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物种[wù zhǒng, ㄨˋ ㄓㄨㄥˇ,   /  ] species #11,993 [Add to Longdo]
外来物种[wài lái wù zhǒng, ㄨㄞˋ ㄌㄞˊ ㄨˋ ㄓㄨㄥˇ,     /    ] an introduced species [Add to Longdo]
濒危物种[bīn wēi wù zhǒng, ㄅㄧㄣ ㄨㄟ ㄨˋ ㄓㄨㄥˇ,     /    ] endangered species [Add to Longdo]
濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约[Bīn wēi Yě shēng Dòng Zhí wù zhǒng Guó jì Mào yì Gōng yuē, ㄅㄧㄣ ㄨㄟ ㄧㄝˇ ㄕㄥ ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄓˊ ㄨˋ ㄓㄨㄥˇ ㄍㄨㄛˊ ㄐㄧˋ ㄇㄠˋ ㄧˋ ㄍㄨㄥ ㄩㄝ,               /           貿   ] Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; CITES [Add to Longdo]
物种起源[wù zhǒng qǐ yuán, ㄨˋ ㄓㄨㄥˇ ㄑㄧˇ ㄩㄢˊ,     /    ] Charles Darwin's Origin of Species [Add to Longdo]
频危物种[pín wēi wù zhǒng, ㄆㄧㄣˊ ㄨㄟ ㄨˋ ㄓㄨㄥˇ,     /    ] endangered species [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Humans, therefore, being not the only species on the planet, share this world with millions of other living creatures, as we all evolve here together.[CN] 因此,人类并不是这个星球上的唯一物种, 成千上百万的其它生物和人类一样, 共同演化,共同生活在这星球上。 Earthlings (2005)
A creature so sensitive to water... the very touch of it... burns her skin![CN] 稀有的物种 BloodRayne (2005)
Primeval landscapes belie its rich resourceful life[CN] 这是一片物种资源丰富的原始地貌 Australia: Land Beyond Time (2002)
Hunters help to control population Killing small number of animals.[CN] 可以避免某个物种的过量繁殖 或是某个种群的灭绝 对于野生动物来说 这不是危害 The Last Trapper (2004)
Isn't it enough that animals the world over live in permanent retreat from human progress and expansion?[CN] 难道这些还不够吗? 世界不是处于人类进步和扩张的用久性倒退中吗? 对许多物种来说,已经无路可逃了 Earthlings (2005)
I don't think any species is necessarily harmful to nature.[CN] 没有什么物种是有害的 The Last Trapper (2004)
The nooks and crannies, the complex structure of the reef is something that appeals to a vast number of species.[CN] 礁石角落和缝隙结构复杂 足以吸引大量的物种 Ocean Wonderland (2003)
The reefs are havens where sea life abounds and all the different species depend on each other for survival.[CN] 珊瑚礁是天堂 在这里聚集大量的海洋生物 和所有相互依存不同的物种 Ocean Wonderland (2003)
I hate the whole human race![CN] 我讨厌人类这个物种! The Hypnotized (2004)
they were fishing in uncharted air perhaps they caught something unexpected the academy would compensate us generously for a new species do ya not understand?[CN] 他们是在未知领域捕鱼 或许他们抓到了意想不到的东西 如果我们发现新物种,研究所会好好地补偿我们的 The Mysterious Geographic Explorations of Jasper Morello (2005)
- The blue-spotted salamander... just got downgraded from endangered to threatened last week.[CN] 上周蓝斑蜥蜴从濒临灭绝的物种 降为处于灭绝危险的物种 Catch and Release (2004)
Cart Hollerway, a coral researcher joined Michael to study interest species communication[CN] 凯特 霍罗维 珊瑚研究员 和米歇尔一起研究物种间的通讯 Coral Reef Adventure (2003)
The smugness with which man could do with other species as he pleased exemplified the most extreme racist theories, the principle that might is right".[CN] 那人们与纳粹无异 人类在别的物种面前不可一世 充分表现了无所不用其极的种族主义 它们信奉拥有暴力就是拥有真理 Earthlings (2005)
It's also quite dangerous.[CN] 本身也是危险物种 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
We kill the male, we kill the species.[CN] 我们毁灭了公龙, 我们就毁灭了整个物种. Reign of Fire (2002)
He used his machines to collect specimens representing all life on Earth.[CN] 他用他的机器人到处搜集样本 代表地球上的各个物种 Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)
That perception can only be that of a speciesist.[CN] 把动物当作商品看待 只是物种主义者一厢情愿的解释 Earthlings (2005)
Too late, our scientists discovered their true identity... a species which had burned the dinosaurs to dust, whose ash had brought on ice ages, who, in eons past, had scorched the world clean of life, [CN] 太晚了,科学家们发现了它们的 真实身份 -- 一个把恐龙烧为灰烬的物种 Reign of Fire (2002)
It is how we have evolved from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet.[CN] 变异使我们从单细胞生物 进化成地球上的统治物种 X2: X-Men United (2003)
They're an endangered species... which means the environmental protections on that river have to stay in place.[CN] 它们属于濒临绝种的物种 因此那条河仍应属于环境保护范围 Catch and Release (2004)
Charles talks about a new species.[CN] 查尔斯谈到新物种。 Anatomy 2 (2003)
Only one species is getting out of this alive.[CN] 只有一个物种可以活下去 Reign of Fire (2002)
