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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
规避[guī bì, ㄍㄨㄟ ㄅㄧˋ,   /  ] to evade; to dodge #10,718 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- The ones he recused himself from.[CN] 他要求规避的案件吗 Closing Arguments (2011)
I suppose there is a history of professional women using their initials so as not to be pre-judged.[CN] 我觉得职业女性用名字缩写来规避偏见 已经有段历史了 The Contractual Obligation Implementation (2013)
You know, maintain separation between dealer and supplier reduce risk et cetera.[CN] 把供货商和经销商完全分离 规避风险 等等 Shotgun (2011)
We're talking about lifting the environmental protections on that river.[CN] 我们能不谈养殖的三文鱼吗? 我们谈论的是那条河 规避了环境保护法令 Catch and Release (2004)
That's no reason to circumvent normal channels.[CN] 但这不是理由来规避 正常的办案渠道 Episode #2.4 (1990)
And this lawyer, he didn't tell you anything About how to break the law.[CN] 这律师没告诉你任何方法规避法律吧 The Line (2014)
Educated man who uses brains to circumvent the law.[CN] 他是受过教育的人, 用大脑规避法律。 The Asphalt Jungle (1950)
All right, I'm thinking one way to counter bias in the peer-review process is for papers to be submitted under gender-neutral names like S. Smith instead of Samantha Smith.[CN] 好了 我想到一种规避偏见的办法 在同行评审过程中 用中性化名字来投稿 比如说用S. The Contractual Obligation Implementation (2013)
Er, I get around, but that's not...[CN] 额,我在规避. Computer Chess (2013)
Above all, you are to avoid any enemy contact.[CN] 总之 你们必须规避一切危险 Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome (2012)
There's no time for evasive maneuvers.[CN] 没有时间进行机动规避了 There's no time for evasive maneuvers. Love Boat (2015)
The AUSA is attempting to circumvent...[CN] 联邦助理检察官正试图规避... A Defense of Marriage (2012)
I use a range of theories from the laws of probabilities to avoiding duplicate number systems.[CN] I use the laws of probabilities to avoid duplicate number systems. 我根据概率规律规避那些重复的数字模式 you get much more activity. My Girl (1991)
The prenup is voided.[CN] 这样婚前协议就被规避了 The Seven Day Rule (2013)
Cases where Judge Ellerbee recused himself. - Look at them.[CN] 考虑一下Ellerbee法官 要求规避的案件 查一查 Closing Arguments (2011)
They will be very cautious and may protect her better than your husband.[CN] 他们会比你更小心规避风险 Möbius (2013)
Autonomous Mapping Exploration and Evasion.[CN] Autonomous Mapping Exploration and Evasion 自动地形探测规避器 Red Planet (2000)
They refuse, and I mean that literally... they carefully avoid the issues of principle, freedom, ethics and making a good society to live in.[CN] 他们刻意规避那些 原则、自由、道德相关问题 The Code (2001)
But one man's cowardice Is another man's wise risk aversion.[CN] 但是别人心目中的怯懦 他还以为是明智的风险规避呢 The Witness (2015)
Survival, evasion, resistance, escape.[CN] 生存 规避 忍耐和逃亡 Survival Instincts (2013)
If you don't mind, I'm going to take evasive action.[CN] 若您不反对 我将采取规避措施 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005)
But I'm taking the danger out of it.[CN] 但是我能规避这种危险 The Enforcer (1951)
Evasive maneuvers![CN] 规避机动! Fanboys (2009)
Those freighters took evasive action.[CN] 这些货船已经采取了规避措施 Part VIII (1989)
I know you have your special bond with Lissa, but it makes your escape that much more alarming.[CN] 我知道你和莉莎有特殊的联结 但是它使你规避了更多的警报 Vampire Academy (2014)
My accountant used to laugh at me for being risk averse.[CN] 我的会计一直嘲笑我在规避风险 The Company You Keep (2012)
You staged an effort to circumvent the immigration laws of the United States.[CN] 你刻意规避美国移民法规 The Bourne Identity (2002)
To circumvent this Because to me, it's a challenge to eat vegetables ...[CN] 规避这个问题 因为 对我来说 是一个挑战 吃蔬菜 Hungry for Change (2012)
Evasive action! Beep![CN] 规避动作! Annoying Kid (2002)
- We're talking 50, 75 grand.[CN] 直到50,75000这样的规避。 Throwdown (2014)
I knew this was your plan![CN] 敌方很可能设有前哨基地 规避航路已经制定完毕 Space Battleship Yamato 2199 (2012)
"Suspected of 'should I say for legal purposes.[CN] 为了规避法律责任,我应该加个"听说" MacGruber (2010)
Take evasive action. Green Group, stick close to Holding Sector MV-7.[CN] 进行规避动作,绿色编队,紧密控制MV Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
Traffic is clear 2km behind the target.[CN] 道路规避完成,目标后2公里内无其它车辆 Ghost in the Shell (1995)
Right rudder, ahead flank, aye.[CN] 做好应对措施 开启规避机制 Legacy (2016)
Oh, you get around?[CN] 哦, 你在规避? Computer Chess (2013)
Go frak yourself, Caston.[CN] 滚一边去 Caston (BSG系列剧用frak来代替fuck以规避审查) Pilot (2009)
Pull back! Pull back![CN] 所有拖引机 采取规避动作 Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)
After years dodging the president's ban on "Immoral Biotech Research", [CN] 这些年 我的智囊团 After years dodging the 一直在规避"非道德生物研究"禁令 president's ban on "Immoral Biotech Research", Iron Man 3 (2013)

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