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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
远东[yuǎn dōng, ㄩㄢˇ ㄉㄨㄥ,   /  ] Far East #12,833 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
This house is really nice. You've been to the Far East?[CN] 这房子真的好漂亮 你去过远东? Lady Emanuelle (1989)
He became a professor of Oriental studies at London University, and he wrote a book.[CN] 他成了伦敦大学远东学系的教授 The Last Emperor (1987)
Far to the west deep in the mountains, is the forest of the Deer God.[CN] 远东到西... ...... 在大山深处,_是神鹿的森林。 Princess Mononoke (1997)
Indonesia was one of the new "tiger economies" everyone was getting so excited about.[CN] 印度尼西亚是远东区 新亚洲小虎经济国家 Rogue Trader (1999)
- In the Far East?[CN] -在远东 Murder on the Orient Express (1974)
That's compared to, like, earthquakes in the Far East or testicular cancer, is it ?[CN] 就像远东地震或者睪丸癌一样无可奈何 Notting Hill (1999)
It's ok, in Vladivostok they all rolling drunk already.[CN] 是上帝的错,这是在远东,他迟到了 9th Company (2005)
The main eftect of the war against Japan in the Far East was the nourishing of the spirit of nationalism in Asia.[CN] (诺贝尔·弗兰克兰德 历史学家) 在远东的这场反对日本的战争的主要 结果 是亚洲的民族主义精神的滋长 Reckoning: 1945... and After (1974)
"The Japanese are presenting at 1p.m Eastern Standard Time today what amounts to an ultimatum.[CN] 『在今日远东时间下午一点』 『日本官方对我国发出最后通牒』 Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)
C.D.G., F.E., M.E, Memphis on the airport truck. Everything else right there.[CN] 法国、远东、中东 孟菲斯的装车,其余的放那边 Cast Away (2000)
- He's the finest coach in the Far East.[CN] 远东最佳教练 没错 MASH (1970)
An emergency assignment has come up in the Far East.[CN] 远东有紧急情况 Spy Kids (2001)
1, 400 miles due south is Vladivostock - the capital of the Russian Far East - where the only railway line across Russia meets the Pacific.[CN] 向南1400英里,是符拉迪奥斯托克。 俄罗斯远东区首府。 唯一横贯俄罗斯的铁路在那里与太平洋交汇。 Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)
We decode this quicker than the Japanese embassy right here in Washington.[CN] 我们解码速度 比驻华盛顿日本大使馆还快 BRATTON,远东部队司令官 Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)
You're filming in the Far East?[CN] 你们要在远东拍摄? King Kong (2005)
Miss Duke and I shall be traveling through the Far East for the next six months.[CN] 下半年杜克小姐和我应该 在穿越远东的旅途中 Bernard and Doris (2006)
I wonder how a woman who's lived in the Far East makes love...[CN] 我想知道生活在远东的女人床上怎样 Lady Emanuelle (1989)
With fair hair, blue eyes, lost at age 8 when civil war broke out in the Far East?[CN] 八岁时同时也在远东走失的? Doctor Zhivago (1965)
Because, uh, we're expanding the business in the Far East.[CN] 我们想把生意扩展到远东 because, uh, we're expanding the business in the Far East... Six Days Seven Nights (1998)
But with Commonwealth forces again poised to push the Axis out of Africa, they were again denuded of troops and equipment, this time for the Far East, where Japan's entry into the war threatened British bases in Burma and Malaya.[CN] 但当英联邦部队正预备再次 把轴心国(部队)赶出非洲, 他们又再次被剥夺了部队和装备, 这次是为了远东, 在那里日本的参战威胁到了 缅甸和马来亚的英国基地 The Desert: North Africa - 1940-1943 (1973)
At Jerusalem, they'll race the world's finest teams and the champion of the East, Messala, with his black devils.[CN] 在耶路撒冷 它们将与世上最好的队伍竞赛... 还有远东的冠军 梅瑟拉的黑魔队 Ben-Hur (1959)
There are only forty Amur leopards left in the wild and that number is falling.[CN] 如今世界上只存活着40只远东豹 而且这个数目还在减少 From Pole to Pole (2006)
The Amur leopard symbolises the fragility of our natural heritage.[CN] 远东豹充分暴露了自然遗产的脆弱 From Pole to Pole (2006)
