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远东[yuǎn dōng, ㄩㄢˇ ㄉㄨㄥ,   /  ] Far East #12,833 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Faraway Downs belongs to me.[CN] 远东牧场属于我 Australia (2008)
Back, once more, over Siberia, to the Far East and the Pacific Coast.[CN] 再次回到西伯利亚,抵达远东和 太平洋海岸。 Russland - Im Reich der Tiger, Bären und Vulkane (2011)
Christianity is now so identified with the West that we've forgotten that long ago the belief that God became man in Jesus found fertile ground in the Far East.[CN] 基督教现在与西方如此地水乳交融, 以至于我们忘记了很久以前, 关于神在耶稣里成为人的信念 在远东找到了丰沃的土壤。 The First Christianity (2009)
Lord Maitland Ashley is mustering on Faraway Downs?[CN] - Maitland Ashley勋爵 远东牧场的牛准备出售? Australia (2008)
We are making delivery of 1, 500 head of prime F.D. Branded shorthorns.[CN] 我们要运送1500头 上等的远东农场短角牛 Australia (2008)
It's ok, in Vladivostok they all rolling drunk already.[CN] 是上帝的错,这是在远东,他迟到了 9th Company (2005)
Are you, uh, running cattle out of Faraway Downs, Mr. Fletcher?[CN] 你有在... 把牛赶出远东牧场吗 Fletcher先生? Australia (2008)
This is Herrnhut on the far eastern border of Germany.[CN] 这是位于德国远东边境的黑恩胡特。 Protestantism: The Evangelical Explosion (2009)
Miss Duke and I shall be traveling through the Far East for the next six months.[CN] 下半年杜克小姐和我应该 在穿越远东的旅途中 Bernard and Doris (2006)
Drover take Mrs. Boss to Faraway Downs... in a great, big, fancy truck.[CN] Drover载着女主人前往远东牧场... 坐着一个皮实 漂亮的 大卡车 Australia (2008)
Shanghai is the key[CN] 上海是远东的金融中心 The Founding of a Republic (2009)
What I've always wanted- Faraway Downs.[CN] 我一直想要的 - 远东牧场 Australia (2008)
Doesn't look like they're gonna sell Faraway Downs to me, Neil.[CN] 这可不像要把 远东牧场卖给我的样子 Neil Australia (2008)
When you came into a place as an American, you were regarded with considerable respect.[CN] [ 原中情局远东地区负责人约瑟夫. W. 史密斯 ] 当你到了美国这样的地方 The Man Nobody Knew: In Search of My Father, CIA Spymaster William Colby (2011)
Inform your lawyer that Faraway Downs is no longer for sale.[CN] 告诉你律师远东牧场不卖了 Australia (2008)
So you're just driving me all the way out to Faraway Downs... as a personal favor to my husband, are you?[CN] 所以你只是 顺路卖个人情给我丈夫... - 把我载到远东牧场 是吗? - 不 Australia (2008)
Drover, I'll see you at Faraway Downs![CN] Drover, 咱们远东牧场见! Australia (2008)
I'll see you mob in Faraway Downs. Here, fellas, make some room for the kids, will ya?[CN] 我们远东牧场再见了 伙计们 给孩子留点空间 好吗? Australia (2008)
They suspect he has sold his technology to the Far East under the code name Clusterstorm.[CN] 他们怀疑他把这个技术卖给了远东地区 编号叫"群体风暴" G-Force (2009)
The Far East, Asia.[CN] 远东,东南亚战场 In the Loop (2009)
I don't want a single beast from Faraway Downs... to set a hoof on that wharf.[CN] 我不想有一头 远东牧场的牛... 踏上这个码头 Australia (2008)
That land, it grow green and fat, and we all go back to Faraway Downs.[CN] 这片土地变得绿沃而丰饶... 我们都回到了远东牧场 Australia (2008)
Faraway Downs will be reborn as an island- green and flowering and fat with life.[CN] 远东牧场会像岛一样重生- 绿草中鲜花丛生 生活多姿多彩 Australia (2008)
