appear to be alien in its source except... except for the material found along with it, which we think might be a casing or a delivery system.[CN] 根源似乎是来自外星, 除了... 除了跟它一同被发现的材料 我们认为可能是壳或是输送系统 The Andromeda Strain (2008)
The fields' circular shape... derives from the pipes that irrigate them around a central pivot.[CN] 灌溉的管线从中心点往外输送 造成圆形的田地 Home (2009)
Instead of tacking a gold plate with pictures onto a satellite like we did with voyager, maybe a more efficient way of sending a message is in a seedlike culture of bacterium or viruses.[CN] 与其像在发射旅行者号时 附加上金属板来输送影像 不如用更有效率的方式来传递信息 好比用种子般大小的培养菌或病毒 The Andromeda Strain (2008)
The team is beginning to understand why sightings of this shark are so rare.[CN] 最后在黑暗的海水中 我们发现了潜水员的灯光 呼吸氧气 氧气输送来了 Mediterranean Sea (2008)
I've recalibrated the dispensing conduits and aligned the ejection mechanism and...[CN] 我已经重新校准了输送管道 并且调直了发射装置... Meet the Robinsons (2007)
Carl, the time machine, the travel tubes.[CN] 卡尔,时光机器 输送管道 Meet the Robinsons (2007)
It carries oxygen to our organs, right?[CN] 它将氧气输送到我们的各器官 Burning House of Love (2008)
If they were sending the electricity down wires, where are all the wires that would it been all over the culture.[CN] 如果他们将电流输送到导线上 那么 那些导线又在哪里 Chariots, Gods and Beyond (2009)
And how do you preach democracy and still send billions to Saudi kings who are the furthest thing from it?[CN] 既然要推广民主 却为什么向沙特这样离民主 十万八千里的国家输送数十亿的美元? Lions for Lambs (2007)
Conditions continue to deteriorate after two levies broke sending water coursing through the streets.[CN] 台风停止两天之后 情况更加恶劣 输送水道被破坏 Streets of Blood (2009)
We're waiting on a conveyor.[CN] 我们正在等待将行李输送完毕 Taking Chance (2009)

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