Ann, I want you to imagine... a handsome explorer bound for the Far East.[CN] 安,我要你想象... 一个前往远东的英俊探险家 King Kong (2005)
You need to sample the exotic cuisine of the Far East.[CN] 你需要来自远东的异国美食 That Thing You Do! (1996)
I have good contacts in the Far East.[CN] 我在远东有很好的关系 Doctor Zhivago (1965)
While in the Far East, it's soft "flage"and light bondage.[CN] 在远东,则是轻度的捆绑 Kinsey (2004)
I'd just finished my first Far-East briefing at the White House.[CN] 我完成了我首次的远东报告 而且在白宫里 Spirit (2001)
The Americans have an Army in the Philippines and they have moved their Pacific Fleet from San Diego to Pearl Harbor.[CN] 美国在菲律宾还有驻远东军队 而他们从 圣地牙哥派来太平洋舰队 Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)
Merely a technique familiar to certain citizens of the orient and various holy men of the Himalayas.[CN] 只有遥远东方的奇人异士 以及喜马拉雅山的圣者才会 The Prestige (2006)
I hear he's taking Sam on this Far East junket.[CN] 我听说他服用山姆 在这个远东中介人。 Vice Versa (1988)
An opportunity of gaining something which was real and important in the Middle Eastern theatre was lost for the sake of something which was very doubtful and unlikely to pay off in the Far East.[CN] 一个在中东战区取得真正和重要的战果的机会 就因为在远东的一些很值得怀疑 和不太可能奏效的东西而失去了 The Desert: North Africa - 1940-1943 (1973)
Our land stretches from farthest west to distant east.[CN] 我国远远延伸到西部 远东 Gladiatress (2004)
(narrator) But Stimson wanted to avoid hasty decisions in Europe or the Far East before the bomb was ready.[CN] 但史汀生想要在原子弹准备好之前 避免在欧洲或远东作出草率的决定 The Bomb: February-September 1945 (1974)
The Far Eastern war cloud casts its shadow over the whole world.[CN] 远东的战争风云给整个世界投下阴影 Banzai! Japan: 1931-1942 (1973)
We're gonna be back in the Far East.[CN] 咱们回远东去 Heaven & Earth (1993)
A covert operation is being geared up in the Far East.[CN] 在远东有一项地下任务要进行 Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985)
In the Far East the Soviets made gains that the Americans after the war felt were far greater than they deserved, given their contribution to the victory over Japan, which Americans thought was a minimal or even a non-existent contribution.[CN] 在工业化的欧洲国家之间 在远东地区苏联的收获 美国在战后认为 比他们战前得到的多 From War to Peace: Professor Stephen Ambrose (2001)
Far East, huh?[CN] 远东地区是吗? Lockdown (2006)
We think we've located him in the Far East.[CN] 我想我们在远东找得到他 Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993)
Does it include products of the far eastern provinces?[CN] 这里面包括远东 各省份的产品吗? Ninotchka (1939)
And the crisis which started in the Caucasus... has now spread to the Far East... and appears to be turning into the worst standoff since the Cuban missile crisis.[CN] 而在高加索开始的危机 现在已扩大至远东 可能成为自古巴导弹危机以来 最严重的僵局 Crimson Tide (1995)
The Amur leopard - the rarest cat in the world.[CN] 这是远东豹 世界上最稀有的猫科动物 From Pole to Pole (2006)
We've been ordered to get under way at 0600 hours... to assume alert coverage, mid-Pacific, the Far Eastern TVD target package.[CN] 我们接到命令在6: 00出发 假设中太平洋 远东区警戒状态 瞄准俄国多目标 Crimson Tide (1995)
The Far East?[CN] 远东? The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)
Have you been in the Far East? No.[CN] 你去过远东吗? The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)
I was born out there. In the Far East somewhere.[CN] 我出生在远东的什么地方 Doctor Zhivago (1965)
Peter researches Asian musicals for UNESCO.[CN] 他是联合国教科文组织的 远东音乐研究人员 Emmanuelle II (1975)
Long is our City limit sign.[CN] 远东是一个迹象,我们镇的极限 Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road (2002)
The Far East.[CN] 远东 Wings of Desire (1987)

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