There are only forty Amur leopards left in the wild and that number is falling.[CN] 如今世界上只存活着40只远东豹 而且这个数目还在减少 From Pole to Pole (2006)
There are only forty Amur leopards left in the wild and that number is still falling.[CN] 目前仅有40只左右的远东豹 而且它的数量还在减少 Seasonal Forests (2006)
The Amur leopard symbolises the fragility of our natural heritage.[CN] 远东豹充分暴露了自然遗产的脆弱 From Pole to Pole (2006)
I'm going to finish what Maitland set out to do, and I am going to bring Faraway Downs back to life.[CN] 我去完成祖国的事业... 我要让远东牧场起死回生 Australia (2008)
No, no, no. China is another country. It's in the Far East, near India.[CN] 不不不,中国是个国家,在远东,靠近印度 Pirates II: Stagnetti's Revenge (2008)
A flight over Siberia to the most distant point of this great empire, where Russia's Far East meets the Pacific Ocean.[CN] 掠过西伯利亚上空的航班, 到达 这个伟大的帝国的最远端, 在那里俄罗斯的远东地区濒临太平洋。 Russland - Im Reich der Tiger, Bären und Vulkane (2011)
How long till we reach Faraway Downs?[CN] 我们还要多久 才能到远东牧场? Australia (2008)
No, no, we don't work together. I'm on the far east desk at state.[CN] 不 不 我们不在一起工作 我在国家远东办公室工作 Love Always (2009)
Faraway Downs.[CN] - 远东牧场 Australia (2008)
An Amur leopard.[CN] 一只远东豹. Seasonal Forests (2006)
I'm Sarah Ashley, owner of Faraway Downs.[CN] 我是Sarah Ashley 远东农场的主人 Australia (2008)
My fiancé, Neil Fletcher, manages Faraway Downs.[CN] 我未婚夫 Neil Fletcher 负责管理远东牧场 Australia (2008)
Merely a technique familiar to certain citizens of the orient and various holy men of the Himalayas.[CN] 只有遥远东方的奇人异士 以及喜马拉雅山的圣者才会 The Prestige (2006)
That's Faraway Downs.[CN] 那可是远东牧场 Australia (2008)
That no matter. We gonna go back Faraway Downs.[CN] 无所谓了 我们要回到远东牧场 Australia (2008)
Her husband, Lord Ashley, claims he's mustering fats at Faraway Downs.[CN] 她丈夫 Ashley勋爵... 声称他在远东牧场的牛已肥膘 可以出售了 Australia (2008)
Faraway Downs?[CN] - 远东牧场? Australia (2008)
Now, I shall be in the Far East for a few days... and I want it taken care of while I'm away.[CN] 我会到远东几天... 我希望这件事 能在我不在的时候处理掉 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
The Amur leopard - the rarest cat in the world.[CN] 这是远东豹 世界上最稀有的猫科动物 From Pole to Pole (2006)
It will reach its perihelion and impact the Far East first.[CN] 它将会到达它的近日点,然后 首先冲击远东 Quantum Apocalypse (2010)
Have you been in the Far East? No.[CN] 你去过远东吗? The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)
Mrs. Boss is gonna sell Faraway Downs... and go back to England.[CN] 女主人要把远东牧场卖掉... 回英格兰去 Australia (2008)
Use the profits to put Faraway Downs back on its feet.[CN] 用所得利润重新振作远东牧场 Australia (2008)
The Church of the Middle East decided to spread to the Far East.[CN] 中东教会决定向远东发展。 The First Christianity (2009)
My husband must sell Faraway Downs.[CN] 我丈夫必须卖掉远东牧场 Australia (2008)
My family has had the honor of serving... the owners of Faraway Downs for three generations.[CN] 我一家很荣幸地侍奉了... 远东牧场主孙三代 Australia (2008)
I didn't want to see a single beast from Faraway Downs... set a hoof on that wharf, Neil.[CN] 我不想再看到任何一头 远东牧场的牲畜... 在码头上出现 Neil Australia (2008)


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