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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
思量[sī liang, ㄙ ㄌㄧㄤ˙,  ] to reckon; to consider; to turn over in one's mind #19,907 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
A while back I had this bleeding hemorrhoid, and I was sweating as I looked down into the toilet to see if any blood was dripping, and I thought to myself...[CN] 不久以前 我有一个流血的痔疮 当我低头看厕所时我就会汗流浃背 去看是否有血正在往下滴 我会自我思量 The Making of Fanny and Alexander (1984)
"Celia, you're breaking my heart"[CN] 思量,自难忘,那个「思」? Due West: Our Sex Journey (2012)
Helen, I have been going over and over this in my mind for four months now.[CN] Helen, I have been going over and over this in my mind 海伦,过去四个月我一直 for four months now. 在心里反复思量 Episode #1.8 (2014)
We need to get that note dusted for prints as soon as possible.[CN] 长官,你在思量什么? The Secret of the Flame Tree (2017)
Hey, honey. I've been mulling over your Sacramento decision.[CN] 亲爱的 我一直在思量你去萨克拉门托的这个决定 Suddenly, Last Summer (2013)
So, if you think about that for a moment, you recognize that if we do find a signal, the odds are pretty good that that signal's coming from artificial intelligence, not some soft, squishy, little gray guy with big eyeballs.[CN] 所以 你若是思量片刻 你就会承认如果我们发现了信号 运气太好了 Can We Live Forever? (2011)
Good, which is why I've been giving a lot of thought as to who your next handler will be.[CN] 所以我才翻来覆去 思量着让谁做你的下一任管理者 Taking Stock (2014)
I'll get us some lemonade and we'll sit down and give it a think and we'll work the problem out.[CN] 我去倒点柠檬水来 然后坐下来 好好思量一下 再一起把问题给解决掉 Episode #2.9 (1990)
Upon reflection, I believe there's a connection between his appearance and Josie's fear.[CN] 再反覆思量,我相信 他的出现 和乔西的恐惧之间 是有联系的 Episode #2.21 (1991)
Why do you have to go through this trouble?[CN] 又何苦费煞思量 White Vengeance (2011)
Alright. Come on![CN] 双方都有道理,真是叫朕费煞思量 Hail the Judge (1994)
I have the perfect ones in mind.[CN] 我心中自有思量 One Way (2010)

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