One day, I'll reconstruct the DNA from animals that lived long before the virus.[CN] 终有一天 我会重建所有物种的DNA A Sound of Thunder (2005)
Similarly, speciesists allow the interests of their own species to override the greater interests of members of other species.[CN] 同理,物种主义者将其自身物种的利益, 凌驾于其它物种的更为广大的利益之上 Earthlings (2005)
By all that's holy, I think that's unknown to science.[CN] 这是新发现的物种 Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
What if there was a species above us in the food chain?[CN] 若这物种开始蔑视我们 The Hunted (2003)
Two new species in as many minutes. That's remarkable.[CN] 才刚来就发现两个新物种 太惊人了 Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
One day, I accidentally mixed up two or three different test tubes and created a new species... altogether.[CN] 我不小心把基因混在一起 创造出全新的物种 Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams (2002)
An endangered species native to Central Africa.[CN] 中非濒临灭绝的物种 山地猩猩喜欢群居 Urban Legends: Bloody Mary (2005)
Nothing this weak is meant to survive.[CN] 这么脆弱的物种应该被灭绝 The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
"We are not enemies, but friends.[CN] 和其它物种分享生存权 从来就不是人类的特色 "我们是朋友,不是敌人" X2: X-Men United (2003)
We've been porting the vampire gene into other species. Experimenting.[CN] 我们把吸血鬼的基因注入其他物种--实验性的 Blade: Trinity (2004)
Going from rat to rat is okay, but from species to species is not right.[CN] 但是,把它从一个物种 移植到另一个物种上 就不妥当了 Beyond Re-Animator (2003)
Last night in my dream... this ape and I are sitting staring at each other... and it was, like, across time and evolution.[CN] 昨天晚上,我梦到一只大猩猩... 我们面对面的坐着, 就好象我们打破了物种进化的时间界限... Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002)
if you are reading this you know that the creature is a treasure beyond price[CN] 如果你读到这些 你就知道那个物种是个无价之宝 The Mysterious Geographic Explorations of Jasper Morello (2005)
There is no sexism, no racism or speciesism in the term earthling.[CN] 作为地球公民,彼此之间没有 性别歧视,种族歧视和物种歧视。 Earthlings (2005)
Rainforest, cradle of biodiversity, marvel of ingenuity, new species, magical nature that we pollute and destroy as fast as we can.[CN] 雨林,生物多样性的摇篮 惊奇的巧思,新的物种 这奇妙的大自然 Amazon Forever (2004)
By analogy with racism and sexism, the term "speciesism" is a prejudice or attitude of bias in favor of the interests of members of one's own species and against those of members of other species.[CN] 与种族歧视,性别歧视一样, 物种歧视是一种偏见, 或者说是因为私立而 采取的不公正的态度 为了自己种族的利益 而欺凌别的族类。 Earthlings (2005)
Some kind of new creature ...[CN] 他们指什么人? 一种新的物种... The Chronicles of Riddick (2004)
If building this mall can save a species from becoming endangered... let's by all means do it.[CN] 如果建商场 能减少一种濒危物种 我们更应该放手去做 Catch and Release (2004)
And in other species, including non-human primates like rhesus monkeys, hormones programme development of these brain regions.[CN] 在其他的物种里 包括非人类的灵长类 像是恒河猴等 是贺尔蒙主导这些部位的成长 The Secret of Sex (2002)
As natural selection works solely by and for the good of each being... all corporeal and mental endowments will tend to progress towards perfection.[CN] 佛州29号州公路 两年前 物竞天择之下每种物种 只有最优秀者得以生存... 这是达尔文说的 Adaptation. (2002)
See, Dad, wild salmon are an endangered species.[CN] 爸爸你看 野生三文鱼是濒临灭绝的物种 Catch and Release (2004)
The strangest alliances have evolved between species in order to survive.[CN] 为了生存,物种之间已演变出 最奇怪的联盟 Ocean Wonderland (2003)
With so many different species, the competition for space and lunch can be fierce.[CN] 有这麽多不同的物种 空间和午餐的竞争 可是很激烈的 Ocean Wonderland (2003)
cooperation between species sustained lives here but sometimes it is almost invisible the coral's most important partners are tiny microscope alga that actually live inside the coral and most tissues[CN] 这里的生命靠物种之间的合作维持 但有时候 这几乎是看不见的 珊瑚最重要的伙伴 Coral Reef Adventure (2003)
Italian waiters are an endangered species.[CN] 意大利作家可是濒临绝种的物种哦. My Name Is Tanino (2002)
Just look at some of the species we've found.[CN] 只要看看一些物种 我们已经找到。 看到了吗? The Magic of Ordinary Days (2005)
I've had sex with 22 separate species of animals.[CN] 我和22个物种的动物发生过性关系 Kinsey (2004)
Most of the water they require is contained in the seeds they eat[CN] 它们所需的大多数水分都来自于它们吃的植物种子 Australia: Land Beyond Time (2002)

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